Status for All Tripped Exceptions

This panel displays the status of the selected exceptions that have tripped and the time when those values occurred.

________________ ZXTRP    VTM     O2       V540./C DA41 HH:MM:SS  HH:MM:SS   2  
>       Help PF1    Back PF3    Up PF7    Down PF8    Recommendation PF10       
> E.F.F                                                                         
>         EXCEPTION STATUS:  Enter a selection letter on the top line.          
> CURRENT STATUS:      A-ALL    B-THREAD    C-CICS    D-IMS    E-SYSTEM         
> TRIPPED STATUS:      *-ALL    G-THREAD    H-CICS    I-IMS    J-SYSTEM         
>                        STATUS FOR ALL TRIPPED EXCEPTIONS                      
+ COMT      Threshold  Trip Value  Time Occurred  Total Trips Trips Since Reset 
+ State=On        100                                                           
+ Last                      6140  11/04   09:06:12          4                 4 
+ Worst                     6140  11/04   09:06:12                              
+ Group=TH  Limit=5  Persist=1  Auto=Off Log=Off Screen Space=ZTHLOG            
+ ETIM      Threshold  Trip Value  Time Occurred  Total Trips Trips Since Reset 
+ State=On        600                                                           
+ Last                  315174.8  11/04   09:06:12         40                40 
+ Worst                 411753.6  11/04   09:06:12                              
+ Group=TH  Limit=5  Persist=1  Auto=Off Log=Off Screen Space=ZTHLOG            
+ GETP      Threshold  Trip Value  Time Occurred  Total Trips Trips Since Reset 
+ State=On         15                                                           
+ Last                       7.5  11/04   09:06:12          8                 8 
+ Worst                      7.5  11/04   09:06:12                              
+ Group=TH  Limit=5  Persist=1  Auto=Off Log=Off Screen Space=ZTHLOG            
+ IDBC      Threshold  Trip Value  Time Occurred  Total Trips Trips Since Reset 
+ State=On         70                                                           
+ Last                      1.42  11/04   09:06:12         16                16 
+ Worst                    16.36  11/04   09:06:12                              
+ Group=TH  Limit=5  Persist=1  Auto=Off Log=Off Screen Space=ZTHLOG            
+ IDBT      Threshold  Trip Value  Time Occurred  Total Trips Trips Since Reset 
+ State=On          5                                                           
+ Last                      19.4  11/04   09:06:12          8                 8 
+ Worst                     19.4  11/04   09:06:12                              
+ Group=TH  Limit=5  Persist=1  Auto=Off Log=Off Screen Space=ZTHLOG            


For additional information about
  • exception recommendations, move the cursor to the exception line and press F10.
  • related topics, select one of the options on the top of the panel.
  • other topics, use the PF keys.


The name of the exception. (In this case, COMT.)
The current threshold value set for this exception.
Trip Value
The value that caused the exception to trip.
Time Occurred
The date and time the exception last exceeded its threshold.
Total Trips
The number of times this exception exceeded its threshold during the current session.
Trips Since Reset
The number of times this exception exceeded its threshold since the last and worst values were reset.
The current state of the exception. OMEGAMON® XE for DB2 PE is currently monitoring this exception (ON), not monitoring this exception (OFF), or testing this exception (TEST).
The value of the exception the last time it exceeded its threshold.
The worst value the exception has reached during the current OMEGAMON XE for Db2 PE session.
The 2-character group to which this exception belongs (CI, CICS®; IM, IMS; SY, Db2 system; or TH, thread).