OMEGAMON XE for Db2 PE Take Action commands

The Take Action command feature enables you to enter a command to cancel an unwanted thread.

OMEGAMON XE for Db2 PE provides several predefined Take Action commands that you can invoke to cancel unwanted threads. Two of the commands use the Db2 authority of the logon ID, which simplifies managing the security aspects of Db2 thread cancelling because the Db2 authority of the user controls whether a particular Db2 thread can be cancelled or not. All of these commands can be used in the Take Action response when a situation is triggered. For example, you might write a situation that checks certain Service Level Agreements (SLAs), and if a Db2 thread violates an SLA, then that thread will be cancelled.

For more information about creating and using Take Action commands, see the Tivoli Enterprise Portal online help.

This section covers these predefined OMEGAMON for Db2 Performance Expert Take Action commands:

  • Cancel Thread in DSG
  • Cancel Thread with Db2 Authority
  • Cancel DSG Thread with Db2 Authority