NTAINTERVAL - Near-term history data collection options keyword

Specifies the number of minutes or seconds to be used as the smallest time span for display of historical thread accounting data by subinterval. The subinterval should be specified as a period of time for convenient display of the threads executed. The more threads executed per minute, the smaller subinterval you may want to specify.

NTAINTERVAL(time specification)
time specification
The subinterval in minutes.
The subinterval in seconds. n must be some even fraction of a minute, for example 5S, 6S, 10S, 20S, or 30S. However, 7S is not allowed.

The INTERVAL keyword can only be set as low as one minute. Installations with a huge number of threads per minute might use the Thread History By Subinterval panel to view thread history by smaller periods of time. The NTAINTERVAL keyword gives control over the time interval that is used for the Thread History By Subinterval panel.