EDM Pool Statistics Detail

This panel provides detailed information about the activity in and the performance of the Environmental Descriptor Manager (EDM) pool during a specified report interval.

Dependent on the DB2 version you are using, the content of the EDM POOL STATISTICS DETAIL panel is different.

The following examples of this panel show the fields that are specific to a particular Db2 version.

If Db2 11 is used, the EDM POOL STATISTICS DETAIL panel additionally displays the following fields:
Shareable Static SQL Requests (QISEKSPG)
The number of shareable static SQL statement requests.
This applies to Db2 11 or higher.
Total Allocation Shareable Static SQL (QISEKSPA8)
The total storage that is allocated to shareable static SQL statements.
This applies to Db2 11 or higher.
For Db2 11 and later:

 ________________ ZHEDD    VTM     O2       V540./C SE11 07/30/13  1:57:18   2  
>       Help PF1      Back PF3      Up PF7      Down PF8                        
>                   Enter a selection letter on the top line.                   
> M-THREAD HISTORY                                                              
>                            EDM POOL STATISTICS DETAIL                         
+ Collection Interval:   1 min                           Start:  07/30 01:48    
+ Report Interval:       1 min   Combine Level:  NONE      End:  07/30 01:49    
+ Pool Usage    Pages  Pct               Percent of Total EDM Pool              
+ ----------- ------- ---- |---10---20---30---40---50---60---70---80---90--100| 
+ DBD Pool:                |                                                  | 
+ Total         25600 100% |                                                  | 
+  DBD Held       108   0% |    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .| 
+   Stealable      13   0% |    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .| 
+  Free         25492 100% |------------------------------------------------->| 
+ In Use           95   0% |    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .| 
+ SKEL Pool:               |                                                  | 
+ Total         25600 100% |                                                  | 
+  SKCT Held        8   0% |    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .| 
+  SKPT Held      124   0% |    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .| 
+   Stealable     132   1% |>   .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .| 
+  Free         25468  99% |------------------------------------------------->| 
+ In Use            0   0% |    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .| 
+ STMT Pool:               |                                                  | 
+ Total         28346 100% |                                                  | 
+  STMT Held    28338 100% |------------------------------------------------->| 
+  Free             8   0% |    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .| 
+                          |---10---20---30---40---50---60---70---80---90--100| 
+ Shareable Static SQL Requests                                              11 
+ Total Allocation for Shareable Static SQL                                   0 
+ Plan Below the Bar Allocation                                               0 
+ Package Below the Bar Allocation                                            0 
+ Plan Above the Bar Allocation                                           21120 
+ Package Above the Bar Allocation                                       106624 
+                                           INTERVAL  /MINUTE  /THREAD  /COMMIT 
+                                           QUANTITY  (    1)  (   10)  (   10) 
+                                           --------  -------  -------  ------- 
+ Failures due to DBD Pool Full                    0      .00      .00      .00 *DB2 11
+ Failures due to STMT Pool Full                   0      .00      .00      .00 *DB2 11
+ Failures due to SKEL Pool Full                   0      .00      .00      .00 *DB2 11
+ Database Descriptor (DBD) Reqs                  11    11.00     1.10     1.10 
+ DBD Loads                                        1     1.00      .10      .10 
+ % of DBD Loads from DASD                      9.09%     n/c      n/c      n/c 
+ Cursor Table (CT) Reqs                           0      .00      .00      .00 
+ CT Loads                                         0      .00      .00      .00 
+ % of CT Loads from DASD                        .00%     n/c      n/c      n/c 
+ Package Table (PT) Reqs                          0      .00      .00      .00 
+ PT Loads                                         0      .00      .00      .00 
+ % of PT Loads from DASD                        .00%     n/c      n/c      n/c 
+ Dynamic Sql (DSC) Reqs                           0      .00      .00      .00 
+ DSC Loads                                        0      .00      .00      .00 
+ qisedspl-reqs                         75         0      .00      .00      .00 
+ qisedspc-rows                          1         0      .00      .00      .00 
+ qisedspm-text                          1         0      .00      .00      .00 
+ CATALOG Loads                          0         0      .00      .00      .00 *DB2 12
+ % of DSC Loads into Pool                       .00%     n/c      n/c      n/c
+ % of CATALOG Loads into Pool         .00%      .00%     n/c      n/c      n/c *DB2 12
+ PKG Search Not Found                             0      .00      .00      .00 
+ PKG Search Not Found Insert                      0      .00      .00      .00 
+ PKG Search Not Found Delete                      0      .00      .00      .00 
+ Number of Statements                             0      .00      .00      .00 
If DB2 10 is used, the EDM POOL STATISTICS DETAIL panel additionally displays the following fields:
xProc Request
The total number of xProc requests.
xProc Total Allocation
The total number of pages that are allocated for xProcs.
For Db2 10:

