Examining the Periodic Exceptions

To display the Periodic Exceptions List window, select option 1 (Periodic Exceptions) from the Look Selections menu or type LOOK 1 and press Enter on any command line.

Figure 1. Periodic Exceptions List window
 DGOMLAXP                 Periodic Exceptions List     Row 499 to 500 of 500

 Periodic Interval started . . . . . . . : 03/30/08 08:52:04.10
 Last Interval . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 03/30/08 08:53:35.85

    Time     Location           Group    Subsystem    Member   Corrname
             Reqloc             Primauth Planname     Connect  Corrnmbr
    Field    Value              Compare  Threshold    Type     By
    -------- ------------------ -------- ------------ -------- ----------
 _  08:35:36 PMO1DLOC           GROUP001 N/P          MEMBER01
             N/P                N/P      N/P
    SLRSUSP  100                >        0            Problem  Total

 _  13:21:28 PMO1DLOC           GROUP001 N/P          MEMBER01
             N/P                N/P      N/P
    ADRECETT 0.0                <        100          Problem  Commit
 ***************************** Bottom of data ******************************

 Command ===> ______________________________________________________________
  F1=Help     F2=Split    F3=Exit     F7=Up       F8=Down     F9=Swap

Use this window to view the most recent periodic exceptions that have occurred. You can use the scrolling keys F7 (Up) and F8 (Down) to browse the list.

Select any of the entries listed in this window to display either the Thread Detail panel or DB2® Statistics Detail panel as appropriate, where you can examine the field causing the exception. Pressing F3 (Exit) or F12 (Cancel) returns you to the Periodic Exceptions List window. If the selected exception was caused by a thread that is no longer active, past data is automatically retrieved if available to display the thread.

For more information about history, see Viewing past data.

This list is cleared if you exit the Online Monitor without an active data collector running.