DSNZPARM Archiving Parameters
This panel shows information about the parameters that affect Db2 archiving.It shows the name of the DSNZPARM module that is specified for Db2 startup and the date on which the module is assembled. It also shows a list of the default values of the Db2 application.
If a field is not available for the current Db2 release, the string N/A
is displayed. For other conditions, for example,
if specific Db2 traces are not started or control block data
is not available, the string N/P
is displayed.
________________ ZPARC VTM O2 V540.#P SC11 S 07/07/16 15:52:28 2
> Help PF1 Back PF3 Left PF10 Right PF11
> R.H.D
> DSNZPARM INFORMATION: Enter a selection letter on the top line.
+ Collection Interval: REALTIME SNAPTIME: 07/07/16 15:52:29.00
+ Assembly Date 04/14/16
+ Initial Module DSNZPARM
+ Assembly Date 04/14/16
+ Previous Module DSNZPARM
+ Assembly Date 04/14/16
+ DSNTIPA-Archive Log Parameters
+ Allocation Unit (ALCUNIT) CYL
+ Primary Quantity (PRIQTY) 125
+ Secondary Quantity (SECQTY) 15
+ Catalog Archive Data Set (CATALOG) N/A
+ Device Type 1 (UNIT) DASD
+ Device Type 2 (UNIT2) NONE
+ Block Size (BLKSIZE) 24576
+ Read Tape Units (MAXRTU) 2
+ Tape Unit Dealloc Period (DEALLCT) 0: 0
+ Recording Max (MAXARCH) 10000
+ Write to Oper (ARCWTOR) YES
+ Retention Period (ARCRETN) 9999
+ Quiesce Period (QUIESCE) 5
+ Compact Data (COMPACT) NO
+ Single Volume (SVOLARC) NO
+ DSNTIPH-System Resource
+ Number of Active Logs (TWOACTV) 1
+ Number of Archive Logs (TWOARCH) 1
+ Timestamp Archives (TSTAMP) YES
+ Others-System Resource
For additional information about
- related topics, select one of the options on the top of the panel.
- other topics, use the PF keys.
The DSNZ command displays
the following lines to reflect the usage of the DB2 SET SYSPARM command. To
each of these lines, the corresponding date on which this particular
module is assembled is displayed.
- The name of the DSNZPARM module that is specified for Db2 startup.
- Initial Module
- The name of the initial DSNZPARM load module.
- Previous Module
- The name of the previous DSNZPARM load module.
- Assembly Date
- The date on which this module was assembled.
DSNTIPA-Archive Log Parameters
- Allocation Unit (QWP3CYL/QWP3TRCK)
- The ALCUNIT subsystem parameter determines the unit type that is used by Db2 to allocate space for archive data sets.
- Primary Quantity (QWP3RISP)
- The PRIQTY subsystem parameter determines the amount of primary space that is allocated for a disk data set. The units for this parameter are specified in the ALLOCATION UNITS field.
- Secondary Quantity (QWP3SECS)
- The SECQTY subsystem parameter determines the amount of secondary space that is allocated for a disk data set. The units for this parameter are specified in the ALLOCATION UNITS field.
- Catalog Archive Data Set (CATALOG) (QWP3CTLG)
- The value of the CATALOG DATA field specifies whether archive log data sets on tape are to be cataloged.
- Device Type 1 (QWP3UNT1)
- The UNIT subsystem parameter determines the device type or the unit name that is used for storing the first copy of archive log data sets.
- Device Type 2 (QWP3UNT2)
- The UNIT2 subsystem parameter determines the device type or the unit name that is used for storing the second copy of archive log data sets.
- Block Size (QWP3BKSZ)
- The BLKSIZE subsystem parameter determines the block size that is used for the archive log data set.
- Read Tape Units (QWP2MRTU)
- The MAXRTU subsystem parameter determines the maximum number of dedicated tape units that can be allocated to concurrently read archive log tape volumes.
- Tape Unit Dealloc Period (QWP2DMIN:QWP2DSEC)
- The DEALLCT subsystem parameter determines the length of time that an archive read tape unit can remain unused before it is deallocated.
- Recording Max (QWP2ARCL)
- The MAXARCH subsystem parameter determines the maximum number of archive log volumes that are recorded in the BSDS.
- Write to Oper (QWP3WTOR)
- The ARCWTOR subsystem parameter determines whether DB2 sends a message to the operator and waits for a reply before attempting to mount an archive log data set.
- Retention Period (QWP3RETN)
- The ARCRETN subsystem parameter determines the retention period. This is the number of days that Db2 retains archive log data sets.
- Quiesce Period (QWP3MQP)
- The QUIESCE subsystem parameter determines the maximum amount of time in seconds that Db2 is allowed to attempt a full system quiesce.
- Compact Data (QWP3COMP)
- The COMPACT subsystem parameter determines whether data that is written to archive logs is compacted.
- Single Volume (QWP3SVOL)
- The SVOLARC subsystem parameter determines whether a single volume is used by Db2 for disk archives.
- The ZHYPERLINK subsystem parameter specifies the default scope of the zHyperLink protocol for
I/O requests.
Valid values are:
- (Default) Db2 does not use zHyperLink for any I/O requests.
- All eligible I/O requests that Db2 makes request the zHyperLink protocol.
- Db2 requests the zHyperLink protocol only for database synchronous read I/Os.
- Db2 requests the zHyperLink protocol only for active log write I/Os.
DSNTIPH-System Resource
- Number of Active Logs (QWP2DUAL)
- The TWOACTV subsystem parameter determines the number of copies of the active log that is maintained by Db2.
- Number of Archive Logs (QWP2ADL)
- The TWOARCH subsystem parameter determines the number of copies of the archive log that is produced by Db2 during offloading.
- ARC1 Prefix (QWP3RE1N)
- The ARCPFX1 subsystem parameter determines the prefix that is used for the first copy of the archive log data set.
- ARC2 Prefix (QWP3RE2N)
- The ARCPFX2 subsystem parameter specifies the prefix that is used for the second copy of the archive log data set. If you use single logging, accept the default value.
- Timestamp Archives (QWP3DTIM)
- The TSTAMP subsystem parameter determines whether the DB2 archive log data set name contains the date and time that the archive log data set is created.
- Dual BSDS Mode (QWP2DBSD)
- The dual BSDS mode.