
This topic shows detailed information about Accounting - Identification.

This block is shown for the accounting trace. It displays OMEGAMON XE for DB2 PE identifiers present in an accounting trace. These identifiers can be used on the ORDER option for an accounting report.

Accounting - Identification

The field labels shown in the following sample layout of Accounting - Identification are described in the following section.

--- IDENTIFICATION --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ACCT TSTAMP: 02/14/13 10:20:09.30    PLANNAME: IS-255-0        WLM SCL: STCCMD          CICS NET: N/A
BEGIN TIME : 02/14/13 10:20:01.14    PROD TYP: JDBC DRIVER                              CICS LUN: N/A
END TIME   : N/P                     PROD VER: V3 R66M0        LUW NET: G99A83BD        CICS INS: N/A
REQUESTER  : ::FFFF:9.154.1#1        CORRNAME: db2jcc_a        LUW LUN: GAC7
MAINPACK   : IS-255-0                CORRNMBR: ppli            LUW INS: CAEBCE3316A8    ENDUSER : IS-128--012345#1
PRIMAUTH   : MTS                     CONNTYPE: DRDA            LUW SEQ:            2    TRANSACT: IS-255-01234567890123456789012#1
ORIGAUTH   : MTS                     CONNECT : SERVER                                   WSNAME  : IS-255-012345678#1 

The store clock value of the time when the accounting record was generated.

Field Name: QWHSSTCK

The plan name. It is blank for a DB2 command thread; otherwise:
For SPUFI with repeatable read.
For SPUFI with cursor stability.
For utilities.
For binding.
The application plan name
For IMS.
The application plan name
For CICS®.
A blank plan name
For IMS and CICS commands.
For QMF.
The first 8 bytes of the application name from field QMDAAPPL
For DRDA connections to the common servers. Full application name from field QMDAAPPL reported with label CLIENT APPLNAME in section INITIAL DB2 COMMON SERVER OR UNIVERSAL JDBC DRIVER CORRELATION.

Field Name: QWHCPLAN

This is an exception field.


The MVS workload manager service class name. This field is used for database access threads on MVS 5.2 or later.

Field Name: QWACWLME


The network ID of the accounting correlation token used to correlate DB2 IFC records to CICS records for the CICS transaction.

Field Name: ADCICSNI


The beginning store clock value for the period covered by the accounting record. You can determine the elapsed time of the application by subtracting this field from the ending store clock value (QWACESC). Threads that do not terminate (such as CICS primed threads and IMS wait-for-input message regions) can have an ending clock value that includes the time during which the thread was inactive and waiting for work.

If a roll-up trace record is written with accumulated counter data, QWACBSC represents the earliest begin store clock value for a thread that has rolled data into the record. In this case, QWACESC shows the accumulated elapsed time.

Field Name: QWACBSC


Shows the product identifier (ID) of the requester. It can have the following values:

For DB2 UDB for z/OS®
For DB2® UDB for VSE and VM
For Universal JDBC driver
For DB2 UDB for Linux®, UNIX, Windows
For DB2 UDB for iSeries

Otherwise, it shows the first 3 characters of the product ID, or N/P if the record was written at the application requester location.

For DDF/RRSAF rollup records, the field will contain a value derived from the last thread to rollup. For parallel query rollup records, the value will be derived from the parent record.

Field Name: QWHDPRID


The LU name of the accounting correlation token used to correlate DB2 IFC records to CICS records for the CICS transaction.

Field Name: ADCICSLU


The ending store clock value. You can use this field with the beginning store clock value (QWACBSC) to determine the elapsed time of an application.

If a roll-up record is written with accumulated accounting data, QWACESC contains the accumulated elapsed time. In Accounting Trace reports, the elapsed time is shown under CLASS 1: NONNESTED ELAPSED TIME and the END TIME is reported as N/P, because QWACESC does not contain a timestamp. In the Accounting FILE GENERAL table, the accumulated elapsed time QWACESC is stored in column CLASS1_ELAPSED and column CLASS1_TIME_END contains a timestamp 1900-01-01-

Field Name: QWACESC


The version, release, and modification level of the product, which generated the accounting information. It has the following format:

Version level
Release level
Modification level

N/P is shown if the Product Type is not present or the record was written at the application requester location.

