Saving reduced data
This section shows alternative ways to save reduced data. Use the subcommands REDUCE and SAVE (without CONVERT), for example, to store historical Accounting data in smaller data sets.
You can reduce and save data as follows:
- If you want to keep historical Accounting data about Db2 performance in a VSAM data set, consider
using REDUCE and SAVE as follows:
- REDUCE trace data
- SAVE reduced data
The size of the data set depends on the reduction interval that you specified and the type of environment the data is from (for example, the number of different users and plans present in the input data), but it is always much smaller than the original input data set.
You can produce reports from the VSAM data by using the RESTORE command. Remember that you cannot produce traces from reduced data.
You can then proceed as follows:
- CONVERT saved data: The Save-File utility changes Save data sets into sequential data sets for use by the utility.
- LOAD converted data to Performance database (PDB) tables.
- The following steps are required to load Statistics
or Accounting Save data using the CONVERT option of the SAVE subcommand:
- REDUCE trace data.
- CONVERT reduced data using the SAVE subcommand with the CONVERT option. The reduced data is saved and converted in one step into a sequential data set that can be loaded into Db2 tables.
- LOAD converted data to Performance database (PDB) tables.