Workspace names and descriptions

These workspaces that display in the OMEGAMON Enhanced 3270 User Interface.

Table 1. OMEGAMON Enhanced 3270 User Interface workspace names and descriptions
Workspace Name Panel Identification (ID) Workspace Content
Accelerator Selection KDPACCN Accelerator statistics for all configured accelerators.
Accelerator Statistics for a Selected Accelerator KDPACC41 Accelerator statistics for a selected accelerator.
Accelerator Statistics for a Selected Db2 KDPACC42 Accelerator statistics for a selected Db2.
Active Threads KDPTHD52 A global view of thread activity for a specific Db2 subsystem. It provides key performance data such as CPU rate, in-Db2 time, wait time, Db2 status, getpage, commits and updates that help you to identify any potential problem.
Aggregated Accounting Statistics KDPAGAC Aggregated accounting statistics listed by connection type.
All Active Db2 Subsystems KOBSTART A list of the Db2 subsystems that are active in your enterprise system. It shows the general state and health of the active Db2 subsystems. This is the starting point for troubleshooting.
Buffer Pool Detail KDPBPDTL The size and the usage of an individual Db2 buffer pool.
Buffer Pool Details KDPBPD52 The size and the usage of an individual Db2 buffer pool.
Buffer Pools KDPBP52 A summary of the buffer pools that are configured and are in use for a Db2 subsystem. A drill down to buffer pool details is available.
Cancel Thread Results KDPTCAN2 The results from the cancel thread command that was issued.
CICS® KDPTHCIS Displays a CICS thread summary.
CICS RCT Summary for Region KDPCICST The CICS/Db2 Resource Control Table. This table shows the Db2 plan that is used for each CICS transaction.
CICS Threads KDPCICTH Provides an overview of Db2 thread activity that originate from connected CICS regions. It provides key performance data such as CPU rate, in-Db2 time, wait time, Db2 status, getpage, commits and updates that help you to spot any potential problem.
CICS Thread Summary KDPCICT1 CICS threads summary for a target CICS region.
Common storage below and above the 2 GB bar KDPSTC2A The Common Storage workspace provides an overview of the common storage above and below the 2 GB bar.
Coupling Facility Connections KDPXCFD Connection status information for all connections to a coupling facility structure.
Critical Db2 Messages KDPMSGC Displays messages that can help you identify problems with your Db2 system.
Critical Db2 Messages by Message ID KDPMSGS Critical Db2 messages sorted by message identification number.
Data Sharing Group Lock Conflicts KDPGLKGN The lock conflicts that exist in a data sharing group.
Data Sharing Thread Activity KDPPTHRD Provides a global view of thread activity for an entire data sharing group. With this information, you can identify all active application threads and track thread activity over a period of time. You can use the thread data to monitor critical application threads and to evaluate the thread elapsed times and the wait times for critical threads. You can also observe thread activity for threads within the same system, group, and member.
Data Sharing Thread Statistics KDPPTHDS Thread statistics for a specific application thread. If the application thread is a parallel thread, the table view displays thread statistics for all the associated parallel threads. With this information, you can investigate a thread that consumed excessive elapsed time.
Db2 All DSNZPARM KDPZPARM Parameters that are related to DSNZPARM.
Db2 Buffer Pools KDPBPOOL A list of active group buffer pools.
Db2 CICS Connections KDPCICS An overview of Db2 thread activity that is originating from connected CICS subsystems. Information about the CICS regions that are attached to Db2.
Db2 Connect/Gateway Statistics KDPCONNS Statistics about the selected Db2 Connect gateway including details about the number of agents and pooled agents, the connections that are waiting for the host to reply, and the connections that are waiting for the client to send a request.
Db2 Connect Performance KDPCPERF Displays the information obtained by running a sample SQL statement between the Db2 Connect gateway and the host database. It enables you to detect any bottlenecks.
Db2 Connect Server KDPCONN Key information about the active and the inactive Db2 Connect gateways.
