Configuring access to Performance Warehouse

Before you can access Performance Warehouse on z/OS® from Performance Expert Client or use SQL activity tracing, you must configure the DB2 subsystem that Performance Warehouse and the associated database DB2PM reside on.

Before you begin

You must complete the configuration of Performance Warehouse before starting.


  1. Open the Configuration Assistant.
  2. From the Selected menu, select Add Database Using Wizard....
  3. On the Source page, click Manually configure a connection to a database, then click Next.
  4. On the Protocol page, click TCP/IP, select The database physically resides on a host or <systemname> system, then click Next.
  5. On the TCP/IP page, specify the host name or TCP/IP address, and the TCP/IP port number, then click Next.
  6. On the Database page, specify the database name (DB2 subsystem location) and type a name for the database alias, then click Next.
    Note: You use this database alias in the Connect to Performance Warehouse window.
  7. Optional: On the Data Source page:
    1. Select Register this database for ODBC.
    2. Select As system data source.
    3. Click Next.
  8. On the Node Options page, select z/OS as operating system, specify DB2 as instance name, then click Next.
  9. On the Systems Options page, accept the default values, then click Next.
  10. On the Security Options page, accept the default values, then click Finish.
  11. Optional: On the DCS Options page, customize your direct connection to host or OS/400® databases.
  12. Optional: If you want to start SQL activity trace from the Performance Expert Client, open the DB2 Subsystem Properties panel of the DB2 subsystem, and on the Performance Warehouse tab, in the Database alias field, specify the database alias you just created.