Thread Enclave Attributes
Use the Thread Enclave attributes to create situations that monitor the activity of threads that are connected to DB2 and are associated with an enclave token.
Accounting The account information.
Ace Address The ace address.
Agent Address The agent address.
AGNT ASID The address space ID (ASID) of the agent.
Agent TCB Address The Agent TCB Address.
Authorization ID The authorization ID.
Authorization ID (Unicode) The authorization ID.
Average Time Goal The average response time goal.
Class The transaction class.
Collection The package collection ID.
Collection (Unicode) The package collection ID.
Collection Name The subsystem collection name.
Thread Enclave Attributes Connection ID. Identifies the connection of an application to a DB2 system.
It is an alphanumeric text string, with a maximum length of eight characters.
Thread Enclave Attributes The connection type.
Value | Description |
BATCH | Batch job |
CICS | CICS attach |
DLIBATCH | DL/I batch |
Distributed | Distributed Database Access thread |
IMS_BMP | IMS attach BMP |
IMS_CTL | IMS control region |
IMS_MPP | IMS attach MPP |
IMS_TBMP | IMS transaction BMP |
DistAllied | Distributed Allied thread |
RRSAF | Db2 Resource Recovery Services attachment facility |
SYSTEM | System directed access |
TSO | TSO foreground and background |
UNKNOWN | Unrecognizable connection type |
UTILITY | Db2 Utility |
CPU Critical CPU critical (Y or N).
Correlation ID The correlation ID.
DB2 ID The DB2 subsystem ID.
Discretionary Goal The discretionary goal.
Duration Service Unit The service class period duration in service units. The value is zero for the last period.
Duration Service Unit 1 The service class period duration in service units. The value is zero for the last period.
Duration Service Unit 2 The service class period duration in service units. The value is zero for the last period.
Duration Service Unit 3 The service class period duration in service units. The value is zero for the last period.
Duration Service Unit 4 The service class period duration in service units. The value is zero for the last period.
Duration Service Unit 5 The service class period duration in service units. The value is zero for the last period.
Duration Service Unit 6 The service class period duration in service units. The value is zero for the last period.
Duration Service Unit 7 The service class period duration in service units. The value is zero for the last period.
Duration Service Unit 8 The service class period duration in service units. The value is zero for the last period.
Enclave CPU Time The enclave CPU time.
Enclave Export Token The export token associated with the enclave, if any. A monitor can collect IWMRQRY answer areas from multiple systems and match RQAD for a particular multisystem enclave using the export token.
Enclave STOKEN The STOKEN of the address space that owns the enclave. If the enclave is foreign, this STOKEN refers to an address space on another system (not the local system).
Enclave Token The enclave token.
End User ID The user ID of the workstation end user. This user ID can be different from the authorization ID used to connect to DB2. This field contains blanks if the client does not supply this information (DB2 field name: QWHCEUID).
Function Name The function name.
Goal Description The goal description.
Goal Description 1 The goal description one.
Goal Description 2 The goal description two.
Goal Description 3 The goal description three.
Goal Description 4 The goal description four.
Goal Description 5 The goal description five.
Goal Description 6 The goal description six.
Goal Description 7 The goal description seven.
Goal Description 8 The goal description eight.
Goal Mode The system WLM mode (G for Goal or C for Compatibility).
Goal Type The goal type indicator.
IIP Flag Indicates if the systems has a zIIP processor. Valid values are Y or N.
IIP Speed Indicates if the zIIP processor runs at a different speed than CP processor.
Importance Level The importance level. The range is one to five; One is the most important.
IMPORTANCE1 The importance level. The range is one to five; One is the most important.
IMPORTANCE2 The importance level. The range is one to five; One is the most important.
IMPORTANCE3 The importance level. The range is one to five; One is the most important.
IMPORTANCE4 The importance level. The range is one to five; One is the most important.
IMPORTANCE5 The importance level. The range is one to five; One is the most important.
IMPORTANCE6 The importance level. The range is one to five; One is the most important.
IMPORTANCE7 The importance level. The range is one to five; One is the most important.
IMPORTANCE8 The importance level. The range is one to five; One is the most important.
Information Flag The return information flag.
Interval Start The start time of this interval.
Location The requesting location.
Location (Unicode) The requesting location.
Logical Unit The logical unit name.
LUWID The logical unit of work ID (LUWID) for a thread.
The luw-id consists of the network name, the originating VTAM® LUNAME, and a unique identifier (separated by periods). Thus, the
Luwid field displays data such as the following:
MVS ID The MVS system identifier.
Network ID The network ID.
Originating System ID The managed system name of the agent. It is an alphanumeric text string, with a maximum of 32 characters; for example, DB91:SYS1:DB2.
Owner Job Name The job name of the address space that owns the enclave. If the enclave is foreign, the job name refers to a job on another system (not the local system).
Owner System The name of the system where the owner of the enclave resides. If the enclave is foreign, this is the system where the original enclave is located. Otherwise it is the local system name.
Package DBRM The package DBRM name.
Package DBRM (Unicode) The package DBRM name.
Parm1 The first start parameters.
Parm2 The second start parameters.
Percentile The goal percentile value.
Percentile1 The goal percentile value.
Percentile2 The goal percentile value.
Percentile3 The goal percentile value.
Percentile4 The goal percentile value.
Percentile5 The goal percentile value.
Percentile6 The goal percentile value.
Percentile7 The goal percentile value.
Percentile8 The goal percentile value.
Percentile Time Goal The percentile response time goal.
Performance Index The performance index.
Performance Value The performance value.
