Truncated Values

This topic shows detailed information about Accounting - Truncated Values.

OMEGAMON XE for DB2 PE can report values that are too long to fit in the space available in the report layout. When this happens, the value reported in the block is truncated. Truncated values are then listed at the end of each logical report unit, together with the full values.

The list of Truncated Values shows pairs of a truncated values (unique name) and its original full value (long name). This list can show pairs caused by long names of client end-user transaction names and workstation names. It shows the complete long name on several lines if required. A truncated value can consist of up to 32 characters, which is the length of the short name of an end-user transaction name.

The mapping between truncated and full values remains the same for multiple reports from the same input data. This mapping for multiple reports from different input data cannot be guaranteed.

The following example applies to both, the report layout and the trace layout.

Accounting - Truncated Values

The field labels shown in the following sample layout of Accounting - Truncated Values are described in the following section.

*                                                    LIST OF TRUNCATED VALUES                                                      *
* TRUNCATED VALUE                FULL VALUE                                                                                        *
* ------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *
* LOCATIONABCDEF#1               LOCATIONABCDEFANDSOON                                                                             *
* PRIMAU#1                       PRIMAUTHANDSOON                                                                                   *  
* AUTHCH#1                       AUTHCHECKED                                                                                       * 
* ORIGAU#1                       ORIGAUTHANDSOON                                                                                   *
* SOURCEOBJECTABCD#1             SOURCEOBJECTABCDANDSOON                                                                           *  
* SOURCE#1                       SOURCEOWNERNAME                                                                                   *  
* TARGETOBJECTABCD#1             TARGETOBJECTABCDANDSOON                                                                           *    
* TARGET#1                       TARGETOWNERNAME                                                                                   *  
* ORIGAU#1                       ORIGAUTHANDSOON                                                                                   *  
* ORIGAU#1                       ORIGAUTHANDSOON                                                                                   *   
* ::FFFF:9.152.1#1               ::FFFF:                                                                               *  
* It_is_the_enduse#1             It_is_the_enduser_name                                                                            *  
* A_long_workstati#1             A_long_workstation_name                                                                           *
* This_is_a_very_long_transact#1 This_is_a_very_long_transaction_name                                                              *