 ________________ ZHEDD    VTM     O2       V540./C SZ91 07/30/13  2:13:34   2  
>       Help PF1      Back PF3      Up PF7      Down PF8                        
>                   Enter a selection letter on the top line.                   
> M-THREAD HISTORY                                                              
>                            EDM POOL STATISTICS DETAIL                         
+ Collection Interval:   2 min                           Start:  07/30 02:10    
+ Report Interval:       4 min   Combine Level:  NONE      End:  07/30 02:13    
+ Pool Usage    Pages  Pct               Percent of Total EDM Pool              
+ ----------- ------- ---- |---10---20---30---40---50---60---70---80---90--100| 
+ DBD Pool:                |                                                  | 
+ Total         25600 100% |                                                  | 
+  DBD Held       169   1% |>   .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .| 
+   Stealable      83   0% |    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .| 
+  Free         25431  99% |------------------------------------------------->| 
+ In Use           86   0% |    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .| 
+ SKEL Pool:               |                                                  | 
+ Total         25600 100% |                                                  | 
+  SKCT Held        1   0% |    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .| 
+  SKPT Held       22   0% |    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .| 
+   Stealable      23   0% |    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .| 
+  Free         25577 100% |------------------------------------------------->| 
+ In Use            0   0% |    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .| 
+ STMT Pool:               |                                                  | 
+ Total         28346 100% |                                                  | 
+  STMT Held        4   0% |    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .| 
+  Free         28342 100% |------------------------------------------------->| 
+                          |---10---20---30---40---50---60---70---80---90--100| 
+ xProc Request                                                               0 
+ xProc Total Allocation                                                      0 
+ Plan Below the Bar Allocation                                               0 
+ Package Below the Bar Allocation                                            0
+ Plan Above the Bar Allocation                                           21120
+ Package Above the Bar Allocation                                            0

+                                           INTERVAL  /MINUTE  /THREAD  /COMMIT 
+                                           QUANTITY  (   23)  (    5)  (   42) 
+                                           --------  -------  -------  ------- 
+ Database Descriptor (DBD) Reqs                 165     7.17    33.00     3.93 
+ DBD Loads                                        2      .09      .40      .05 
+ % of DBD Loads from DASD                      1.21%     n/c      n/c      n/c 
+ Cursor Table (CT) Reqs                           5      .22     1.00      .12 
+ CT Loads                                         0      .00      .00      .00 
+ % of CT Loads from DASD                        .00%     n/c      n/c      n/c 
+ Package Table (PT) Reqs                         42     1.83     8.40     1.00 
+ PT Loads                                         0      .00      .00      .00 
+ % of PT Loads from DASD                        .00%     n/c      n/c      n/c 
+ Dynamic Sql (DSC) Reqs                         106     4.61    21.20     2.52 
+ DSC Loads                                        0      .00      .00      .00 
+ CATALOG Loads                                    0      .00      .00      .00 
+ % of CATALOG Loads into Pool                   .00%     n/c      n/c      n/c 
+ % of DSC Loads into Pool                       .00%     n/c      n/c      n/c 
+ PKG Search Not Found                             0      .00      .00      .00 
+ PKG Search Not Found Insert                      0      .00      .00      .00 
+ PKG Search Not Found Delete                      0      .00      .00      .00 
+ Number of Statements                             0      .00      .00      .00 


OMEGAMON® XE for DB2 PE highlights some fields in this panel to draw your attention to their current status:
Table 1. Highlighted fields in EDM Pool Statistics Detail panel
Field Exception Reason
Pages In Use EDMU The utilization of the EDM pool has reached or exceeded the specified threshold.
Pct In Use EDMU The utilization of the EDM pool has reached or exceeded the specified threshold.


For additional information about
  • related topics, select one of the options at the top of the panel.
  • other topics, use the PF keys.


The following fields are common to all Db2 versions:

