KD2_PFnn_OA - Object analysis

The KD2_PFnn_OA parameters control the object analysis behavior in your environment.

Object analysis provides information about DB2 object allocations, object activities, volume activities, and data set extend activities. You can start object analysis in one of the following ways:
  • Manually, using the START OBJECT ANALYSIS COLLECTORS panel. If there are significant levels of I/O activity on monitored DASD volumes in your environment, you can start this function manually to measure specific workloads or help manage isolated performance situations.
  • Automatically, when the OMEGAMON® for DB2® PE server is activated. It is recommended that you do not automatically start object analysis in the AUTOSTART configuration.

By default, the Object Analysis function is shipped with a security level of 3, and requires that you enter a level 3 password to successfully complete the startup. If you want to use external security, you must have the appropriate resource class definition attached to your OMEGAMON for Db2 PE logon identifier. To start Object Analysis, you must first start OMEGAMON for Db2 PE Event Collection Manager (EVENTMGR).

OMEGAMON for Db2 PE provides object analysis data only for active DB2 objects.

Object analysis can only be performed on a single DB2 subsystem, no matter whether the subsystem is a member of a data sharing group or not.