Accelerator Statistics Overview

This panel displays the Analytics Accelerators that are available in the current Db2 subsystem. With this information, you can analyze the usage of the devices.

 ________________ ZZIDA    VTM     O2       V540./C DB51 S 01/29/15 14:45:26 2  
> Help PF1      Back PF3      Up PF7      Down PF8      Zoom PF11               
> R.N                                                                           
>                         Accelerator Summary                                   
+ Collection Interval:  REALTIME                SNAPTIME: 01/29/15 13:45:26.13 
+ IDAA Integrated Synchronization
+ Log Reader CPU Time                                   0
+ Log Reader zIIP Time                                  0
+ Log Reader zIIP Eligible Time                         0
+ Collection Interval:  REALTIME                SNAPTIME: 01/29/15 13:45:26.13  
+ Name     Product  State        Repl. State  Requests Active   Max Actv        
+ -------- -------- ------------ ------------ -------- -------- --------        
+ VMNPS52  AQT04012 ONLINE       STARTED             0        0        6        


For additional information about
  • a particular Analytics Accelerator, move the cursor to the Analytics Accelerator line and press F11 (Zoom).
  • related topics, select one of the options at the top of the panel.
  • other topics, use the PF keys.


For each of the available accelerators, the following information is displayed on the Accelerator Summary panel:
IDAA Integrated Synchronization
The asynchronous log reader task statistics accumulated over all log reader tasks since Db2 start.
Log Reader CPU Time
The log reader CPU time.
Log Reader zIIP Time
The log reader zIIP time.
Log Reader zIIP Eligible Time
The log reader zIIP eligible time.
Number of accelerators defined
The number of accelerators that are defined on the system.
The name of the Accelerator.
The product ID.
The state of the Accelerator.
Repl. State
The state of Replication processing on this Accelerator.
The number of Accelerator requests that are processed since the Accelerator was started.
The number of active requests that are processed on the Accelerator.
Max Actv
The high water mark of concurrent requests on the Accelerator.