Times - Class 1 - Application Time

This topic shows detailed information about Accounting - Times - Class 1 - Application Time.

This block shows information for the Application Time class 1.

The following example shows both layouts, the report on the left, and the trace layout on the right.

Accounting - Times - Class 1 - Application Time

The field labels shown in the following sample layout of Accounting - Times - Class 1 - Application Time are described in the following section.

Report:                      Trace:

------------  ----------     ------------  ----------
ELAPSED TIME   21.452714     ELAPSED TIME  6:37.60226
 NONNESTED     21.452714      NONNESTED    6:37.60226
 STORED PROC    0.000000      STORED PROC    0.000000
 UDF            0.000000      UDF            0.000000
 TRIGGER        0.000000      TRIGGER        0.000000

CP CPU TIME     7.217101     CP CPU TIME   2:41.61476
 AGENT          7.172907      AGENT        2:41.37611
  NONNESTED     7.172907       NONNESTED   2:41.37611
  STORED PRC    0.000000       STORED PRC    0.000000
  UDF           0.000000       UDF           0.000000
  TRIGGER       0.000000       TRIGGER       0.000000
 PAR.TASKS      0.044194      PAR.TASKS      0.238651

SE CPU TIME     4.034602     SE CPU TIME    19.274049
 NONNESTED      4.034602      NONNESTED     19.274049
 STORED PROC    0.000000      STORED PROC    0.000000
 UDF            0.000000      UDF            0.000000
 TRIGGER        0.000000      TRIGGER        0.000000

 PAR.TASKS      0.000000      PAR.TASKS      0.000000

SUSPEND TIME    0.000000     SUSPEND TIME    0.000000
 AGENT               N/A      AGENT               N/A
 PAR.TASKS           N/A      PAR.TASKS           N/A
 STORED PROC    0.000000      STORED PROC    0.000000
 UDF            0.000000      UDF            0.000000

The class 1 elapsed time of the allied agent.

Special Considerations:
  • If the begin time equals zero, or if the end time minus begin time equals zero or is negative, N/C is shown.
  • Threads that can be reused, such as CICS protected threads or IMS/VS wait-for-input message regions, can include time during which the thread was inactive and waiting for work.
  • Elapsed time to process distributed requests is included for allied-distributed threads.
  • This time includes the time for processing SQL statements issued by stored procedures, user-defined functions, or triggers.
  • In query CP, sysplex query, or utility parallelism, this is the time shown in the originating record, which overlaps the elapsed times shown in the parallel records.

Field Name: ADRECETT

This is an exception field.


The class 1 elapsed time of the allied agent.

Special Considerations:
  1. If the begin time equals zero, or if the end time minus begin time equals zero or is negative, N/C is shown.
  2. Threads that can be reused, such as CICS protected threads or IMS/VS wait-for-input message regions, can include time during which the thread was inactive and waiting for work.
  3. Elapsed time to process distributed requests is included for allied-distributed threads.
  4. This time includes the time for processing SQL statements issued by stored procedures, user-defined functions, or triggers.
  5. In query CP, sysplex query, or utility parallelism, this is the time shown in the originating record, which overlaps the elapsed times shown in the parallel records.

Field Name: ADNNNET1


An accumulated and consumed time for stored procedures. It consists of the following parts:

  • The total elapsed time spent by the allied agent in stored procedures. A stored procedure may initiate a trigger or invoke a user-defined function. The time spent for initiation or invocation is not included in this counter.
  • Accumulated elapsed time consumed when running stored procedure requests on the main application execution unit. As these stored procedures run entirely within DB2, this time represents class 1 and class 2 time.

Field Name: ADELTSP1


The total elapsed time spent in user-defined function (UDF) requests processed in a DB2 stored procedure or WLM address space. Non-inline UDF times are included in this time if the native UDF was called on a nested task and was not invoked by the main application execution unit.

This time includes times executing SQL and times consumed executing user-defined functions on the main application execution unit.

A user-defined function may initiate a trigger or invoke a stored procedure. The time spent is not included in this counter.

Field Name: AWAELUD1


The total elapsed time spent by the allied agent in triggers.

A trigger may invoke a stored procedure or a user-defined function. The time spent there is not included in this counter.

For triggers there is no distinction between class 1 and class 2 CPU time: all processing controlled by a trigger is within DB2.

Note: This field is not normally shown in the short layouts but can be included with UTR.

Field Name: ADTRET


The class 1 CPU time in an application. It indicates:

  • The class 1 CPU time of the allied agent, which may include the accumulated class 1 TCB time for processing stored procedures, user-defined functions, and triggers.
  • The accumulated CPU time for processing parallel tasks. This is valid for query CP parallelism, sysplex query parallelism, and parallel tasks generated by utilities.
  • In sysplex query parallelism, the individual CPU times are normalized by the conversion factor of the parallel tasks that is related to the originating task.