Collection Interval
The time interval specified for the collection of near-term history data. This unit of time was specified when the Near-Term History Data Collector was started.
The start time of the interval currently displayed.
Report Interval
This field determines the report interval. It is set on the Near-Term History Report Option panel.
Combine Level
This field reflects the selected combine level. If Combine Level is NONE, the report interval is the same as the collection interval. Possible values:
Data will be reported in hourly intervals.
Data will be reported in the time unit specified by the collection interval.
The end time of the interval currently displayed.
Pool Usage
The following types of EDM pools are available:
  • EDM Database Descriptor (DBD) Pool
  • EDM Statement (STMT) Pool
  • EDM Skeleton (SKEL) Pool
For the above pool types, the following information is displayed. It is based on a snapshot of the data that is taken at the end of the report interval.
The number of pages that is dedicated to a particular type of pool usage.
The percentage of the EDM pool dedicated to that type of usage.
The total number of pages in this type of type of EDM pool. For DB2 12 the Total Pages is based on DSNZPARM configured Maximum.
The number of pages held in this type of type of EDM pool.
CT Held
Pages held in RDS pool for the cursor tables.
This applies only to Db2 9, below and above the bar usage.
PT Held
Pages held in RDS pool for the package tables.
This applies only to Db2 9, below and above the bar usage.
Pages held in SKEL pool for skeleton cursor tables.
DBD Held
Pages held in DBD pool.
Pages held in STMT pool.
The total number of pages that can be reused.
The number of pages currently not used by any object in this type of EDM pool.
In Use
The number of pages that are used in this type of EDM pool.
This applies only to DBD and SKEL pools.
The percentage of DBD In Use is calculated like this:
((In Use - Stealable/Reusable)/Total)*100
The percentage of SKEL in Use is calculated like this:
((SKCTs + SKPTs) - Stealable/Reusable)/Total)*100
xProc Request
The total number of xProc requests.
xProc Total Allocation
The total number of pages that are allocated for xProcs.
Shareable Static SQL Requests (QISEKSPG)
The number of shareable static SQL statement requests.
This applies to Db2 11 or higher.
Total Allocation Shareable Static SQL (QISEKSPA8)
The total storage that is allocated to shareable static SQL statements.
This applies to Db2 11 or higher.
Plan Below the Bar Allocation
The amount of storage below the bar that was allocated for plans.
Package Below the Bar Allocation
The amount of storage below the bar that was allocated for packages.
Plan Above the Bar Allocation
The amount of storage above the bar that was allocated for plans.
Package Above the Bar Allocation
The amount of storage above the bar that was allocated for packages.
Failures due to DBD Pool Full
Failures that occurred because the DBD pool is full. DB2 10 and DB2 11 only.
Failures due to STMT Pool Full
Failures that occurred because the STMT pool is full. DB2 10 and DB2 11 only.
Failures due to SKEL Pool Full
Failures that occurred because the SKELpool is full. DB2 10 and DB2 11 only.
For each of the following fields, the following statistics are provided:
The amount of activities that occur during the interval.
Rate per minute. The number under /MINUTE (in parentheses) is the number of minutes in the interval.
Rate per thread. The number under /THREAD (in parentheses) is the number of Create Threads during the interval.
Rate per Commit. The number under /COMMIT (in parentheses) is the number of Commit requests (including abort requests) during the interval.
Database Descriptor (DBD) Reqs
The number of requests for database descriptors.
DBD Loads
The number of database descriptors that had to be loaded from DASD.
% of DBD Loads from DASD
The percentage of DBD requests that resulted in DBD loads from DASD. This value should be kept low; 20% or lower is considered acceptable.
Cursor Table (CT) Reqs
The number of requests for cursor tables.
CT Loads
The number of cursor tables that had to be loaded from DASD.
% of CT Loads from DASD
The percentage of CT requests that resulted in CT loads from DASD. This value should be kept low; 20% or lower is considered acceptable.
Package Table (PT) Reqs
The number of requests for package tables.
PT Loads
The number of package tables that had to be loaded from DASD.
% of PT Loads from DASD
The percentage of PT requests that resulted in PT loads from DASD. This value should be kept low; 20% or lower is considered acceptable.
Dynamic Sql (DSC) Reqs
The number of requests to cache dynamic SQL.
DSC Loads
The number of dynamic SQL caches that had to be loaded from DASD.
Dynamic SQL cache statements that had to be loaded from CATALOG. DB2 12 and later. (Field name: QISEDPSF)
% of CATALOG Loads into Pool

The percentage of dynamic SQL cache requests that resulted in CATALOG loads into the EDMpool. The higher the value, the more stabilized queries from catalog are used to avoid full prepare. Formula for calculation: QISEDPSF/QISEDSG. DB2 12 and later.

% of DSC Loads into Pool
The percentage of dynamic SQL cache requests that resulted in DSC loads into pool. This value should be kept low.
PKG Search Not Found
If a package is bound by using a wild card (*) for the package names, in the form of PKLIST(COL1.*,COL2.*.....), EDM generates a NOT-FOUND record to avoid future I/O if a collection ID/package name combination does not exist.
This field shows how often a cached record was located during package binding.
PKG Search Not Found Insert
If a package is bound by using a wild card (*) for the package names, in the form of PKLIST(COL1.*,COL2.*.....), EDM generates a NOT-FOUND record to avoid future I/O if a collection ID/package name combination does not exist.
This field shows how often a record was removed from the cache during package binding.
PKG Search Not Found Delete
If a package is bound by using a wild card (*) for the package names, in the form of PKLIST(COL1.*,COL2.*.....), EDM generates a NOT-FOUND record to avoid future I/O if a collection ID/package name combination does not exist.
This field shows how often a record was removed from the cache during package binding.
Number of Statements
The number of statements in the EDM pool.