Task Control Block Structure

This panel displays the current TCB structure for the target user (the Db2 system services address space, Db2 database services address space, Db2 Internal Resource Lock Manager (IRLM) address space, or the DDF address space).

This panel requires special authorization because its use causes additional system overhead to collect the necessary data. Type /PWD on the top line of the panel, enter a valid password when requested, then press Enter. Thereafter, OMEGAMON® XE for Db2 PE displays the requested information.

________________ ZPEEKAG  VTM     O2       V540.#P DA41 11/06/13 11:19:53   2  
>       Help PF1           Back PF3           Up PF7           Down PF8         
> M.A.G                                                                         
>  SYSTEM SERVICES ADDRESS SPACE:  Enter a selection letter on the top line.    
> H-LSQA                                                                        
>                         TASK CONTROL BLOCK STRUCTURE                          
 PEEK  DA41MSTR ASID=225, collected at 11:19:51                                 
 tcbs  Program  Mother   Daughter Sister   Jobstep                              
+      IEAVAR00          IEESB605           (Self)   (Region Control Task)      
+      IEESB605 IEAVAR00 DSNYASCP IEAVTSDT  (Self)   (Started Task Control)     
+      DSNYASCP IEESB605 DSNVRCT            (Self)                              
+      DSNVRCT  DSNYASCP          DSNVEUS4 DSNYASCP                             
+      DSNVEUS4 DSNYASCP DSNVEUS3          DSNYASCP                             
+      DSNVEUS3 DSNVEUS4          DSNVEUS3 DSNYASCP                             
+      DSNVEUS3 DSNVEUS4          DSNVEUS3 DSNYASCP                             


For additional information about
  • related topics, select one of the options at the top of the panel.
  • other topics, use the PF keys.


The name of the job running in this address space. (In this case, DA41MSTR.)
The address space identification number.
collected at
The time at which OMEGAMON XE for Db2 PE collected the information for this TCB structure.
Load module name of the most recently created request block (RB) for each TCB.
The program name of the mother TCB of the program TCB.
The program name of the daughter TCB of the program TCB.
The program name of the oldest sister TCB of the program TCB.
The name of the current job step.
Figure 1 shows a graphic representation of the information about a typical TCB structure shown on the Db2 Address Space TCB Structure panel.
Figure 1. Typical TCB Structure

If you type an A before TCBS (ATCBS), OMEGAMON XE for DB2 PE displays the actual TCB address under each TCB program name. This information can be useful if several TCBs in the same step invoke the same program. If you type an X before TCBS (XTCBS), OMEGAMON XE for Db2 PE displays two extra lines for each TCB. The first line shows the storage protect key for the TCB and indicates whether the address space is APF authorized.

The second line indicates that the TCB is either DISPATCHABLE or NON-DISPATCHABLE. For those TCBs that cannot be dispatched, a short explanation is displayed to indicate which non-dispatchability bit was set.

You can type a 2-digit number after TCBS (TCBSnn) to suppress the display of the first nn lines of output. This ability is useful if all of the TCB names do not fit on one panel.