Group Buffer Pool Detail

This panel provides detailed information about the current activity in the specified Db2 group buffer pool or summarized information for all group buffer pools.

 ________________ ZGBP     VTM     O2       V540.#P SN12 11/05/13 14:08:43   2 
> Help PF1               Back PF3               Up PF7           Down PF8      
>                        GROUP BUFFER POOL DETAIL                              
 GBP   0                                                                       
+ Collection Interval:  REALTIME                         Start:  11/05 14:08:11
+ Report Interval:      31 sec                             End:  11/05 14:08:43
+ Read Hit %              =        .0%                                         
+                                    TOTAL  INTERVAL  /SECOND  /THREAD  /COMMIT
+                                 QUANTITY  QUANTITY  (   31)  (    0)  (    0)
+                                 --------  --------  -------  -------  -------
+ Reads - Cross-Invalidation:                                                  
+  Data Returned                      2231         0      .00      .00      .00
+  Data not in GBP-R/W Interest       1660         0      .00      .00      .00
+ Reads - Page Not Found:                                                      
+  Data Returned                        22         0      .00      .00      .00
+  Data not in GBP-R/W Interest        254         0      .00      .00      .00
+ Writes - Synchronous:                                                        
+  Changed Pages                     18745         0      .00      .00      .00
+  Clean Pages                           0         0      .00      .00      .00
+ Writes - Asynchronous:                                                       
+  Changed Pages                      2098         0      .00      .00      .00
+  Clean Pages                           0         0      .00      .00      .00
+ Write Failed - No Storage              0         0      .00      .00      .00
+ Pages Castout to DASD              13717         0      .00      .00      .00
+ GBP Castout Threshold Reached          0         0      .00      .00      .00
+ Castout Class Threshold Reached      287         0      .00      .00      .00
+ Other Requests                     21206         1      .03      .00      .00


For additional information about:
  • Buffer pool contents, select option A-BUFFER POOL at the top of the panel.
  • Near-term history activity, select option H-HISTORICAL at the top of the panel.
  • Other topics, use the PF keys.


If a group buffer pool is not currently in use by Db2, all fields are zero. OMEGAMON® XE for DB2 PE displays accumulated counts again when Db2 is using the group buffer pool.

Collection Interval
Shows the REALTIME to indicate that you are looking at the realtime version of this panel and not at the corresponding near-term history panel. The collection interval and the report interval are the same in this panel.
The start time of the report interval currently displayed.
Report Interval
The time in the last cycle (for example, between two presses of the Enter key).
The end time of the report interval currently displayed.
Read Hit %
The percentage of all Reads to the group buffer pool for which the needed data was found and returned to the member.
For each of the following fields, the following statistics values are provided:
Total quantity, which reflects the amount of activities since DB2 was started.
Interval quantity, which reflects the amount of activities during the last cycle.
Rate per second during the last cycle. The number under /SECOND (in parentheses) is the number of seconds in the interval.
Rate per thread during the last cycle. The number under /THREAD (in parentheses) is the number of Create Threads during the interval.
Rate per Commit during the last cycle. The number under /COMMIT (in parentheses) is the number of commit requests (including abort requests) during the interval.
Reads - Cross Invalidation: Data Returned
The number of reads to the group buffer pool required because the page in the member's buffer pool was invalidated, where the data was found and returned to the member.
Reads - Cross Invalidation: Data not in GBP-R/W Interest
The number of reads to the group buffer pool required because the page in the member's buffer pool was invalidated, where:
  • The data was not found in the group buffer pool and the member had to go to DASD to read the page
  • Other members had read/write interest in the pageset, so DB2 created a directory entry for this page if it did not already exist.
Reads - Page Not Found: Data Returned
The number of reads to the group buffer pool required because the page was not in the member's buffer pool where the data was found and returned to the member.
Reads - Page Not Found: Data not in GBP-R/W Interest
The number of reads to the group buffer pool required because the page was not in the member's buffer pool, where:
  • The data was not found in the group buffer pool and the member had to go to DASD to read the page
  • Other members had read/write interest in the pageset, so DB2 created a directory entry for this page if it did not already exist.
Writes - Synchronous: Changed Pages
The number of changed pages that are synchronously written to the group buffer pool. Pages can be forced out before the application commits if a buffer pool threshold is reached, or when P-lock negotiation forces the pages on the Vertical Deferred Write queue to be written to the group buffer pool.
Writes - Synchronous: Clean Pages
The number of clean pages that are synchronously written to the group buffer pool. Db2 writes clean pages for pagesets and partitions defined with GBPCACHE ALL.
Writes - Asynchronous: Changed Pages
The number of changed pages asynchronously written to the group buffer pool. Pages can be forced out before the application commits if a buffer pool threshold is reached, or when P-lock negotiation forces the pages on the Vertical Deferred Write queue to be written to the group buffer pool.
Writes - Asynchronous: Clean Pages
The number of clean pages asynchronously written to the group buffer pool. DB2 writes clean pages for pagesets and partitions defined with GBPCACHE ALL.
Write Failed - No Storage
The number of group buffer pool write requests that failed because of a shortage of coupling facility resources.
Pages Castout to DASD
The number of pages that this member has castout to DASD from the group buffer pool.
GBP Castout Threshold Reached
The number of times that castout was initiated because the group buffer pool castout threshold was reached.
Castout Class Threshold Reached
The number of times that castout was initiated because the castout class threshold was reached.
Other Requests
The number of other requests.