Period Number The service class period number in goal mode. When in goal mode, if the address space is a server, this value is always one. When in compatibility mode, this is the performance group period number.
Plan The plan name.
Priority The subsystem priority.
Process Name The enclave process name.
Program Name The transaction program name.
Report Class The name of the report class associated with this address space. This is only valid in goal mode.
Report Class Description The report class description.
Resource Group The name of the resource group associated with this address space. This is only valid in goal mode.
Scheduling Environment The enclave scheduling environment.
Service Class The name of the service class associated with this address space. This is only valid in goal mode.
Service Class Description The service class description.
Service Class Resource Description The service class resource description.
Service Class Resource Group The service class resource group.
Service Class Workload The workload name.
Service Class Workload Description The description of the workload.
Service Periods The number of service class periods for this service class.
Storage Protection Storage protection (Y or N).
Stored Procedure Name The name of the stored procedure.
Subsystem The subsystem name.
Subsystem Type The subsystem type.
Subsystem Parameter The subsystem parameter.
System Goal The system goal.
Time Unit The response time unit indicator (mmm:SS:MM:HH).
Valid format is mmm:SS:MM:HH, where: m = Millisecond, S = Second, M = Minute, H = Hour.
Time Unit1 The response time unit indicator (mmm:SS:MM:HH).
Valid format is mmm:SS:MM:HH, where: m = Millisecond, S = Second, M = Minute, H = Hour.
Time Unit2 The response time unit indicator (mmm:SS:MM:HH).
Valid format is mmm:SS:MM:HH, where: m = Millisecond, S = Second, M = Minute, H = Hour.
Time Unit3 The response time unit indicator (mmm:SS:MM:HH).
Valid format is mmm:SS:MM:HH, where: m = Millisecond, S = Second, M = Minute, H = Hour.
Time Unit4 The response time unit indicator (mmm:SS:MM:HH).
Valid format is mmm:SS:MM:HH, where: m = Millisecond, S = Second, M = Minute, H = Hour.
Time Unit5 The response time unit indicator (mmm:SS:MM:HH).
Valid format is mmm:SS:MM:HH, where: m = Millisecond, S = Second, M = Minute, H = Hour.
Time Unit6 The response time unit indicator (mmm:SS:MM:HH).
Valid format is mmm:SS:MM:HH, where: m = Millisecond, S = Second, M = Minute, H = Hour.
Time Unit7 The response time unit indicator (mmm:SS:MM:HH).
Valid format is mmm:SS:MM:HH, where: m = Millisecond, S = Second, M = Minute, H = Hour.
Time Unit8 The response time unit indicator (mmm:SS:MM:HH).
Valid format is mmm:SS:MM:HH, where: m = Millisecond, S = Second, M = Minute, H = Hour.
Total Delays The total number of delay samples used in the SRMS execution velocity calculation.
Total Usings This is a sum of the number of times the work for the service class period is allowed to use WLM managed resources.
Transaction The transaction ID at the workstation.
Value | Enclave Type | Description |
1 | Original_Dependent | The enclave was created by IWMECREA and is a continuation of the transaction for the owning address space. |
2 | Original_Independent | The enclave was created by IWMECREA and is an independent transaction. |
3 | Foreign_Independent | The enclave was created by IWMIMPT and is a continuation of an independent enclave on another system. |
4 | Foreign_Dependent | The enclave was created by IWMIMPT and is a continuation of a dependent enclave on another system. |
5 | Inactive_Enclave | The enclave is currently on an inactive enclave queue because SRM did not find any work unit associated with the enclave. The enclave will move back to active queue once a work unit joins the enclave. |
6 | Currently_Promoted | The enclave is currently promoted because of a chronic resource contention. |
7 | Continuation_Independent | The enclave is a continuation of an independent enclave. |
Uniqueness Value The instance number: When concatenated with the fully qualified network name, it uniquely identifies a distributed thread (DB2 field name: QWHSLUUV).
Uniqueness Value 2 The DB2 thread uniqueness value. For internal use.
User ID The user ID.
Velocity Goal The velocity goal.
Velocity or Response Time Goal The response time goal or the velocity goal. The value is zero if the goal is discretionary or if its a system goal or if no goal is defined.
Velocity or Response Time Goal 1 The response time goal or the velocity goal. The value is zero if the goal is discretionary or if its a system goal or if no goal is defined.
Velocity or Response Time Goal 2 The response time goal or the velocity goal. The value is zero if the goal is discretionary or if its a system goal or if no goal is defined.
Velocity or Response Time Goal 3 The response time goal or the velocity goal. The value is zero if the goal is discretionary or if its a system goal or if no goal is defined.
Velocity or Response Time Goal 4 The response time goal or the velocity goal. The value is zero if the goal is discretionary or if its a system goal or if no goal is defined.
Velocity or Response Time Goal 5 The response time goal or the velocity goal. The value is zero if the goal is discretionary or if its a system goal or if no goal is defined.
Velocity or Response Time Goal 6 The response time goal or the velocity goal. The value is zero if the goal is discretionary or if its a system goal or if no goal is defined.
Velocity or Response Time Goal 7 The response time goal or the velocity goal. The value is zero if the goal is discretionary or if its a system goal or if no goal is defined.
Velocity or Response Time Goal 8 The response time goal or the velocity goal. The value is zero if the goal is discretionary or if its a system goal or if no goal is defined.
Version The version.
WLM Descriptor The WLM environment description.
WLM Procedure The WLM environment procedure name.
WLM System Type The type of WLM application environment system.
Workload Manager The WLM (application) environment.
Workload Name The name of the workload associated with this address space. This is only valid in goal mode.
Workstation The workstation ID.