Package Times - Class 7

This topic shows detailed information about Accounting - Package Times - Class 7.

This block shows the class 7 application times at package level.

For formatting reasons, OMEGAMON XE for DB2 PE shows different labels for report and trace. The following example shows both layouts, the report on the left, and the trace layout on the right.

Accounting - Package Times - Class 7

The field labels shown in the following sample layout of Accounting - Package Times - Class 7 are described in the following section.

Report:                              Trace:

PACKAGE                    TIMES     DSNTEP2                    TIMES
------------------  ------------     ------------------  ------------
ELAP-CL7 TIME-AVG       0.019590     ELAPSED TIME - CL7   3:16.215480
CP CPU TIME             0.002826     CP CPU TIME             0.015513
  AGENT                 0.002826       AGENT                 0.015513
  PAR.TASKS             0.000000       PAR.TASKS             0.000000
SE CPU TIME             0.000000     SE CPU TIME             0.000000
SUSPENSION-CL8          0.016115     SUSPENSION-CL8          0.000191
  AGENT                 0.016115       AGENT                 0.000191
  PAR.TASKS             0.000000       PAR.TASKS             0.000000
NOT ACCOUNTED           0.000649     NOT ACCOUNTED        3:16.199777
AVG.DB2 ENTRY/EXIT           N/P
DB2 ENTRY/EXIT               N/P

CP CPU SU                 121.11     CP CPU SU                    208
  AGENT                   121.11       AGENT                      208
  PAR.TASKS                 0.00       PAR.TASKS                    0
SE CPU SU                   0.00     SE CPU SU                      0

The total elapsed time for executing the package or DBRM.

Field Name: QPACSCT

The class 7 CPU time spent by the package or DBRM. It indicates:
  • The TCB time
  • The accumulated CPU time for processing parallel tasks. This is valid for query CP parallelism, sysplex query parallelism, and parallel tasks generated by utilities.

In sysplex query parallelism, only CPU times of parallel tasks, running on the same member of the sysplex group as the originating task, are included.

This time does not include the CPU time consumed on an IBM specialty engine.

Field Name: ADCPUTP

This is an exception field.

The class 7 CPU time for all executions of the package or DBRM. This time does not include the:
  • Class 7 time for parallel tasks
  • CPU time that is consumed on an IBM specialty engine

Field Name: QPACTJST

This is an exception field.


The accumulated time for the package or DBRM to process parallel tasks. These tasks can be query CP, sysplex query, utility parallel tasks, or rollup autonomous tasks.

In sysplex query parallelism, the accumulated time reflects only parallel tasks running on the same DB2 subsystem as the originating task.

In case of rolled-up data, it is the sum of all CPU times, of originating and parallel tasks.

This time does not include CPU time consumed on an IBM specialty engine.

Field Name: ADCPCL7T


The total CPU time for all executions of this package or DBRM that was consumed on an IBM specialty engine (SE).

Note: All CPU times of an IBM specialty engine that are reported in DB2 trace records are already normalized by DB2 to the speed of the general purpose processor.

Field Name: APACC7Z


The waiting time for the package or DBRM due to class 8 suspensions.

Field Name: ADTSUSTP

This is an exception field.


The class 8 suspension time for executing the package or DBRM. In query or utility parallelism, this does not include the class 8 time for parallel tasks.

Field Name: ADTCBCL8


The sum of the suspension times of the parallel tasks for the package or DBRM. The tasks can be query CP or sysplex query parallel tasks, tasks generated by utilities, or roll-up autonomous tasks.

In case of rolled-up data, it is the sum of all suspension times, of originating and parallel tasks.

Field Name: ADCPCL8T


The total unaccounted time in DB2 due to the execution of the package or DBRM. In query CP and sysplex query parallelism, it is the unaccounted time of the originating task only.

In case of rolled-up data, it is the unaccounted time of all tasks, of originating and parallel tasks.

Field Name: ADNACL7T

This is an exception field.


The number of DB2 entries or exits processed during the execution of the package or DBRM.

In Accounting reports this is shown twice; as a total and as an average.

Field Name: QPACARNA

The CPU service units for a package or DBRM. It indicates:
  • The service units for the TCB time.
  • The accumulated service units for processing parallel tasks if query CP or sysplex query parallelism is exploited.
These CPU service units do not include the service units that were consumed on an IBM specialty engine.

Field Name: ADSUCPU7


The CPU service units for a package or DBRM. These CPU service units do not include the service units that were consumed on an IBM specialty engine.

Field Name: ADSUTCB7


The CPU service units accumulated for a package or DBRM for processing parallel tasks. These tasks can be query CP or sysplex query parallel tasks, or roll-up autonomous tasks.

These service units do not include service units consumed on an IBM specialty engine.

Field Name: ADSUCPP7


The total CPU service units for all executions of this package or DBRM that were consumed on an IBM specialty engine.

Field Name: ADSUC7Z