Db2 Connect Tasks List KDPCTASK Statistics about the processes at the selected Db2 Connect gateway, for example, the CPU and the working set. Use the information to determine whether the Db2 Connect gateway is overloaded by Db2 Connect or any other allocation application.
Db2 DSNZPARM Active Log Parameters KDPZLOG Parameters that are related to the active log. These parameters are defined on the Db2 panel, DSNTIPL.
Db2 DSNZPARM Application Parameters KDPZAPPL Parameters that are related to applications. These parameters are defined on the Db2 panels DSNTIPF, DSNTIP4, and DSNTIP41.
Db2 DSNZPARM Archive Log Parameters KDPZARC Parameters that are related to log archiving. These parameters are defined on the Db2 panels DSNTIPA and DSNTIPH.
Db2 DSNZPARM Data Definition Control Parameters KDPZDDCS Parameters that are related to data. These parameters are defined on the Db2 panel DSNTIPZ.
Db2 DSNZPARM Data Parameters KDPZDATA Parameters that are related to data. These parameters are defined on the Db2 panels DSNTIPA2, DSNTIPO3, and DSNTIPM.
Db2 DSNZPARM Dataset and Database Parameters KDPZDSN Parameters that are related to data sets and databases. These parameters are defined on Db2 panels DSNTIP7, DSNTIP71, DSNTIP91, and DSNTIPS.
Db2 DSNZPARM Data Sharing Parameters KDPZDSG The parameters that are related to data sharing. These parameters are defined on the Db2 panel DSNTIPK.
Db2 DSNZPARM Default Buffer Pool Parameters KDPZBP Parameters that are related to the Default Buffer Pools. These parameters are defined on the Db2 panel DSNTIP1.
Db2 DSNZPARM IRLM Parameters KDPZIRLM Parameters that are related to IRLM. These parameters are defined on the Db2 panels DSNTIPI and DSNTIPJ.
Db2 DSNZPARM Operator Functions Parameters KDPZCTL Parameters that are related to operator functions. These parameters are defined on the Db2 panels DSNTIPO, DSNTIPP, DSNTIPP1, DSNTIPR and DSNTIP5.
Db2 DSNZPARM Other Parameters KDPZOTH Miscellaneous parameters that are defined on the Db2 panels DSN6SYSP, DSN6LOGP, DSN6ARVP, DSN6SPRM, DSN6FAC, and DSNHDECP.
Db2 DSNZPARM Performance and Optimization KDPZPERF Parameters that are related to performance and optimization. These parameters are defined on the Db2 panels DSNTIP8, DSNTIP81, and DSNTIP82.
Db2 DSNZPARM Storage and sizes KDPZSTG DSNZPARM parameters that are related to storage and sizes. These parameters are defined on the Db2 panels DSNTIPC and DSNTIPD.
Db2 DSNZPARM Stored Procedure KDPZSP DSNZPARM parameters that are related to Stored Procedures. These parameters are defined on the Db2 panel DSNTIPX.
Db2 DSNZPARM Thread Management KDPZSYS DSNZPARM parameters that are related to thread management. These parameters are defined on the Db2 panels DSNTIPE and DSNTIPE1.
Db2 DSNZPARM Trace KDPZTRC Parameters that are related to the trace. These parameters are defined on the Db2 panel, DSNTIPN.
Db2 DSNZPARM Utility KDPZUTIL DSNZPARM parameters that are related to utilities. These parameters are defined on Db2 the panels DSNTIP6, DSNTIP61, and DSNTIP62.
Db2 Dynamic SQL Cache Filter Options KDPDSQLF Filter options to manage the data returned from the Dynamic SQL cache especially when many rows are returned. The default filter option settings display the first 100 statements in descending order of the accumulated CPU time.
Db2 Dynamic SQL Cache Statement Statistics KDPDSQLS A summary of the contents of the Dynamic SQL cache so that you can determine their performance.
Db2 Environmental Descriptor Manager (EDM) Pool KDPEDM2A An overview of the Environmental Descriptor Manager (EDM) pool activity that is connected with Db2.
