Package SQL Activity - Class 10

This topic shows detailed information about Accounting - Package SQL Activity - Class 10.

This block shows SQL information at package level. It is repeated for each package present in the requested report. The block is headed by the package name.

The following example shows both layouts, the report on the left, and the trace layout on the right.

Accounting - Package SQL Activity - Class 10

The field labels shown in the following sample layout of Accounting - Package SQL Activity - Class 10 are described in the following section.

Report:                                 Trace:

package            AVERAGE    TOTAL     package                   TOTAL
------------------ ------- --------     ------------------     --------
SELECT                  0.00         0  SELECT                        0
INSERT                  0.00         0  INSERT                        0
UPDATE                  0.00         0  UPDATE                        0
DELETE                  0.00         0  DELETE                        0

DESCRIBE                0.00         0  DESCRIBE                      0
PREPARE                 0.00         0  PREPARE                       0
OPEN                    0.00         0  OPEN                          0
FETCH                   0.00         0  FETCH                         0
CLOSE                   0.00         0  CLOSE                         0

LOCK TABLE              0.00         0  LOCK TABLE                    0
CALL                    0.00         0  CALL                          0

The number of SQL SELECT statements executed.

Field Name: QPSELECT

This is an exception field.


The number of INSERT statements executed.

Field Name: QPINSRT

This is an exception field.


The number of UPDATE statements executed.

Field Name: QPUPDTE

This is an exception field.


The number of DELETE statements executed.

Field Name: QPDELET

This is an exception field.


The number of data capture describes.

Field Name: QPDESC


The number of full prepare requests.

Field Name: QPPREP


The number of full open requests.

Field Name: QPOPEN


The number of fetch requests.

Field Name: QPFETCH


The number of close requests.

Field Name: QPCLOSE


The number of lock tables.

Field Name: QPLOCK


The number of SQL calls.

Field Name: QPCALL