Db2 Log Manager Information

This panel shows information about the active logging and archiving activity of the Db2 log manager.

The panel shows current statistics about log read and write activity and read and write log allocations. The panel also provides information regarding where Db2 is in the checkpoint cycle.

 ________________ ZLOGM    VTM     O2       V540./C DB11 08/14/13 13:45:07   2  
> Help PF1        Back PF3         Up PF7          Down PF8          Zoom PF11  
> R.B                                                                           
> H-HISTORICAL                                                                  
>                            DB2 LOG MANAGER INFORMATION                        
+ Collection Interval:  REALTIME                         Start:  08/14 13:45:02 
+ Report Interval:       4 sec                             End:  08/14 13:45:07 
+ Logging Mode           =   SINGLE     Archiving Mode           =         DUAL 
+ Number of Logs Defined =        3     Number of Logs Available =            2 
+ Checkpoint Frequency   =   500000     Records Until Checkpoint =       499592 
+ Input Buffer Size      =      60K     Output Buffer Size       =        4000K 
+ Write Threshold        =       20                                             
+ Current Log Record RBA = 00000000000C0254D4A2                                 
+ Primary Active Log     = DSNB11.LOGCOPY1.DS01                                 
+ Secondary Active Log   =                                                      
+                                    TOTAL  INTERVAL  /SECOND  /THREAD  /COMMIT 
+                                 QUANTITY  QUANTITY  (    4)  (    0)  (    0) 
+                                 --------  --------  -------  -------  ------- 
+ Reads from Output Buffers              0         0      .00      .00      .00 
+ Reads from Active Log                357         0      .00      .00      .00    
+ Reads from Archive Log                 0         0      .00      .00      .00    
+ Reads Delayed - Tape Contention        0         0      .00      .00      .00    
+ Reads Delayed - No Tape Unit           0         0      .00      .00      .00    
+ Look-Ahead TapeMounts Attempted        0         0      .00      .00      .00    
+ Look-Ahead TapeMounts Performed        0         0      .00      .00      .00    
+ Write NOWAIT Requests                496         0      .00      .00      .00    
+ Write FORCE Requests                  54         0      .00      .00      .00    
+ Write Delayed - No Buffer              0         0      .00      .00      .00    
+ Write Active Log Buffers              87         0      .00      .00      .00    
+ Active Log CIs Created                23         0      .00      .00      .00    
+ Archive Log Read Allocations           0         0      .00      .00      .00    
+ Archive Log Write Allocations          0         0      .00      .00      .00    
+ Archive Log CIs Offloaded              0         0      .00      .00      .00    
+ BSDS Access Requests                 106         0      .00      .00      .00    
+ Checkpoints                            0         0      .00      .00      .00    
+ IFI Abends                             0         0      .00      .00      .00    
+ IFI Unrecog Func                       0         0      .00      .00      .00    
+ IFI Command Reqs                      15         0      .00      .00      .00    
+ IFI READA Reqs                       325         0      .00      .00      .00    
+ IFI READS Reqs                        33         3      .75      .00      .00    
+ IFI WRITE Reqs                         0         0      .00      .00      .00    
+ Data Capture Invoked                   0         0      .00      .00      .00    
+ Data Capture READS                     0         0      .00      .00      .00  
+ Data Capture Rec Returned              0         0      .00      .00      .00  
+ Data Capture Row Returned              0         0      .00      .00      .00  
+ Data Capture Desc Returned             0         0      .00      .00      .00  
+ Data Capture Desc Performed            0         0      .00      .00      .00  
+ Data Capture Table Returned            0         0      .00      .00      .00  
+ Rollup (Threshold)                     0         0      .00      .00      .00  
+ Rollup (Storage)                       0         0      .00      .00      .00  
+ Rollup (Stallness)                     0         0      .00      .00      .00  
+ Rollup (Non Qual)                      0         0      .00      .00      .00  


OMEGAMON® XE for Db2 PE highlights some fields in this panel to draw your attention to their current status:
Table 1. Highlighted fields in Log Manager Information panel
Field Exception Reason
Logs Available LOGN The number of log data sets available.
Archive In Progress ARCV The archive log is waiting for a tape mount.


For additional information about
  • a particular log data set, move the cursor to the log data set name line and press F11 (Zoom). For more information, see the description of panel Db2 Log Dataset Information.
  • Near-term history activity, select option H-HISTORICAL at the top of the panel.
  • other topics, use the PF keys.