Db2 Environmental Descriptor Manager (EDM) Pool KDPEDMA An overview of the Environmental Descriptor Manager (EDM) pool activity that is connected with Db2.

The layout of the workspace depends on the Db2 version that is installed. The panel KDPEDMA applies to Db2 10.

Db2 Environmental Descriptor Manager (EDM) Pool KDPEDMB An overview of the Environmental Descriptor Manager (EDM) pool activity that is connected with Db2. The layout of the workspace depends on the Db2 version that is installed. The panel KDPEDMB applies to Db2 11.
Db2 Global Buffer Pool Detail KDPGBPDT Details about a specific global buffer pool for a member of a data sharing group.
Db2 Global Buffer Pool Detail KDPPGBPD Group buffer pool detail for all members of a data sharing group.
Db2 Global Buffer Pools Summary KDPPGBPO The global buffer pools for all members of a data sharing group.
Db2 Group All DSNZPARM KDPPZPRM Parameters that are related to DSNZPARM.
Db2 Group Buffer Pool Detail Castout KDPPGBPP Prefetch information and castout information about a group buffer pool for all members of a data sharing group.
Db2 Group Buffer Pool P-Lock KDPGBPLK The P-Lock information for a group buffer pool.
Db2 Group Buffer Pool P-Lock KDPPGBPL The P-Lock information for a group buffer pool for all members of a data sharing group.
Db2 Group Buffer Pool Secondary Buffer Pools Group level KDPPGBPC The Db2 Group Buffer Pool secondary information for all members of a data sharing group.
Db2 Group Buffer Pool Statistics KDPPGPLL A summary of all group buffer pools for all members of a data sharing group.
Db2 Group Buffer Pool Sync and GBP write KDPPGBPS Sync reads, writes and the hit ratio of a group buffer pool for all members of a data sharing group.
Db2 Group DSNZPARM Active Log Parameters KDPPZLOG Parameters that are related to the active log. These parameters are defined on the Db2 panel, DSNTIPL.
Db2 Group DSNZPARM Application Parameters KDPPZAPP Parameters that are related to applications. These parameters are defined on the Db2 panels DSNTIPF, DSNTIP4, and DSNTIP41.
Db2 Group DSNZPARM Archive Log Parameters KDPPZARC Parameters that are related to log archiving. These parameters are defined on the Db2 panels DSNTIPA and DSNTIPH.
Db2 Group DSNZPARM Data Definition Control Parameters KDPPZDDCS Parameters that are related to data. These parameters are defined on the Db2 panel DSNTIPZ.
Db2 Group DSNZPARM Data Parameters KDPPZDAT Parameters that are related to data. These parameters are defined on the Db2 panels DSNTIPA2, DSNTIPO3, and DSNTIPM.
Db2 Group DSNZPARM Dataset and Database Parameters KDPPZDSN Parameters that are related to data sets and databases. These parameters are defined on Db2 panels DSNTIP7, DSNTIP71, DSNTIP91, and DSNTIPS.
Db2 Group DSNZPARM Data Sharing Parameters KDPPZDSG The parameters that are related to data sharing. These parameters are defined on the Db2 panel DSNTIPK.
Db2 Group DSNZPARM Default Buffer Pool Parameters KDPPZBP Parameters that are related to the Default Buffer Pools. These parameters are defined on the Db2 panel DSNTIP1.
Db2 Group DSNZPARM IRLM Parameters KDPPZIRL Parameters that are related to IRLM. These parameters are defined on the Db2 panels DSNTIPI and DSNTIPJ.
Db2 Group DSNZPARM Operator Functions Parameters KDPPZCTL Parameters that are related to operator functions. These parameters are defined on the Db2 panels DSNTIPO, DSNTIPP, DSNTIPP1, DSNTIPR and DSNTIP5.
Db2 Group DSNZPARM Other Parameters KDPPZOTH Miscellaneous parameters that are defined on the Db2 panels DSN6SYSP, DSN6LOGP, DSN6ARVP, DSN6SPRM, DSN6FAC, and DSNHDECP.
