Updating Performance Database tables to V5.3.0

Complete this task if you are updating from V5.2.0 or earlier to V5.4.0. Since some tables cannot be updated to V5.4.0 directly, you’ll need to complete the steps in this task to update those tables to V5.3.0 before updating other tables to V5.4.0.

About this task

If possible, start with the new V5.4.0 of Performance Database tables because many changes have been applied to the data model between versions 5.1.0 - 5.3.0, and to 5.4.0.


  1. Recreate and load the System Parameters tables DB2PMSYSPAR_106, DB2PMSYSPAR_201, DB2PMSYSPAR_202 with the V5.3.0 CREATE and LOAD statements. You can use the INSERT SQL statement provided in T/RKO2SAMP(DGOWIMDB) to transfer the V5.2.0 saved data into the V5.3.0 DB2PMSYSPAR tables.

    You cannot load the System Parameter FILE data of an updated 5.3.0 or 5.4.0 version to the tables of a version earlier than 5.3.0.

    The column names in System Parameters tables DB2PMSYSPAR_106, DB2PMSYSPAR_201, and DB2PMSYSPAR_202 have been reworded. DB2PMSYSPAR_106 supports new Db2 instrumentation fields, column names are now identical with the Db2 system parameter names, and column names are alphabetically sorted.

  2. Run ALTER TABLE using V5.3.0 DGOWUPDB.
  3. Create and load Audit tables with the V5.3.0 CREATE and LOAD statements.
    Beginning V5.3.0, the column names in Audit tables were reworded to support new Db2 instrumentation fields.
  4. Update queries or application programs you have on tables of versions prior to 5.4.0 because the column names of the new table, and their data format, can vary. You can find updated sample SQL queries in T/RKO2SAMP members DGOxQxxx.