Set Exception Analysis Options

Use this panel to view and change the current characteristics of an exception and to add, delete, or display filtering rules for THREAD exception processing.

The following example shows the exception analysis options for an ARCM exception:

________________ ZXTARCM  VTM     O2       V540.#P DA41 11/06/13 11:26:04   2 
> Help PF1               Up PF7                Down PF8                Back PF3
> Warns when thread backout processing is waiting for an archive tape mount.   
> To change the value of an exception option, type the new value over the      
> current one.  Press ENTER to record the change.                              
 XACB LIST=ARCM                                                                
: ARCM                                                                         
+      DISPLAY Parameters:   THRESHOLD Parameters:   XLF Parameters:           
:        State=ON             Threshold=N/A           Auto=OFF                 
:        Group=TH             Display=CLR3            Log=OFF                  
:        Bell=OFF             Attribute=NONE          Limit=5 (5)              
:      BOX Parameters:       CYCLE Parameters:        Repeat=YES               
:        Boxchar=NO BOX       ExNcyc=0                Persist=1                
:        Boxclr=NONE          Stop=0 (0)              SL=ZTHLOG                
:        Boxattr=NONE         Cumulative=0                                     
 XTHD ARCM                                                                     
: FUNCTION=ADD(01)             | (DIS/ADD/DEL)                                 
+ RULE=01 | Thread Exception Rule Parameters:                                  
:         |  PLAN=________     AUTHID=________     CONNTYPE=_______            
:         |  CICS Parameters:  CICSTRAN=____       CICSCONN=________           
:         |  IMS Parameters:   PSBNAME=________    IMSID=________              
:         |  PACKDBRM=________                                                 
:         |  PAKCOLID=__________________                                       
:         |  CORRID=____________                                               
:         |  REQLOC=________________                                           
:         |  THRDTYPE=_                                                        
:         |  EXCLUDE=YES                                                       


For additional information about other topics, use the PF keys.


Exception name.

DISPLAY Parameters

One of the following:
Checks for this exception condition during the current OMEGAMON® XE for DB2 PE session.
Does not check this exception condition during the current OMEGAMON XE for DB2 PE session.
Sets exception analysis into a test mode for this exception condition.

If you set the exception state to TEST and you type the word FORCE after the exception name, OMEGAMON XE for DB2 PE displays the exception message text below the parameters with T in column 2 of the exception text and also on the Exception Messages panel.

Note: Because OMEGAMON XE for Db2 PE cannot provide a current value for the exception, the message text substitutes the value with an n variable.
Displays the 2-character exception group identifier.
for CICS®
for system
for thread
Specifies whether the audible alarm on the terminal sounds when this exception occurs.
The bell sounds. This works only if the system bell is set to ON on the Set Display Options panel.
The bell does not sound.

BOX Parameters

Specifies a box character enclosed in single quotes, or the string NO BOX (without quotes), which is the default. If Boxchar is NO BOX, OMEGAMON XE for Db2 PE does not place any box around the exception. Also, Boxclr and Boxattr is set to NONE.

Do not use a single quote (') as a box character, because it is the delimiter. To use an ampersand as a box character, type two ampersands (Boxchar is '&&').

Sets the color or intensity of the exception box. (If you set Boxchar=NO BOX, OMEGAMON XE for Db2 PE sets Boxclr=NONE.)
On 4-color or noncolor terminals the value can be:
Highlights the message.
Does not highlight the message.
Uses the value of the default field on the Set Display Options panel.
On 7-color terminals the value can be:
Sets the box red.
Sets the box blue.
Sets the box yellow.
Sets the box pink.
Sets the box green.
Sets the box turquoise.
Sets the box white.
Uses the value of the default field on the Set Display Options panel.

Boxclr can also be set to the variables Clr1 through Clr7. They are associated with the colors listed before and follow the same order. To set these values, see the Set Display Options panel.