Db2 Group DSNZPARM parameters KDPPZSYS Displays information about DSNZPARM parameters that are related to thread management.
Db2 Group DSNZPARM Performance and Optimization KDPPZPF Parameters that are related to performance and optimization. These parameters are defined on the Db2 panels DSNTIP8, DSNTIP81, and DSNTIP82.
Db2 Group DSNZPARM Storage and sizes KDPPZSTG DSNZPARM parameters that are related to storage and sizes. These parameters are defined on the Db2 panels DSNTIPC and DSNTIPD.
Db2 Group DSNZPARM Stored Procedure KDPPZSP DSNZPARM parameters that are related to Stored Procedures. These parameters are defined on the Db2 panel DSNTIPX.
Db2 Group DSNZPARM Trace KDPPZTRC Parameters that are related to the trace. These parameters are defined on the Db2 panel, DSNTIPN.
Db2 Group DSNZPARM Utility KDPPZUTL DSNZPARM parameters that are related to utilities. These parameters are defined on Db2 the panels DSNTIP6, DSNTIP61, and DSNTIP62.
Db2 Group Object Analysis Database Spacename KDPGOAS The table spaces within a database. With this information, you can do an analysis of a group object.
Db2 Group Object Analysis Thread Database KDPGOATD Object Analysis database use by thread for a data sharing group.
Db2 Group Object Analysis Volume Thread KDPGVOL2 The thread activity by volume workspace.
Db2 Group SQL Counts Data Control Language (DCL) KDPPSQL2 The system SQL counts for the Data Control Language (DCL) for each member of a data sharing group.
Db2 Group SQL Counts Data Definition Language (DDL) KDPPSQL3 The system SQL counts for the Data Definition Language (DDL) for each member of a data sharing group.
Db2 Group SQL Counts Data Manipulation Language (DML) KDPPSQL1 Displays the system SQL counts for a thread for each member of a data sharing group.
Db2 Group SQL Counts for Concentrate Literals KDPPSQL8 The system SQL counts for Concentrate Literals for each member of a data sharing group.
Db2 Group SQL Counts for Prepares KDPPSQL7 The system SQL counts for Prepares for each member of a data sharing group.
Db2 Group SQL Counts for Stored Procedures, User Defined Functions and Triggers KDPPSQL6 The system SQL counts for Stored Procedures, User Defined Functions, and Triggers for each member of a data sharing group.
Db2 Group SQL Counts Miscellaneous KDPPSQLE The system miscellaneous SQL counts for each member of a data sharing group.
Db2 Group SQL Counts Query Parallelism KDPPSQL5 The system SQL counts for query parallelism for each member of a data sharing group.
Db2 Group SQL Counts Record Identifier (RID) List Processing KDPPSQL4 The system SQL counts for Record Identifier (RID) List Processing for each member of a data sharing group.
Db2 Group SQL Counts Row ID Access KDPPSQLD The system SQL counts for Row ID Access for each member of a data sharing group.
Db2 Group SQL Counts Use Committed KDPPSQLA The system SQL counts for Use Committed for each member of a data sharing group.
Db2 Group SQL Counts Workfiles KDPPSQLB The system SQL counts for workfiles for each member of a data sharing group.
Db2 Interval Statistics KDPINTVS Summary display of Interval Statistics for all DB2s
Db2 Main KDPSTART The active Data Sharing Groups and the active Db2 subsystems. From this workspace, you can drill down to any other screens.
Db2 SQL Counts Data Control Language (DCL) KDPSQL2 The system SQL counts for Data Control Language (DCL) for a Db2 subsystem.
Db2 SQL Counts Data Definition Language (DDL) KDPSQL3 The system SQL counts for Data Definition Language (DDL) for a Db2 subsystem.
Db2 SQL Counts Data Manipulation Language (DML) KDPSQL1 The SQL counts for the Data Manipulation Language (DML) for a Db2 subsystem.
Db2 SQL Counts for Concentrate Literals KDPSQL8 The system miscellaneous SQL counts for each member of a data sharing group.