    In sysplex query parallelism, only CPU times of parallel tasks, running on the same member of the SYSPLEX group as the originating task, are included.

This CPU time does not include time that is consumed on an IBM specialty engine.

Field Name: ADCPUT

This is an exception field.


It comprises the class 1 CPU time of the allied agent, which may include the accumulated class 1 CPU time for processing stored procedures, user-defined functions, and triggers if present.

CPU time for processing parallel tasks is not charged to this counter.

This CPU time does not include the CPU time that is consumed on an IBM specialty engine.

Field Name: ADAGENT1

This is an exception field.


The class 1 CPU time of the nonnested activity of the allied agent.

Field Name: ADNNEST1


An accumulated and consumed time for stored procedures that consists of following parts:

  • The CPU time accumulated in DB2 for processing SQL CALL statements in the stored procedures or WLM address space. This time is only calculated if accounting class 1 is active.
  • The accumulated CPU time consumed when running stored procedure requests on the main application execution unit. This time does not include CPU time consumed on an IBM specialty engine. As these stored procedures run entirely within DB2, this time represents class 1 and class 2 time.

Field Name: ADCPUSP1

The accumulated CPU time consumed executing user-defined functions. This time does not include CPU consumed on an IBM specialty engine. It consists of following parts:
  • The accumulated CPU time used to satisfy UDF requests processed in a DB2 stored procedure or WLM address space. This time is only calculated if accounting class 1 is active.
  • The accumulated CPU time consumed executing user-defined functions on the main application execution unit. This time represents class 1 and class 2 time, because these UDFs run entirely within DB2.

Field Name: AWACPUD1


The accumulated CPU time consumed while executing under the control of triggers.

For triggers there is no distinction between class 1 and class 2 CPU time. All processing controlled by a trigger is within DB2.

Field Name: ADTRCP


The sum of the CPU times of the parallel tasks running in an application. It can also include the accumulated class 1 CPU time for processing stored procedures, user-defined functions, and triggers if present.

These parallel tasks can be query CP, sysplex query parallel tasks, or parallel tasks produced by utilities. In sysplex query parallelism, the accumulated time reflects only parallel tasks running on the same DB2 subsystem as the originating task.

This time does not include CPU time consumed on an IBM specialty engine.

CPU time for agent tasks is not charged to this counter.

Field Name: ADCPUPLL


The sum of several accumulated CPU times consumed while running on an IBM specialty engine in all environments. These times are consumed when:

  • Running stored procedure requests and triggers on the main application execution unit.
  • Satisfying stored procedure requests processed in a DB2 stored procedure or WLM address space. SQL procedure times are included in this time if the SQL procedure was called on a nested task and was not invoked by the main application execution unit.
  • Satisfying UDF requests processed in a DB2 stored procedure or WLM address space.
  • Running triggers on a nested task.
  • Running parallel tasks in an application which contains the accumulated CPU time used to satisfy UDF requests.
Note: All CPU times of an IBM specialty engine (SE) that are reported in DB2 trace records are already normalized by DB2 to the speed of the general purpose processor.

Field Name: AWACC1Z


The class 1 CPU time for nonnested activity on the main application task consumed while running on an IBM specialty engine. This time ignores the CPU time that is consumed when running stored procedure requests, UDF requests, or any triggers on the main application execution unit on an IBM specialty engine.

Field Name: ADSENNC1


An accumulated and consumed time for stored procedures on an IBM specialty engine that consists of following parts:

  • The time processed in a DB2 stored procedure or WLM address space. SQL procedure times are included in this time if the SQL procedure was called on a nested task and was not invoked by the main application execution unit.
  • The time when running on the main application execution unit. This part of time counts for class 1 and class 2 time, because these stored procedures run entirely within DB2.

Field Name: ADSESP1

An accumulated and consumed time for user-defined functions on an IBM specialty engine that consists of following parts:
  • The accumulated CPU time used to satisfy UDF requests processed in a DB2 stored procedure or WLM address space.
  • The accumulated CPU time consumed when running user-defined functions on the main application execution unit. This time represents class 1 and class 2 time, because these UDFs run entirely within DB2.

Field Name: AWACSEU1


The accumulated CPU time consumed on an IBM specialty engine while running triggers on a nested task or on the main application execution unit.

Field Name: AWACTRZ


The sum of the CPU times of the parallel tasks, or roll-up autonomous tasks that are running in an application on an IBM specialty engine.

It contains the accumulated CPU time that is used to satisfy UDF requests, which are processed in a DB2 stored procedure or WLM address space while running on an IBM specialty engine.

Field Name: ADSEPLL1


The amount of application suspension time spent outside DB2.

Field Name: ASUSTCL1


The total elapsed waiting time for an available TCB before the stored procedure could be scheduled.

Field Name: QWACCAST


The total elapsed time spent waiting for an available TCB before the user-defined function could be scheduled.

Field Name: QWACUDST