Thread Detail Attributes (Local DB2)

Use the Thread Detail attributes to create situations that monitor DB2 threads. This information is used for a local DB2 system.

Ace Address The Ace address.

Active Tasks The number of active parallel tasks or utility sub-tasks created for the originating task or main utility task. The value is zero for parallel tasks or utility sub-tasks. This value is only calculated if accounting class 1 is active.

Agent Address The Agent address.

AGNT ASID The address space ID (ASID) of the agent.

Agent TCB Address The Agent TCP address.

Archive Log Suspends The number of suspends for processing of archive log mode (quiesce) commands.

Archive Quiesce Time The accumulated wait time for processing of archive log mode (quiesce) commands.

Archive Quiesce Time Current The current wait time for processing of archive log mode (quiesce) commands.

Archive Quiesce Waits The number of suspensions for processing of archive log mode (quiesce) commands.

Archive Tape Wait The number of wait trace events processed for archive reads.

Archive Tape Wait Time The accumulated wait time for archive reads from tape.

Archive Tape Wait Time Current The current wait time for processing of archive log mode quiesce commands.

Async Read Time The accumulated wait time for a read I/O that is done under a thread other than this one.

Async Read Time Current The current wait time for a read I/O that is done under a thread other than this one.

Async Read Waits The number of wait trace events processed for a read I/O under another thread.

Async Write Time The accumulated wait time for a write I/O that is done under a thread other than this one.

Async Write Time Current The current wait time for a write I/O that is done under a thread other than this one.

Async Write Waits The number of wait trace events processed for waits for a write I/O under another thread.

Authorization ID The authorization ID.

Authorization ID (Unicode) The authorization ID.

CICS MVSID The MVS identifier used for CICS dynamic workspace linking.

CICS Task Number The CICS transaction ID.

CICS Terminal ID The CICS terminal ID.

CICS Thread Type The CICS thread type.

CICS Transaction ID The CICS transaction ID.

CICS Transaction ID From EIB The CICS Transaction ID from E18.

Claimer Waits The claimer waits.

Claimer Wait Time The total claimer wait time.

Claimer Wait Time Current The current claimer wait time.

Collection The package collection ID.

Collection (Unicode) The package collection ID.

Thread Detail Attributes (Local DB2) Connection ID. Identifies the connection of an application to a DB2 system.

It is an alphanumeric text string, with a maximum length of eight characters.

Thread Detail Attributes (Local DB2) The type of connection associated with the thread.

Valid values are:
Value Description
BATCH Batch job
CICS CICS attach
Distributed Distributed Database Access thread
IMS_CTL IMS control region
IMS_TBMP IMS transaction BMP
DistAllied Distributed Allied thread
RRSAF Db2 Resource Recovery Services attachment facility
SYSTEM System directed access
TSO TSO foreground and background
UNKNOWN Unrecognizable connection type
UTILITY Db2 Utility

Correlation ID The DB2 Correlation ID.

CPU Before Enclave The accumulated TCB time used before the enclave is created.

CPU Rate The thread CPU rate.

CPU Time The total CPU time.

DB2 ID The DB2 subsystem ID.

DB2 Service Time The accumulated wait time because of a synchronous execution unit switch for DB2 commit, abort, or deallocation processing.

DB2 Service Time Current The current wait time because of a synchronous execution unit switch for DB2 commit, abort, or deallocation processing.

DB2 Service Waits The number of wait trace events processed for waits for synchronous execution unit switching for commit or abort.

Drain Lock Waits The drain lock waits.

Drain Wait Time The total drain lock wait time.

Drain Wait Time Current The current drain lock wait time.

Elapsed Time The elapsed time.

Force At Commit Waits The force at commit waits.

End User ID The user ID of the workstation end user. This user ID can be different from the authorization ID used to connect to DB2. This field contains blanks if the client does not supply this information (DB2 field name: QWHCEUID).

Force At Commit Wait Time The total force at commit wait time.

Force At Commit Wait Time Current The current force at commit wait time.

Global Child L-Lock Waits The number of wait trace events processed for waits due to global contention for child L-locks.

Global Child L-Lock Wait Time The accumulated wait time due to global contention for child L-locks.

