Db2 Subsystem Support Manager Statistics

This panel shows workload-related information about the monitored Db2 subsystem. The panel includes statistics related to Create Thread, Signon, Commit, and abnormal termination activity.

 ________________ ZSSSM    VTM     O2       V540./C SZ21 09/10/13 13:52:33   2 
>       Help PF1         Back PF3             Up PF7            Down PF8       
> R.E                                                                          
> H-HISTORICAL                                                                 
>                  DB2 SUBSYSTEM SUPPORT MANAGER STATISTICS                    
+ Collection Interval:  REALTIME                         Start:  09/10 13:49:55
+ Report Interval:       6 sec                             End:  09/10 13:52:33
+                                    TOTAL  INTERVAL  /SECOND                  
+                                 QUANTITY  QUANTITY  (    6)                  
+                                 --------  --------  -------                  
+ Identify Requests                     87         1      .17                  
+ Signon Requests                      126         2      .33                  
+ Create Thread Requests               129         2      .33                  
+ Create Thread Waits                    0         0      .00                  
+ Terminate Thread Requests            256         4      .67                  
+ Single Phase Commit Requests        4192         0      .00                  
+ Read Only Commit Requests            284         5      .83                  
+ Commit Phase 1 Requests                0         0      .00                  
+ Commit Phase 2 Requests               57         1      .17                  
+ Abort Requests                         0         0      .00                  
+ Total Commit Requests               4533         6     1.00                  
+ Indoubt Threads                        0         0      .00                  
+ Indoubts Resolved                      0         0      .00                  
+ Abends Detected - End of Task          2         0      .00                  
+ Abends Detected - End of Memory        0         0      .00                  
+ High Water Mark for IDFORE             0         0      .00                  
+ High Water Mark for IDBACK             9         0      .00                  
+ High Water Mark for CTHREAD            8         0      .00                  


For additional information about
  • Near-term history activity, select option H-HISTORICAL at the top of the panel.
  • other topics, use the PF keys.


Collection Interval
Shows the REALTIME to indicate that you are looking at the realtime version of this panel and not at the corresponding near-term history panel. The collection interval and the report interval are the same in this panel.
The start time of the report interval currently displayed.
Report Interval
The time in the last cycle (for example, between two presses of the Enter key).
The end time of the report interval currently displayed.
For each of the following fields, three statistics values are provided:
  • Total quantity, which reflects the amount of activities since Db2 was started.
  • Interval quantity, which reflects the amount of activities during the last cycle.
  • Rate per second, which is the rate at which activities occurred during the last cycle. The number under /SECOND (in parentheses) is the number of seconds that made up the interval/cycle.
Identify Requests
Successful connections to DB2 from an allied address space.
Signon Requests
Successful requests to identify a new user for IMS or CICS®. Thread Signon processing is applicable only in CICS-DB2 and IMS-DB2 attachment environments.
Create Thread Requests
Successful Create Thread requests.
Create Thread Waits
Create Thread requests that had to wait because no thread was available.
Terminate Thread Requests
Successful thread terminations.
Single Phase Commit Requests
Successful Commit requests that took place in a single-phase commit environment, for example, TSO.
Read Only Commit Requests
Commit requests that were read-only. Each of these requests increments the statistics field for phase 1 commits and the statistics field for read-only commits.
Commit Phase 1 Requests
Commit phase 1 requests in a two-phase-commit environment, for example, CICS and IMS.
Commit Phase 2 Requests
Commit phase 2 requests in a two-phase-commit environment, for example, CICS and IMS.
Abort Requests
Events that resulted in successfully backing out a unit of recovery.
Total Commit Requests
Includes single-phase, read-only, and phase 2 Commit requests.
Indoubt Threads
A thread goes indoubt in the CICS/IMS attachment to Db2 when one of the two subsystems goes down between Commit phase 1 and Commit phase 2.
Indoubts Resolved
Successful resolutions, either automatic or manual, of indoubt threads.
Abends Detected - End of Task
Tasks that abended while connected to DB2.
Abends Detected - End of Memory
The number of times a non-DB2 address space was deleted by MVS while connected to Db2.
High Water Mark for IDFORE
The maximum number of users that are identified to DB2 from TSO foreground at the same time.
High Water Mark for IDBACK
The maximum number of concurrent connections identified to DB2 from batch.
High Water Mark for CTHREAD
The maximum number of allied threads that are allocated concurrently.