For 7-color terminals, sets one of the following additional highlight attributes (with extended color support) for the box. (If you set Boxchar at NO BOX, OMEGAMON XE for DB2 PE sets Boxattr at NONE.)
Turns on blinking for the exception.
Displays message in reverse video.
Underscores message.
Uses the default extended highlight attributes.
Note: If you do not set color and highlighting attributes for the box, OMEGAMON XE for DB2 PE uses those that you set for the exception.

THRESHOLD Parameters

Exception threshold. For exceptions that monitor an action, not a value, this setting is N/A.
Sets the exception message display color or intensity.

The variables Clr1 through Clr7 specify the exception display color. Set the associated values with the Set Display Options panel.

On terminals that use extended color support (set with the XACB Display Options field on the Set Display Options panel), the color codes are:

Sets message red.
Sets message blue.
Sets message yellow.
Sets message pink.
Sets message green.
Sets message turquoise.
Sets message white.
Specifies the hardware default colors.
On terminals that do not use extended color support, the intensity can be:
Highlights the message.
Does not highlight the message.
For 7-color terminals, sets one of the following extended highlight attribute (with extended color support) for the exception.
Turns on blinking for the exception.
Displays message in reverse video.
Underscores message.
Uses the default extended highlight attributes.

CYCLE Parameters

Sets the frequency for checking the exception at every n OMEGAMON cycles. If this parameter is set to 0 or 1, exception checking will occur during every OMEGAMON cycle. If this field is set to a higher number, exception checking will only occur each time the specified number of cycles elapses. The default setting for ExNcyc is 0.
Sets a monitoring limit for an exception to n trips. After the exception trips n times, the exception will not monitor or display it during the current OMEGAMON XE for DB2 PE session, unless you reset this parameter. The (m) value indicates the number of times the exception has already tripped since you last reset the STOP parameter. The default value for STOP is 0, which means that there is no limit to the number of times the exception can be tested and displayed.
Indicates how many times the exception has tripped during the current OMEGAMON XE for Db2 PE session.

XLF Parameters

Controls the status of ASF (automated panel facility) for this exception. Can be ON or OFF.
Controls the status of XLF (Exception Logging Facility) for this exception. Can be ON or OFF.
Limits the number of times XLF or ASF is invoked if the exception occurs. If you enter 0, no events are logged. If you enter NONE, the exception invokes XLF and/or ASF each time the exception occurs.

The number that is displayed in parentheses is the number of invocations remaining before the limit is reached. If Limit is NONE, the parenthetical value is not displayed, because there is no limit to the number of invocations.

Specifies that the exception is to be logged each time the PERSIST threshold is reached (YES), or that it is to be logged only the first time the PERSIST threshold is reached (NO).
Specifies the number of OMEGAMON XE for DB2 PE cycles during which the exception must trip before XLF or ASF logs the exception and/or detail panel.
This parameter might first be displayed on your panel as SS. Change the parameter to SL for proper logging.
  • SS specifies the screen space to invoke if ASF is in effect.
  • SL logs the screen space execution on the REPORT LOG.
The following panels have been predefined for this purpose:
Details about the CICS exceptions.
Details about IMS exceptions.
Details about system exceptions.
Details about thread exceptions.

You can customize and create your own panels for this purpose. You can also chain panels together.

Exception Rules

Note that, before OMEGAMON XE for Db2 PE processes exception rules, it applies global exclude rules to exclude threads from all thread exception processing. You can specify your own exclude rules.

For the non-excluded threads OMEGAMON XE for DB2 PE processes rules for an exception in the order in which the rules are numbered on the Rules for an Exception panel. Once a thread meets the criteria of a rule, exception rule processing stops. Therefore, specific rules must precede the more general and inclusive rules. See the online help F1 (Help) for an example.

The following fields are displayed at the bottom of the panel when you select a THREAD type exception:
Use this field to specify what you want to accomplish. Enter one of the following commands, followed by a rule number in parentheses:
Displays the rules. You can specify a rule number, for example DIS(12), to access a particular rule without using the scroll key. You can specify an asterisk (*), for example DIS(*), to display all rules for an exception.

