Reset Last and Worst Values

Use this panel to reset the values displayed on the Current Tripped Exceptions panel for the exception group specified below the title line (all, thread, CICS®, IMS, or system). In particular, the last and worst values and the time that they occurred are reset for each tripped exception.

________________ ZXTRPX   VTM     O2       V540./C DA41 HH:MM:SS  HH:MM:SS   2  
>   Help PF1                                                     Back PF3       
> E.F.K                                                                         
>         EXCEPTION STATUS:  Enter a selection letter on the top line.          
> CURRENT STATUS:      A-ALL    B-THREAD    C-CICS    D-IMS    E-SYSTEM         
> TRIPPED STATUS:      F-ALL    G-THREAD    H-CICS    I-IMS    J-SYSTEM         
> RESET LAST/WORST:    *-ALL    L-THREAD    M-CICS    N-IMS    O-SYSTEM         
>              RESET LAST AND WORST VALUES FOR ALL EXCEPTIONS                   
> To reset the last and worst values, space over the > character to the left of 
> XTRP and then press ENTER.                                                    
> To return to the previous screen without resetting these values, press PF3.   
>XTRP RESET                                                                     


After you remove the comment character, the Reset Last and Worst Values panel displays the message:

Last, Worst, and Trip Counter Values Are Reset

This message confirms that the last and worst values for all tripped exceptions have been reset.