Layout of the Exception Log File output record

The table in this section outlines the format of the Exception Log File data set output record. Use these terms to interpret the table.

Length from the beginning of the record to the start of the field.
Length of the field, in bytes.
DB2® Data Type
The format of the value in the field:
  • CHAR
Table 1. Layout of the Exception Log File output record
Offset (decimal) Length (bytes) Db2 Data Type Description
N/A 2 SMALLINT Length of record (LL)
N/A 2 SMALLINT Binary zeros
0 1 CHAR Log record type:
  • F = Field-level exception record
  • M = Exception message (Online Monitor only)
1 1 CHAR Processing origin ID:
  • B = Record written by batch exception processor
  • S = Record written by online display exception processor
  • A = Record written by online periodic exception processor
2 4 CHAR Per:
  • SYST = System
  • PROG = Program
  • PLAN = Plan name
6 16 CHAR Local location
22 2 CHAR Reserved
24 8 CHAR Primary authorization ID
32 8 CHAR Original authorization ID
40 8 CHAR Plan name
48 8 CHAR Connection ID
56 8 CHAR Connection type
64 12 CHAR Untranslated correlation ID
76 8 CHAR Correlation name
84 8 CHAR Correlation number
92 8 CHAR Network ID
100 8 CHAR VTAM® LU name
108 12 CHAR Instance number
120 2 SMALLINT LUW sequence number
122 18 CHAR Main package (MAINPACK)
140 16 CHAR Requesting location
156 2 CHAR Reserved
158 4 CHAR Db2 subsystem ID
162 6 CHAR OMEGAMON® XE for Db2 PE VnRnMn
168 6 CHAR Db2 VnRnMn
174 1 SMALLINT Db2 release code
175 8 CHAR Store clock timestamp
183 26 TIMESTAMP Db2 timestamp
209 8 CHAR Field name
217 1 CHAR Field type:
  • Blank = Normal field
  • B = Buffer pool field
  • D = DDF field
  • G = Group buffer pool field
  • C = Global group buffer pool statistics field
  • P = Package
218 54 CHAR Field name qualifier used in the Exception Threshold data set
272 2 CHAR Reserved
274 54 CHAR Actual field name qualifier:
  • Buffer pool ID for buffer pool records
  • Remote location for DDF records
  • Package location, connection ID, and program name for package records
  • Blank for all other records
328 2 CHAR Reserved
330 1 CHAR Reserved
331 1 CHAR Field description (without qualifier)
371 40 CHAR Compare basis:
  • V = Total value
  • M = By minute
  • S = By second
  • C = By commit
  • T = By thread
372 1 CHAR Operator (> or <)
373 12 CHAR Exception value (character)
385 12 CHAR Threshold value (character)
397 1 CHAR Exception level:
  • P = Problem
  • W = Warning
398 8 DOUBLE PRECISION Exception value (floating point)
406 8 DOUBLE PRECISION Threshold value (floating point)
414 8 CHAR Group name
422 8 CHAR Member name
Note: The exception and threshold values in floating-point form (offsets 398 and 406 respectively) can contain time or counts fields. For time fields, the value is stored in terms of microseconds. For example, if you entered 0.3 seconds for the threshold value, it is stored as 300 000 microseconds in the Exception Log File data set. For counts fields, the value is stored as the actual value.