Registering the OMEGAMON Collector on Windows

Before Performance Expert Agent for Db2 Connect Monitoring can store the collected data, you must register the OMEGAMON® Collector and prepare DB2 Connect monitoring.


  1. Log on to the workstation on which Performance Expert Agent for Db2 Connect Monitoring is installed.
  2. Open a Command Prompt window.
  3. Change to the bin folder of the installation directory.
  4. Stop Performance Expert Agent for Db2 Connect Monitoring.
  5. Enter one of the following commands on the command line depending on what you want to do.
    1. To add an OMEGAMON Collector that is located on z/OS® to the e2e.ini file of Performance Expert Agent for Db2 Connect Monitoring, enter e2e --addhost <host name> <DB2 port> <location name> <mainframe flag> <user login> <user password>
      Variable description:
      <host name>
      Denotes the network host name or IP address of the DB2 subsystem on which the registered OMEGAMON Collector runs.
      <DB2 port>
      Denotes the port number of the DB2 subsystem on which the registered OMEGAMON Collector runs.
      <location name>
      Denotes the location name of the DB2 subsystem on which the registered OMEGAMON Collector runs.
      <mainframe flag>
      Denotes whether the OMEGAMON Collector is located in a mainframe environment.
      <user login>
      Denotes the user ID of the user who has access to the DB2PM database in Performance Warehouse on the OMEGAMON Collector side.
      <user password>
      Denotes the password of the user who has access to the DB2PM database in Performance Warehouse on the OMEGAMON Collector side.
      Important: You should not include the password in the --addhost command if it contains special characters because the command might not work with special characters. You are then prompted to enter the password afterwards on a separate line. You can include the following special characters in passwords, but they might not work on the command line: ! @ # $ % ^ & ( ) [ ] { } * . - _ / \ ? : ; , < > = ' " + |
    2. To change the user ID and password for a registered OMEGAMON Collector later, enter e2e --change <number> <user login> <user password>
      Denotes the number of the OMEGAMON Collector that you want to change the user login and password for.
      <user login>
      Denotes the user ID of the user who has access to the DB2PM database in Performance Warehouse on the OMEGAMON Collector side.
      <user password>
      Denotes the password that you want to change.
      Important: You should not include the password in the --change command if it contains special characters because the command might not work with special characters. You are then prompted to enter the password afterwards on a separate line. You can include the following special characters in passwords, but they might not work on the command line: ! @ # $ % ^ & ( ) [ ] { } * . - _ / \ ? : ; , < > = ' " + |
    3. To see the numbers of all registered OMEGAMON Collectors, enter e2e --listhosts
    4. To remove the registration entry of an OMEGAMON Collector from the e2e.ini file of Performance Expert Agent for Db2 Connect Monitoring, enter e2e --removehost <number>
      Denotes the number of the OMEGAMON Collector that you want to remove the registration entry for.
    5. To test the connection to the registered server, enter e2e --test <number>
  6. Ensure that the following subcommands for the PESERVER subtask are issued before you start DB2 Connect monitoring:
    • SNAPSHOTHISTORY=Y for Snapshot History processing
    • SHDB2CONNECTAPPLICATION=Y if you want to collect DB2 Connect application data
    • SHDB2CONNECTSYSTEM=Y if you want to collect DB2 Connect system data
  7. When DB2 Connect monitoring is active for more than one server, ensure that only one of these servers accesses the collected data on the corresponding DB2 subsystem at a time.

    You must consider this if one of these conditions applies:

    • You use more than one OMEGAMON for Db2 PE.
    • You use DB2 Performance Expert for z/OS and OMEGAMON for Db2 PE, or both, or several of both.
    • You use OMEGAMON for Db2 PE in a data sharing group running on different logically partitioned modes (LPARs) in a sysplex environment.