Examining the Exception Event Messages

To display the Exception Event Messages window, select option 6 (Exception Event Messages) from the Look Selections menu or type LOOK 6 and press Enter on any command line.
Figure 1. Exception Event Messages window
 DGOMLEMP                 Exception Event Messages            ROW 1 TO 4 OF 4
 DGOM953 Exception event processor started at       03/30/08 08:52:04.100
 DGOM954 Exception event processor stopped at       03/30/08 08:52:10.100
 ***************************** BOTTOM OF DATA *******************************

 Command ===> _______________________________________________________________
  F1=Help     F2=Split    F3=Exit     F7=Up       F8=Down     F9=Swap

Use this window to view messages issued by the exception event processor. You can use the scrolling keys F7 (Up) and F8 (Down) to browse the list.