Registering the OMEGAMON Collector on Windows
Before Performance Expert Agent for Db2 Connect Monitoring can store the collected data, you must register the OMEGAMON® Collector and prepare DB2 Connect monitoring.
- Log on to the workstation on which Performance Expert Agent for Db2 Connect Monitoring is installed.
- Open a Command Prompt window.
- Change to the bin folder of the installation directory.
- Stop Performance Expert Agent for Db2 Connect Monitoring.
- Enter one of the following commands on the command line
depending on what you want to do.
- To add an OMEGAMON Collector that
is located on z/OS® to the e2e.ini file
of Performance Expert Agent for Db2 Connect Monitoring, enter e2e
--addhost <host name> <DB2 port> <location name> <mainframe
flag> <user login> <user password> Variable description:
- <host name>
- Denotes the network host name or IP address of the DB2 subsystem on which the registered OMEGAMON Collector runs.
- <DB2 port>
- Denotes the port number of the DB2 subsystem on which the registered OMEGAMON Collector runs.
- <location name>
- Denotes the location name of the DB2 subsystem on which the registered OMEGAMON Collector runs.
- <mainframe flag>
- Denotes whether the OMEGAMON Collector is located in a mainframe environment.
- <user login>
- Denotes the user ID of the user who has access to the DB2PM database in Performance Warehouse on the OMEGAMON Collector side.
- <user password>
- Denotes the password of the user who has access to the DB2PM database in Performance Warehouse on the OMEGAMON Collector side.
Important: You should not include the password in the --addhost command if it contains special characters because the command might not work with special characters. You are then prompted to enter the password afterwards on a separate line. You can include the following special characters in passwords, but they might not work on the command line: ! @ # $ % ^ & ( ) [ ] { } * . - _ / \ ? : ; , < > = ' " + | - To change the user ID and password for a registered OMEGAMON Collector later, enter e2e
--change <number> <user login> <user password>
- <number>
- Denotes the number of the OMEGAMON Collector that you want to change the user login and password for.
- <user login>
- Denotes the user ID of the user who has access to the DB2PM database in Performance Warehouse on the OMEGAMON Collector side.
- <user password>
- Denotes the password that you want to change.
Important: You should not include the password in the --change command if it contains special characters because the command might not work with special characters. You are then prompted to enter the password afterwards on a separate line. You can include the following special characters in passwords, but they might not work on the command line: ! @ # $ % ^ & ( ) [ ] { } * . - _ / \ ? : ; , < > = ' " + | - To see the numbers of all registered OMEGAMON Collectors, enter e2e --listhosts
- To remove the registration entry of an OMEGAMON Collector from the e2e.ini file
of Performance Expert Agent for Db2 Connect Monitoring, enter e2e
--removehost <number> where:
- <number>
- Denotes the number of the OMEGAMON Collector that you want to remove the registration entry for.
- To test the connection to the registered server, enter e2e --test <number>
- To add an OMEGAMON Collector that
is located on z/OS® to the e2e.ini file
of Performance Expert Agent for Db2 Connect Monitoring, enter e2e
--addhost <host name> <DB2 port> <location name> <mainframe
flag> <user login> <user password>
- Ensure that the following subcommands for the PESERVER
subtask are issued before you start DB2 Connect monitoring:
- SNAPSHOTHISTORY=Y for Snapshot History processing
- SHDB2CONNECTAPPLICATION=Y if you want to collect DB2 Connect application data
- SHDB2CONNECTSYSTEM=Y if you want to collect DB2 Connect system data
- When DB2 Connect monitoring
is active for more than one server, ensure that only one of these
servers accesses the collected data on the corresponding DB2 subsystem at a time.
You must consider this if one of these conditions applies:
- You use more than one OMEGAMON for Db2 PE.
- You use DB2 Performance Expert for z/OS and OMEGAMON for Db2 PE, or both, or several of both.
- You use OMEGAMON for Db2 PE in a data sharing group running on different logically partitioned modes (LPARs) in a sysplex environment.