DSNZPARM Thread Parameters

This panel displays the values that are specified in the DSNZPARM module for thread rmanagement parameters. It shows the name of the DSNZPARM module that is specified for Db2 startup and the date on which the module is assembled. It also shows a list of the default values of the Db2 application.

If a field is not available for the current Db2 release, the string N/A is displayed. For other conditions, for example, if specific Db2 traces are not started or control block data is not available, the string N/P is displayed.


________________ ZPSYS    VTM     O2       V540.#P DC11 S 04/07/16  0:13:1810  
>                          DSNZPARM THREAD PARAMETERS                           
+ Collection Interval:  REALTIME                SNAPTIME: 04/07/16 00:13:18.92  
+ DSNZPARM Module                               DSNZPARM                        
+ Assembly Date                                 03/17/16                        
+ Initial Module                                DSNZPARM                        
+ Assembly Date                                 03/17/16                        
+ Previous Module                               DSNZPARM                        
+ Assembly Date                                 03/17/16                        
+ DSNTIPE-Thread Management 1                                                   
+ Max Users (CTHREAD)                                400                        
+ Max Remote Active (MAXDBAT)                        200                        
+ Max Remote Connected (CONDBAT)                   10000                        
+ Max TSO Connect (IDFORE)                           200                        
+ Max Batch Connect (IDBACK)                         200                        
+ Max Kept Dyn Stmts (MAXKEEPD)                     5000                        
+ Max Open File Refs (MAXOFILR)                      100                        
+ DSNTIPE1-Thread Management 2                                                  
+ (REALSTORAGE_MANAGEMENT)                          AUTO                        
+ Contract Thread STG (CONTSTOR)                     N/A                        
+ Manage Thread Storage (MINSTOR)                    N/A  
+ (PAGEABLE_1MB_FOR_THREADS)                         YES 
+ Long Running Reader (LRDRTHLD)                      10                        
+ Data Def Timeout (DDLTOX)                            1                        
+ (INDEX_CLEANUP_THREADS)                             10                        


The DSNZ command displays the following lines to reflect the usage of the DB2 SET SYSPARM command. To each of these lines, the corresponding date on which this particular module is assembled is displayed.

The name of the DSNZPARM module specified for DB2 startup and the date on which this module was assembled.
Initial Module
The name of the initial DSNZPARM load module.
Previous Module
The name of the previous DSNZPARM load module.
DSNTIPE-Thread Management 1
Max Users (CTHREAD) (QWP1CT)
The maximum number of concurrent allied threads that might be active in Db2 from all sources. This includes threads for IMS, CICS®, TSO (foreground and batch), RRSAF, and utilities.
Max Remote Active (MAXDBAT) (QWP1RMT)
The maximum number of distributed database access threads (DBATs) that can actively process SQL requests.
Max Remote Connected (CONDBAT) (QWP1CDB)
The maximum number of remote connected threads.
Max TSO Connect (IDFORE) (QWP1IDF)
The maximum number of concurrent connections from TSO foreground users that might access Db2 at one time.
Max Batch Connect (IDBACK) (QWP1IDB)
The maximum number of concurrent connections from batch jobs and utilities that might access DB2 at one time.
Max Kept Dyn Stmts (MAXKEEPD) (QWP4MXKD)
The maximum number of prepared dynamic statements saved past commit when dynamic statement caching is enabled.
Max Open File Refs (MAXOFILR) (QWP1MOFR)
The maximum number of concurrently open data sets for processing.
DSNTIPE-Thread Management 2
This parameter determines whether Db2 storage is monitored.
Valid values:
A (AUTO)                                                               
N (ON)                                                                 
O (OFF) 
Contract Thread STG (CONTSTOR) (QWP4CONT)
This parameter determines whether thread CT Long Storage Pool is contracted.
Valid values:
Manage Thread Storage (MINSTOR) (QWP4MSTG)
This parameter determines whether Db2 is using storage management algorithms that minimize the amount of working storage that is consumed by individual threads. DB2 10 and DB2 11 only.
Specifies whether DB2 may use 1 MB pageable storage when allocating hvshared above-the-bar object storage for thread pools and thread stack. Valid options are:
DB2 cannot not use 1 MB pageable storage for these objects.
DB2 may use 1 MB pageable storage for these objects. YES requires a level of z/OS that supports 1 MB pageable objects for hvshared. Sufficient real storage should be available to avoid performance issues related to paging. YES is the default for PAGEABLE_1MB_FOR_THREADS, but is enabled only if realstorage_management=off.
DB2 12 and later.
Long Running Reader (LRDRTHLD) (QWP4LRTH)
This parameter determines the number of minutes that a READ claim is held by an agent before an IFCID 0313 record is written to report it as a long-running reader.
Data Def Timeout (DDLTOX) (QWP4DDLTO)
This parameter determines the SQL data definition time out factor.
This parameter determines the maximum number of threads that can be created to process the cleanup of pseudo-deleted index entires on this subsystem on a data sharing member. Pseudo-deleted entries in an index are those that are logically deleted but still physically present in the index.
Valid values:
Integers between 0 - 128
Default: 10
DB2 11 and later.