Collection Interval
Shows the REALTIME to indicate that you are looking at the realtime version of this panel and not at the corresponding near-term history panel. The collection interval and the report interval are the same in this panel.
The start time of the report interval currently displayed.
Report Interval
The time in the last cycle (for example, between two presses of the Enter key).
The end time of the report interval currently displayed.
Logging Mode
The logging mode in use: DUAL or SINGLE. The logging mode is specified in the TWOACTV parameter of the DSNZPARM module.
Archiving Mode
The archiving mode: DUAL or SINGLE. The archiving mode is specified in the TWOARCH parameter of the DSNZPARM module.
Number of Logs Defined
The number of logs defined to Db2 at installation.
Number of Logs Available
The number of logs available that are not archived, that is, the number that are ready for use.
Checkpoint Frequency
The number of log records Db2 will write between checkpoints.
Records until Checkpoint
The number of log records to write until the next checkpoint.
Input Buffer Size
The size of the log buffer for reading. The buffer size is specified in the INBUFF parameter of the DSNZPARM module.
Output Buffer Size
The size of the log buffer for writing. The buffer size is specified in the OUTBUFF parameter of the DSNZPARM module.
Write Threshold
The number of 4K buffers that would normally be filled before a physical I/O is performed. This number is specified in the WRTHRSH parameter of the DSNZPARM module.
Current Log Record RBA
The relative byte address (RBA) of the record that was being logged at the end of the interval.
Primary Active Log
The data set name of the primary log.
Secondary Active Log
The data set name of the second copy of a dual logged log.
Archive in Progress
The data set name of the active archive log, if an archive is in progress.
For each of the following fields, the following statistics values are provided:
Total quantity, which reflects the amount of activities since Db2 was started.
Interval quantity, which reflects the amount of activities during the last cycle.
Rate per second during the last cycle. The number under /SECOND (in parentheses) is the number of seconds in the interval.
Rate per thread during the last cycle. The number under /THREAD (in parentheses) is the number of Create Threads during the interval.
Rate per Commit during the last cycle. The number under /COMMIT (in parentheses) is the number of commit requests (including abort requests) during the interval.
Reads from Output Buffers
The Reads that were satisfied from the output buffers.
Reads from Active Log
The Reads that were satisfied from the active log.
Reads from Archive Log
The Reads that were satisfied from the archive log.
Reads Delayed - Tape Contention
The number of reads delayed because a tape volume was already in use.
Reads Delayed - No Tape Unit
Number of archive log reads that were delayed because of unavailable tape units, or because the maximum amount of read parallelism is being used (not likely).
Look-Ahead Tape Mounts Attempted
Number of look-ahead tape mounts attempted.
Look-Ahead Tape Mounts Performed
Number of successful look-ahead tape mounts.
Write NOWAIT Requests
The times Db2 externalized log records asynchronously.
Write FORCE Requests
The times Db2 externalized log records synchronously.
Write Delayed - No Buffer
Db2 attempts to place log records in the output buffer when no log buffer could be found.
Write Active Log Buffers
Calls to the log write routine.
Active Log CIs Created
Active log control intervals created.
Archive Log Read Allocations
Archive read allocations, which reflect archive log open/close activity.
Archive Log Write Allocations
Archive write allocations, which reflect archive log open/close activity.
Archive Log CIs Offloaded
Number of active log control intervals offloaded to archive data sets.
BSDS Access Requests
Calls to the bootstrap data set access routine.
The number of checkpoints Db2 takes since startup.
IFI Abends
The count of IFI abends.
IFI Unrecog Func
The count of IFI unrecognized functions.
IFI Command Reqs
The count of IFI command requests.
The count of IFI READA requests.
The count of IFI READS requests.
The count of IFI WRITE requests.
Data Capture Invoked
The number of log records retrieved for which data capture processing is invoked.
Data Capture READS
The number of data capture log reads for processing IFI requests for IFCID 0185.
Data Capture Rec Returned
The number of data capture log records returned.
Data Capture Row Returned
The number of data capture data rows returned.
Data Capture Desc Returned
The number of data capture data descriptions returned.
Data Capture Desc Performed
The number of data capture describes performed.
Data Capture Table Returned
The number of data capture tables returned.
Rollup (Threshold)
The number of rollup accounting records that are written because the rollup threshold is exceeded.
Rollup (Storage)
The number of rollup accounting records that are written because the rollup accounting storage threshold is exceeded.
Rollup (Stallness)
The number of rollup accounting records that are written because the staleness threshold is exceeded.
Rollup (Non Qual)
The number of records that failed to qualify for accounting rollup because all rollup key fields are NULL, or NULL values are not permitted.