Gather information about your environment

The following describes information to gather while planning the OMEGAMON® XE for DB2 PE configuration.

User interfaces

Gather information about the user interfaces you intend to use and note them down.

Table 1. User interfaces of OMEGAMON for Db2 Performance Expert
User interfaces
3270 user interfaces on the host
Classic Interface
ISPF Dialogs
Enhanced 3270 user interface
User interfaces on the workstation
Performance Expert Client
Tivoli® Enterprise Portal
Data Management Console

Data set naming conventions

Table 2. High-level qualifiers of the data sets
High-level qualifier Description Parameter name and default value
High-level qualifier of configuration method working libraries Used for the configuration method work libraries.  
High-level qualifier for the SMP/E target libraries (&thilev) The name of the target libraries of your SMP/E installation of the product.  
High-level qualifier for VSAM and non-VSAM runtime libraries (&rhilev) Used for allocating the runtime libraries. One set of runtime libraries contains the executable code (base libraries). A second set of libraries contains the configuration members that are unique for a particular LPAR. The runtime libraries are referenced by started tasks running on a z/OS® image. You can specify two different high-level qualifiers for VSAM and non-VSAM data sets with a maximum length of 26 characters.  
High-level qualifier for work data sets allocated by the OMEGAMON Collector Used by the OMEGAMON Collector for the allocation of additional work data sets (for example for Event Exception Processing or Performance Warehouse).This high-level qualifier is also used to allocate operational data sets, for example for Near-Term History data collection. You can specify two different high-level qualifiers for VSAM and non-VSAM data sets with a maximum length of 18 characters.  

Runtime environment parameters

The following table lists the key parameters that you specify for the runtime environment. Other values that you specify for the runtime environment are used to generate default values for the configuration of the product. You can overwrite the values during configuration of your runtime environments.

Table 3. Parameters required to configure a runtime environment
Runtime environment parameter Description
Name of the runtime environment (mid-level qualifier) Specify a name for your runtime environment. The runtime libraries that are allocated for this setup will use this name as mid-level qualifier in the data set names. If you enable system variable support, use the name of the LPAR that you run your initial tests on before rolling out the product(s) to other LPARs.
Type of runtime environment Select the type of runtime environment that you want to use. If using Configuration Manager:
  • FULL
If using PARMGEN:
  • FULL
Started task prefix for OMEGAMON address spaces Specify a 4-character prefix according to the naming conventions on your system. It will be used to generate default values for the started tasks.
Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server If you want to configure a Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server in this runtime environment, specify Y. Your Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server can be configured in a different runtime environment on this LPAR, on a different LPAR or on one of the supported workstation platforms. For more information, see IBM Tivoli Monitoring documentation.
System variable support Specify whether you want to enable system variable support. If system variable support is enabled, you can use z/OS system symbols as part of the VTAM® applid names and other qualifying parameters.
Fold password to upper case Specify whether you want to enable mixed case password support. If you specify N, the passwords entered by the user will not be folded to upper case any more.
Network ID Specify the network ID used for VTAM communication.
VTAM applid prefix A four character prefix used for generating the VTAM applies for the components configured.

Basic configuration parameters

Table 4. Parameters required for the basic configuration
Basic configuration parameters Description
OMEGAMON Collector started task Started task name for the OMEGAMON Collector.
DB2 load library The name of the data set in which the DB2 load modules reside. Specify one DB2 load library for each DB2 subsystem version that you want to monitor.
DB2 run library The name of the data set in which the DB2 RUNLIB load modules reside. Specify one DB2 run library for each DB2 subsystem version that you want to monitor. This library should contain the modules DSNTIAD and DSNTIAUL to be used to run in batch. The run library is used to generate GRANT and BIND jobs that prepare the DB2 subsystems for monitoring.
DB2 exit library The name of the data set in which the DB2 exit load modules reside that should be used by the OMEGAMON Collector. This parameter is only needed if you want to use a DB2 authorization exit.
OMEGAMON Collector plan/package owner The OMEGAMON Collector plan/package owner is the USERID/GROUPID that will be granted the authority to administrate the OMEGAMON Collector, for example to rebind the DB2 packages of the OMEGAMON Collector.

DB2 subsystem parameters

You need to specify the information listed in the following table for each DB2 subsystem that you configure.

Table 5. Parameters required for each DB2 subsystem
DB2 ID DB2 version (for example, 11, 12) MONITOR (Y or N) TCP/IP port number (only if Performance Expert Client is used) z/OS system ID (SMFID) that the DB2 runs on

Performance Warehouse and Performance Expert Agent for Db2 Connect Monitoring parameters

Table 6. Parameters required to configure Performance Warehouse and Performance Expert Agent for Db2 Connect Monitoring
Parameter Description Your value
Performance Warehouse started job name The name of the Performance Warehouse started job.  
DB2 load library The name of the data set, in which the DB2 load modules reside that should be used by the Performance Warehouse job.  
DB2 exit library The name of the data set, in which the DB2 exit load modules reside that should be used by the Performance Warehouse job.  
4 KB buffer pool Buffer Pool with 4 KB page size for Performance Warehouse table spaces.  
32 KB buffer pool Buffer Pool with 32 KB page size for Performance Warehouse table spaces.  
DB2 storage group(s) for Performance Warehouse table spaces The storage group(s) that should be used for the Performance Warehouse table spaces.