Copying or moving a rule of thumb to another rule-of-thumb cluster

The tasks of copying and moving rules of thumb are similar. You move a rule of thumb to another rule-of-thumb cluster by copying it to the other rule-of-thumb cluster and then deleting it from the original rule-of-thumb cluster. You can copy a rule of thumb within the same rule-of-thumb cluster.

To copy a rule of thumb, the following must apply:
  • The destination rule-of-thumb group must contain at least one rule-of-thumb cluster.
  • The rule of thumb that you want copy must be the first rule of thumb in the rule-of-thumb cluster or fit the cluster category. The cluster category is determined by the counter category of the first rule of thumb that you copy or move into, or create for, this cluster.
To copy a rule of thumb:
  1. In the folders pane of the Performance Warehouse window, click Rules of Thumb. In the contents pane, click the rule of thumb and then click Selected > Copy.

    The Copy Rule of Thumb window is displayed.

  2. In the Rule-of-thumb group list, click a rule-of-thumb group to which you want to copy the rule of thumb. You can select the same rule-of-thumb group that already contains this rule of thumb.
  3. In the Rule-of-thumb cluster field, click a rule-of-thumb cluster to which you want to copy the template. You can select the same rule-of-thumb cluster that already contains this rule of thumb.
  4. In the New rule-of-thumb name field, specify a name for the copy that is unique throughout the destination rule-of-thumb cluster.
  5. Click OK to return to the Performance Warehouse window.

    The copied rule of thumb appears under the selected rule-of-thumb group and rule-of-thumb cluster.