After rules are displayed, you can change the contents of any field.

Adds a new rule or changes the order of existing rules. For example, if you enter Add(03), a new rule is created after rule 2 and all following rules are renumbered.
Deletes a rule. For example, if you enter Del(05), rule 5 is deleted and all following rules are renumbered.

To change the order of existing rules, use Add to place the rule where you want it and Del to remove the rule from its previous position.

The rule number.
Use the following thread exception rule parameters to specify the conditions under which you want each exception to trip or to be excluded.
The plan names for which this exception will trip.
The authorization ID for which this exception will trip.
The connection type for which this exception will trip. Possible values:
  • Batch
  • CICS
  • Dist(ributed)
  • IMS
  • TSO
  • Utility
The CICS transaction ID for which this exception will trip.

If you specify this parameter, you must also specify CONNTYPE=CICS.

The CICS task name (job name) for which this exception will trip.

If you specify this parameter, you must also specify CONNTYPE=CICS.

The IMS PSB name for which this exception will trip.

If you specify this parameter, you must also specify CONNTYPE=IMS.

The IMS subsystem name for which this exception will trip.

If you specify this parameter, you must also specify CONNTYPE=IMS.

The name of the package or DBRM for which this exception will trip.
The name of the collection for which this exception will trip.
The name of the correlation ID for which this exception will trip.
The name of the requesting location for which this exception will trip.
The number from the following list for which this exception will trip:
  • 1 - normal threads
  • 2 - allied distributed threads
  • 3 - command threads
  • 4 - distributed database access threads
  • 5 - INDOUBT threads
  • 6 - parallel task threads
  • 8 - system threads
The threshold that the exception is to use. This value will override the value set with the XACB command.
Specifies whether to exclude thread exceptions with specified criteria from exception analysis reporting.
Excludes all thread exceptions with the specified parameters.
Includes all thread exceptions with the specified parameters.

Using Masking Characters

Masking is possible on the following fields:
  • PLAN
Two types of masking are possible:
  • A generic mask is defined by using an asterisk (*). This type of mask is used if you want to mask the first character or more of the field. For example, ABC* allows any value for that field that begins with the characters ABC.
  • A single-character replacement mask is defined by using one or more question marks (?). This type of mask is used if specific positions within a field are to be masked. For example, MY???PLN allows for any characters in the places of the question marks. A possible value would be MY_ACT_PLN.

Detailed Exception Rules Example

This example explains the rules that you can define for ETIM exceptions. The ETIM exception critical threshold is 600 seconds. You notice that KO2PLAN threads are frequently tripping this threshold. Because it is normal for these threads to stay active for long periods of time, you are not concerned about their elapsed time.

To qualify the threads that cause this exception to trip, you can set up the following rules:
 Rule Plannme   Authid     Conn  Threshold  Excl                
 ---- --------  ---------  ----  ---------  ----                
 01   KO2PLAN   OMPEUSER   BATCH  300         NO                
 02                        BATCH  1200        NO                
 03   KO2PLAN                                YES                
  • Rule 1 identifies the group of threads for plan KO2PLAN. Because these jobs run fast, you specify the critical threshold as 300 seconds.
  • Rule 2 specifies that the threshold for all other batch threads should have a much higher threshold of 1200 seconds.
  • Rule 3 specifies that all remaining KO2PLAN threads are to be excluded from this exception.
The default critical ETIM threshold for all threads not affected by these rules is still 600 seconds.

If you would reverse the order of rules 1 and 3, rule 1 would nullify the criteria in rule 3 and would exclude all KO2PLAN threads from this exception.

If you would reverse the order of rules 1 and 2, the threshold of 1200 seconds for all batch threads would nullify the threshold of 300 seconds for the KO2PLAN batch threads.