Db2 SQL Counts for Prepares KDPSQL7 The system SQL counts for Prepares for a Db2 subsystem.
Db2 SQL Counts for Stored Procedures, User Defined Functions and Triggers KDPSQL6 The system SQL counts for Stored Procedures, User Defined Functions, and Triggers for a Db2 subsystem.
Db2 SQL Counts Miscellaneous KDPSQLE The system miscellaneous SQL counts for each member of a data sharing group.
Db2 SQL Counts Query Parallelism workspace KDPSQL5 The system SQL counts for Query Parallelism for a Db2 subsystem.
Db2 SQL Counts Record Identifier (RID) List Processing KDPSQL4 The system SQL counts for Record Identifier (RID) List Processing for a Db2 subsystem.
Db2 SQL Counts Row ID Access KDPSQLD The system SQL counts for Row ID access for a Db2 subsystem.
Db2 SQL Counts Use Committed KDPSQLA The system SQL counts for Use Committed for each member of a data sharing group.
Db2 SQL Counts Workfiles KDPSQLB The system SQL counts for workfiles for each member of a data sharing group.
Db2 Subsystem Interval Statistic KDPINTVD Detail display of Interval Statistics for specific Db2 subsystem
Db2 Thread Detail Locks Owned KDPPLK The locks and claims that are owned by a thread that is linked from the data sharing group Lock Conflicts workspace.
Distributed Thread Detail KDPTHRDD Information about the VTAM® APPC conversations and TCP/IP conversations of a distributed (DDF) thread.
Find DSNZPARM Parameters KDPPZFND Parameters that are related to DSNZPARM. With the information in this workspace, you can find Db2 parameters by field name or description for all members in a data sharing group.
Find DSNZPARM Parameters KDPZFIND Db2 parameters by field name or field description for a Db2 subsystem.
Global Buffer Pools KDPPGPLL A summary of all group buffer pools for all members of a data sharing group.
Global Buffer Pool Summary KDPGBPOL A summary of active group buffer pools for this member of the data sharing group.
Global Lock Statistics KDPLOK3 A summary of all locking activity in a data sharing group.
Group Buffer Pool Prefetch Castout KDPGBPPF Prefetch information and castout information about a group buffer pool.
Group Buffer Pool Secondary GBP KDPGBPSC The Db2 Group Buffer Pool secondary information.
Group Buffer Pool Summary KDPGPOOL A list of active group buffer pools. A drill down for more details is also available.
Group Buffer Pool Sync and GBP write KDPGBPSY Sync reads, writes and the hit ratio of a group buffer pool.
Group Object Activity by Tablespace KDPGOAT2 Information about the activity of a group object by table space. With this information, you can do a more detailed analysis of the activities for a Db2 table space.
Group Object Analysis Database Activity KDPGOATS A high-level analysis of getpage and I/O activity from a Db2 database perspective.
Group Object Analysis Spacename KDPGSPAC Provides information about the activity of Db2 databases and Db2 table spaces. With this information, you can do a more detailed analysis of the activities for a Db2 databases and Db2 table spaces.
Group Object Analysis Space Name KDPSPAC Provides information about the activity of Db2 databases and Db2 table spaces. With this information, you can do a more detailed analysis of the activities for a Db2 databases and Db2 table spaces.
Group Object Analysis Spacename Detail KDPGSPAD The Group Object Analysis table space detail workspace.
Group Object Analysis KDPGOA A global view of object allocation data for a specific data sharing group.
Group Object Volume Database KDPGVDB Displays information you can use to analyze I/O activity for a single volume in a Db2 database. Based on the information that this workspace provides, you can recommend changes, set up situations, and verify that your recommended changes improve system performance.
History Db2 Messages KDPMSGH Display historical Db2 messages that can help you diagnose performance problems in the past.
IMS Connections KDPIMS An overview of Db2 thread activity that is originating from connected IMS subsystems.
IMS Region Information KDPIMSRG Detailed status information for a specific IMS dependent region.
