Thread History Db2 Time Summary

This panel provides a summary of thread In-DB2 times for a selected report interval.

________________ ZHATTIM  VTM     O2       V540.#P DA41 11/06/13 12:15:51   2 
> Help PF1         Back PF3         Up PF7         Down PF8          Zoom PF11 
>                   Enter a selection letter on the top line.                  
> A-Summary    B-Buffer Pool    *-DB2 Time    D-Lock/Scan/Sort    E-Alt Summary
> O-OPTIONS                                                                    
>                       Thread History DB2 Time Summary                        
+ Report Interval:   15 mins                     Start: 11/06 10:00:00.000000  
+ Report Filtered:       NO                        End: 11/06 10:14:59.999999  
+                                  In-DB2   In-DB2        Wait    I/O    I/O   
+ End Time       Plan     Authid   Elap Tm  CPU Tm  Waits Time    Waits Wait Tm
+ ------------   -------- -------- -------  ------- ----- ------- ----- -------
+ 10:14:46.339 D DISTSERV MIS          .05      .00     8    .000     0    .000
+ 10:13:44.882 D DISTSERV MIS          .01      .00     8    .000     0    .000
+ 10:12:45.707 D DISTSERV MIS          .01      .00     8    .000     0    .000
+ 10:11:46.491 D DISTSERV MIS          .02      .00     6    .000     0    .000
+ 10:11:32.884 D DISTSERV MIS          .15      .01     5    .000     0    .000


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  • a particular thread, move the cursor to the thread information line and press F11 (Zoom).
  • related topics, choose on of the options at the top of the panel.
  • other topics, use the PF keys.


Report Interval
The time of the thread summary report displayed.
The start date and time of the interval currently displayed.
Report Filtered
This field shows YES if thread filter values were used to create this display. Otherwise, NO is displayed.
The end time of the interval currently displayed.
End Time
The end time of the Db2 thread execution.
If this thread involves parallel processing or if it invokes autonomous procedures, one of the following identifiers is displayed after the elapsed time to provide more information about this thread:
This thread is a parallel task initiated on behalf of another (originating) thread to process a query request in parallel.
This thread is an autonomous procedure rollup record.
This thread is a RRSAF/DDF rollup record due to ZPARM ACCUMACC >= 2.
This thread is the originating thread that invokes autonomous procedures.
This thread is the parent or the originating thread of the parallel tasks that are created to process a query request in parallel. Activity that is performed for this (originating) thread is reflected under the parallel tasks.
This thread is a parallel task rollup record due to ZPARM PTASKROL = YES.
The Db2 plan name.
The Db2 authorization identifier of the threads.
In-DB2 Elap Tm
The elapsed time spent in DB2. Accounting class 2 is required. Displays N/A if accounting class 2 data is not available.
The CPU time spent in Db2. Accounting class 2 is required. Displays N/A if accounting class 2 data not available.
The total number of waits in DB2. Accounting class 3 is required. Displays N/A if accounting class 3 data is not available.
Wait Time
The time spent waiting in DB2. Accounting class 3 is required. Displays N/A if accounting class 3 data is not available.
I/O Waits
The total number of waits for I/O. Accounting class 3 is required. Displays N/A if accounting class 3 data is not available.
I/O Wait Tm
The time spent waiting for I/O. Accounting class 3 is required. Displays N/A if accounting class 3 data is not available.