Installing Performance Expert Client silently using a response file

A silent installation runs without displaying an interface or prompting you for input. You can do silent installations of Performance Expert Client to simplify the process of installing it on multiple computers.

Before you begin

Before you install Performance Expert Client silently, you must first create a response file. A response file is a file that contains the properties and values that drive the installation. You create a response file by running the installation wizard or console mode with the following command-line option: -r response_file_name. When you complete the installation, the information that you entered in the installation wizard or console mode is recorded in the response file. You will use this file to install the product silently on other computers.


  1. From the directory of the installation image for Performance Expert Client, run the following command as Administrator:
    On Windows 64-bit:
    db2pe.client.*.install-on-win64.exe -i silent -f response_file_name
    where response_file_name is the name of the response file that you created during a previous installation of the product.
    Note: If you are on Windows 8, ensure that you run the *.exe file in Windows 7 Compatibility mode.
  2. Verify that the installation was successful by checking the db2pecli.log installation log file in the following directory:
    • On Windows: %USERPROFILE% (For example: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator)
  3. Start the Performance Expert Client from the Windows Start menu or the created Desktop icon.