Key Performance Indicators KDPKPI1 A summary of thread related Key Performance Indicators for a Db2 subsystem. It includes connections, transactions and locking Key Performance Indicators, which can help you quickly identify and resolve any performance issues.
Latch Counters KDPLOK2 View latch statistics counters associate with a latch level.
Lock Conflicts KDPLOCKS An overview of the Db2 database lock conflicts.
Lock Manager Information KDPLOK1 A view of current locking activity.
Locking Conflicts KDPLKC2 Displays the lock conflicts that exist for a Db2 subsystem.
Log Manager KDPLOGSB An overview of the Db2 log manager active logging and archiving activity.
Log Manager KDPLOGSM An overview of the Db2 log manager active logging and archiving activity.
Log Manager KDPLOGS9 An overview of the Db2 log manager active logging and archiving activity.
Miscellaneous Key Performance Indicators KDPKPI3 Miscellaneous Key Performance Indicators for a Db2 subsystem. It includes monitoring, logging, stored procedures, user defined functions and query parallelism Key Performance Indicators, which can help you quickly identify and resolve any performance issues.
MVS Storage above 2 GB KDPSTA2A The MVS Storage Above 2 GB workspace provides an overview of MVS storage above the 2 GB bar. It shows information about storage allocation within the DBM1 and DIST address space.
Navigation Options Pop-up KDPCPDBZ  
Package Statistics KDPCPKG Provides information about the size of the data exchanged between the Db2 Connect gateway and the host database and about the network time required. It enables you to measure the throughput between the host database and the Db2 Connect gateway and gives you a better idea of the database activity and network traffic at the application level.
Pools and Storage Key Performance Indicators KDPKPI2 A summary of pool and storage related Key Performance Indicators for a Db2 subsystem. It includes Db2 pools, storage, buffer pools, sorting and group buffer pools Key Performance Indicators, which can help you quickly identify and resolve any performance issues.
Real and Auxiliary Storage KDPSTU2A The Real Aux workspace provides an overview of real and auxiliary storage allocation within DBM1 and DIST address space.
Secondary Latch Cont. Counters KDPLOK4 View IRLM latch contention counters in Db2 statistics trace.
Shared Storage Above 2 GB KDPSTS2A The STMT workspace provides an overview of Db2 subsystem shared storage and shared variable storage above 2 GB.
SQL Text KDPDYNTX Displays the SQL text of statements in the Dynamic SQL cache.
SQL Text KDPSTATX Displays the SQL text of statement in the Static SQL cache.
Statistics KDPDYNST Displays the statistics for a statement in the Dynamic SQL cache.
Statistics KDPSTAST Displays the statistics for a statement in the Static SQL cache.
Storage Consumption KDPSTO2A The Db2 subsystem storage consumption.
Storage Consumption Common Storage Below and Above KDPSTOCA The Db2 subsystem storage consumption for common storage below and above 2 GB.
Storage Consumption DBM1 and MVS Storage Below 2 GB KDPSTOAA The Db2 subsystem storage consumption for DBM1 Storage and MVS Storage below 2 GB.
Storage Consumption DBM1 and MVS Storage Below 2 GB KDPSTOA9 The Db2 subsystem storage consumption for DBM1 and MVS Storage below 2 GB.
Storage Consumption IRLM KDPSTOIB The IRLM workspace provides an overview of Db2 IRLM storage allocation including HWM and thresholds.
Storage Consumption LPAR KDPSTOLA The LPAR workspace provides an overview of MVS LPAR shared storage above 2 GB.
Storage Consumption Real and Auxiliary KDPSTOM9 The Db2 subsystem consumption in MB for real and auxiliary storage.
Storage Consumption Real and Auxiliary Pages KDPSTOUA The Db2 subsystem storage consumption for real and auxiliary pages.
Storage Consumption Shared Storage Above 2GB KDPSTOSA The Db2 subsystem storage consumption for shared storage above 2 GB.
Storage Consumption Storage Below 2 GB KDPSTORA The Db2 subsystem storage consumption for storage below 2 GB.
