Functions and utilities of the Statistics report set
The Statistics report set consists of the REPORT, TRACE, FILE, SAVE, RESTORE, REDUCE functions, and the Save-File and Spreadsheet Input-Data Generator utilities.
- REPORT shows interval records that contain DB2 Statistics data
aggregated over user-specified periods of time (see Interval records) which generally do not
coincide with periods in which DB2 Statistics records are externalized.
For example, you can produce reports that show Db2 system activity
per hour, per day, or per the entire period in which the DB2 Statistics
data is collected.
A special kind of the Statistics reports are exception reports in which only the interval records are presented that contain selected counters that exceed user-defined threshold values (see Exception processing).
The Statistics reports are produced for each DB2 subsystem and DB2 location present in the input data set. In a data sharing environment you can request the Statistics reports on a per-member basis or per-group basis where the Statistics data is aggregated across all members in the data sharing group (see Member-scope and group-scope reporting).
You can also tailor the format of the reports by specifying which report blocks of data and which fields from a report block are included in a report or by defining your own labels and headings associated with the reported fields (see Controlling the level of detail in reports and traces).
- TRACE shows delta records that contain DB2 Statistics data within
periods of time marked by two consecutive DB2 Statistics record pairs
(see Delta records).
A special kind of the Statistics traces are exception traces in which only the delta records are presented that contain selected counters that exceed user-defined thresholds (see Exception processing).
The Statistics traces are produced for each DB2 subsystem and DB2 location present in the input data set. In a data sharing environment the Statistics traces are presented for each member of a data sharing group.
Like reports, you can tailor the layout of the traces (see Controlling the level of detail in reports and traces).
- FILE stores delta records (the same data structures presented by the TRACE function) into a
sequential data set that is suitable for use by the DB2 load utility.
When delta records are in DB2 tables, you can produce tailored reports by using a reporting facility such as Query Management Facility (QMF). The FILE function can also be considered as an alternative way of archiving the DB2 Statistics data in Save data sets. (See Creating data for the Performance Database and the Performance Warehouse.)
Checking for exception conditions is also available in the FILE function, in which case only the delta records are presented that contain selected counters that exceed user-defined thresholds (see Exception processing).
You can also use the File data sets to generate CSV (comma-separated value) input-data. This CSV data can then be transferred to workstations and imported into spreadsheets to improve DB2 performance analysis using graphical representations or pivot tables. (See Generating input data for spreadsheets.)
- You can save data sets as follows:
- Without CONVERT option
- Stores interval records
(the same data structures presented by the REPORT function) into a VSAM data set to:
- Archive the Statistics data for producing long-term reports
- Use the Save-File utility to create a sequential data set that is suitable for use by the DB2 load utility.
Note:- You can only process VSAM data sets in the same version of OMEGAMON® for Db2 PE as they have been created. For
example, if you create a SAVE data set in version 530, it can only be RESTORED in version 530.
To use a SAVE data set in a higher version, you must migrate the SAVE data set using a migration utility.
- Before you restore or convert SAVE data sets from V5.2.0 or V5.3.0, you must first migrate this data to OMEGAMON for Db2 PE V5.4.0 format.
- Restored reports only show fields that are supported by the current version of OMEGAMON for Db2 PE.
- With CONVERT option
- Converts and saves reduced data into a sequential data set that can be loaded into Db2 tables.
You can also use the Save-File data sets to generate CSV (comma-separated value) input-data. This CSV data can then be transferred to workstations and imported into spreadsheets to improve DB2 performance analysis using graphical representations or pivot tables. (See Generating input data for spreadsheets.)
- RESTORE reloads a previously saved data set to report it with or without new Statistics data. Saved data can be restored and re-saved as often as required.
- REDUCE specifies the duration of the interval records that are
to be presented in Statistics reports or stored in a Save data set.
You can also control the volume of data to be reported and saved by using the FROM and TO and the INCLUDE and EXCLUDE subcommand options.
- Save-File utility
- With the Save-File utility you can:
- Migrate Statistics Save data sets from earlier releases.
- Convert Statistics Save data sets into sequential data sets that are suitable for use by the DB2 load utility.
- Spreadsheet Input Data Generator utility
You can also use the File and Save-File data sets to generate CSV (comma-separated value) input-data. This CSV data can then be transferred to workstations and imported into spreadsheets to improve DB2 performance analysis using graphical representations or pivot tables. (See Generating input data for spreadsheets.)