For DDF/RRSAF rollup records, the field will contain a value derived from the last thread to rollup. For parallel query rollup records, the value will be derived from the parent record.

Field Name: QWHDPRID


The network ID.

Field Name: QWHSNID


The instance number of the accounting correlation token.

Background and Tuning Information

The accounting correlation token is made up from the CICS Token Network ID, Token LU name, and instance number.

CICS generates an LU 6.2 unit of work ID for every CICS task, whether terminal or non-terminal driven.

If TOKENE=YES in the RCT entry, then the CICS logical unit of work ID (LUWID) less the commit count (2 bytes) is passed into this field. The first eight bytes are the network name. For CICS, this is a variable-length field, so the first eight bytes are right padded with blanks. The second eight bytes give the LU name. This is also a variable-length field in CICS and is, therefore, also right padded with blanks, as necessary. The final six bytes are the uniqueness value.

Field Name: ADCICSIN


The location name of the requester. If the thread is an allied thread (no distributed requests) or the thread is an allied-distributed thread (this location is the requester), OMEGAMON XE for DB2 PE sets this field equal to the local location. If the thread is a database access thread (this location is a server).

For DDF/RRSAF rollup records, the field will contain a value derived from the last thread to rollup. For parallel query rollup records, the value will be derived from the parent record.

Field Name: QWHDRQNM


This field shows the correlation name. It is obtained by translating the correlation ID into correlation name and number. The default translation depends on the connection type of the thread:

Job name
Original authorization ID
Transaction ID
Application PST
Characters 1 to 8 of the parameter correlation ID specified for SIGNON.

You can define your own correlation ID translation, which overrides the default translation.

Field Name: ADCORNME


The name of the logical unit.

Field Name: QWHSLUNM


The MAINPACK value, which is derived from a package name. If this is not possible (for example, if there are no QPAC sections), the MAINPACK value is initialized to the plan name.

Field Name: ADMAINPK

This is an exception field.


This field shows the correlation number. It is obtained by translating the correlation ID into correlation name and number. The default translation depends on the connection type of the thread:

Pool thread
Application PSBNAME
Characters 9 - 12 of the parameter correlation ID specified for SIGNON.

You can define your own correlation ID translation which overrides the default translation.

Field Name: ADCORNMB


The instance number. When concatenated with the fully qualified network name, it uniquely identifies a distributed thread.

Field Name: QWHSLUUV


The user ID of the workstation end user. This user ID can be different from the authorization ID used to connect to DB2. This field contains blanks if the client does not supply this information.

Field Name: QWHCEUID


The primary authorization ID from a connection or sign on. The connection authorization exit and the sign on authorization exit can change the primary authorization ID so that it differs from the original primary authorization ID (ORIGAUTH). Distributed authorization ID translation can also change the primary authorization ID.

Field Name: QWHCAID


The connecting system type code (in hexadecimal). This field can have a null value. Utilities, for example, do not have a connecting system type.

Field Name: QWHCATYP


The LUW sequence number, which identifies the last commit scope that the logical unit participated in. This number is incremented whenever a thread is committed or rolled back.

Field Name: QWHSLUCC


The transaction or application name that is run.

Field Name: QWHCEUTX

The original authorization ID. Possible values are:
  • For TSO: the logon ID
  • For batch: the user ID on the job statement
  • For IMS (message-driven regions): the sign on ID, LTERM, ASXBUSR, or PSB name
  • For IMS (control regions): the user ID on the job statement, or the RACF® started procedure entry if RACF is used
  • For CICS: the user ID, TERM ID, TRAN ID, or as specified in the resource control table
  • For MVS operator commands and DB2 system internal agents: SYSOPR
  • For a distributed application server (AS):
    • If the application requester (AR) is a DB2 system, then this is the same value that was assigned at the AR.
    • If the application requester is not a DB2 system, then this is the user ID used to make the initial connection with the application server.

Field Name: QWHCOPID

The connection name. Possible values are:
  • For batch: BATCH
  • For TSO: TSO
  • For QMF: DB2CALL
  • For utilities: UTILITY
  • For DB2 private protocol this is the DB2 subsystem ID
  • For IMS: the IMS ID
  • For CICS, this is the CICS ID
  • For DRDA connections from non-DB2 requesters: SERVER

Field Name: QWHCCN

This is an exception field.


The end user's workstation name.

Field Name: QWHCEUWN