Storage Consumption Subsystem Shared Storage Above 2GB KDPSTOBA The Db2 subsystem storage consumption for shared storage above 2 GB.
Subsystem Shared Storage Above 2 GB KDPSTO2B The Subsy Shr workspace displays subsystem shared storage above 2 GB including real storage and auxiliary storage.
System Resource Manager KDPSUBSM An overview of workload related information about the Db2 subsystem that you are monitoring.
System States KDPKPI4 Key Db2 system and thread related performance data. This data includes thread, stored procedures, user defined functions, triggers, locks, and open datasets, which can help you quickly identify and resolve any performance issues.
The Cancel Thread Pop-up KDPTCANC Provides an option to cancel a thread.
Thread CICS Connection KDPTHCIC Display CICS connection information for a CICS thread.
Thread Detail Accelerator KDPTHRDC Information about accelerator metrics for an active thread.
Thread Detail Accounting Class 1 and 2 KDPTHDA2 The accounting classes 1 and 2 for a selected thread.
Thread Detail Accounting Class 1 and 2 KDPTHRDA The accounting classes 1 and 2 for a selected thread.
Thread Detail Accounting Class 3 Wait Times KDPTHRD3 The accounting class 3 wait times for a selected thread.
Thread Detail Distributed KDPTHDD2 Information about the VTAM APPC conversations and TCP/IP conversations of a distributed (DDF) thread.
Thread Detail Long Names KDPTHRDN The long names (identification fields) that are associated with a specific thread.
Thread Detail SQL Text KDPTSQLT The SQL statement that a Db2 thread is currently executing.
Thread Enclave Detail KDPTHDE2 Detailed information about the workload manager (WLM) enclave service periods.
Thread Enclave Detail KDPTHRDE Detailed information about the workload manager (WLM) enclave service periods.
Thread Locks Owned KDPTHRDL Detailed information about the locks and the claims that are owned by an individual thread.
Thread SQL Counts Data Control Language (DCL) KDPTSQL2 Displays the SQL counts for the Data Control Language (DCL) for a thread.
Thread SQL Counts Data Definition Language (DDL) KDPTSQL3 The SQL counts for the Data Definition Language (DDL) for a thread.
Thread SQL Counts Data Manipulation Language (DML) KDPTSQL1 The SQL counts for the Data Manipulation Language (DML) for a thread.
Thread SQL Counts for Concentrate Literals KDPTSQL8 The SQL counts for Concentrate Literals for a thread.
Thread SQL Counts for Prepares KDPTSQL7 The SQL counts for Prepares for a thread.
Thread SQL Counts for Stored Procedures, User Defined Functions and Triggers KDPTSQL6 The SQL counts for Stored Procedures, User Defined Functions, and Triggers for a thread.
Thread SQL Counts Miscellaneous KDPTSQLE The miscellaneous SQL counts for a thread.
Thread SQL Counts Query Parallelism KDPTSQL5 The SQL counts for query parallelism for a thread.
Thread SQL Counts Record Identifier (RID) List Processing KDPTSQL4 The SQL counts for the Record Identifier (RID) List Processing for a thread.
Thread SQL Counts Row ID Access KDPTSQLD The SQL counts for row ID access for a thread.
Thread Summary KDPTHRD A global view of thread activity for a specific Db2 subsystem. You can sort differently by changing the Sort field.
T Thread Detail SQL Text (KDPPSQLT) KDPSSQLS A summary of the contents of the Static SQL cache so that you can determine their performance.
Utility Jobs KDPUTILS An overview of the active utilities. Workspace monitoring includes utilities that have not yet completed their run because of abnormal termination.
Volume Activity KDPGVOL An overview of the performance of the volumes that contain Db2 objects. . With this information, you can evaluate DASD performance by volume.
Volume Detail Activity KDPGVOLD A detail view of the performance of volumes that contain Db2 objects. With this information, you can evaluate DASD performance.
Volume Thread KDPGVOLT The volume activity by thread workspace.
z/OS® System Statistics KDPZOS Overall CPU usage, paging real and virtual storage usage by Db2.