Global Child L-Lock Wait Time Current The current wait time due to global contention for child L-locks.

Global Contention Waits The global contention waits.

Global Contention Wait Time The accumulated wait time due to global contention for parent L-locks. Global contention occurs when intersystem communication is required to resolve an IRLM lock or change request. QPACAWTL contains the wait time due to local contention.

Global Contention Wait Time Current The current wait time due to global contention for parent L-locks. Global contention occurs when intersystem communication is required to resolve an IRLM lock or change request. QPACAWTL contains the wait time due to local contention.

Global Other L-Lock Waits The number of wait trace events processed for waits due to global contention for other L-locks.

Global Other L-Lock Wait Time The accumulated wait time due to global contention for other L-locks.

Global Other L-Lock Wait Time Current The current wait time due to global contention for other L-locks.

Global Other P-Lock Waits The number of wait trace events processed for waits due to global contention.

Global Other P-Lock Wait Time The accumulated wait time due to global contention for other P-locks.

Global Other P-Lock Wait Time Current The current wait time due to global contention for other P-locks.

Global Page P-Locks The number of wait trace events processed for waits due to global contention for page set or partition P-locks.

Global Page P-Lock Wait Time The accumulated wait time due to global contention for page P-locks.

Global Page P-Lock Wait Time Current The current wait time due to global contention for page P-locks.

Global Pageset P-Lock Waits The number of wait trace events processed for waits due to global contention for page set or partition P-locks.

Global Pageset P-Lock Wait Time The accumulated wait time due to global contention for page set or partition P-locks.

Global Pageset P-Lock Wait Time Current The current wait time due to global contention for page set or partition P-locks.

IIP CPU The accumulated CPU time consumed while executing on an IBM zIIP in all environments.

IMS Program Name The IMS region program name.

IMS Region Name The IMS region name.

IMS Region Number The IMS region number.

IMS Region Terminal Name The IMS region terminal name.

IMS Transaction Name The IMS transaction name.

In DB2 Allied CPU The allied CPU (TCB) time accumulated in DB2.

In DB2 CP CPU Time The CP CPU time accumulated in DB2 include the current in-DB2 CPU time for the SQL statement in progress.

In DB2 Elapsed Time The elapsed time accumulated in DB2 include the current in-DB2 time for the SQL statement in progress.

In DB2 SP CPU The accumulated TCB time spent processing SQL call statements in the DB2 stored procedures address space or a WLM address space. This time is calculated only if accounting class one is active.

In DB2 IIP CPU Time The IIP CPU time consumed when executing in DB2.

Interval Start The start time of this interval.

In UDF Time The accumulated TCB time in DB2 for processing SQL statements issued by user-defined functions (DB2 field name: QWACUDTT). This is a subset of the time recorded in QWACUDCP. The value is calculated only if accounting trace class 2 is active.

I/O Wait The accumulated I/O elapsed wait time for a database I/O done under this thread. This field is for synchronous I/O only. It includes synchronous read and write I/O.

I/O Wait Current The current I/O elapsed wait time for a database I/O done under this thread. This field is for synchronous I/O only. It includes synchronous read and write I/O.

Job Name The job name.

Location The requesting location.

Location (Unicode) The requesting location.

Lock Latch Waits The number of wait trace events processed for waits for a lock or latch.

Lock Latch Wait Time The accumulated lock and latch elapsed time.

Lock Latch Wait Time Current The current lock and latch elapsed time.

Log Write Waits The number of wait trace events processed for waits for log read I/O.

Log Write Wait Time The accumulated wait time for log write I/O.

Log Write Wait Time Current The current wait time for log write I/O.

LUWID LUWID for a thread.

This value consists of two parts: the logical unit of work ID (luw-id) and a token. The token can be used in place of the luw-id in any DB2® command that accepts luw-id as input. Format:

The luw-id consists of the network name, the originating VTAM® LUNAME, and a unique identifier (separated by periods). Thus, the Luwid field displays data such as the following:


Message Sent Waits The number of wait trace events processed for waits for sending messages to other members in the data sharing group. This value is calculated only if accounting class three is active and DB2 is a member of the data sharing group.

Message Sent Wait Time The accumulated elapsed wait time caused by suspension for sending messages to other members in a data sharing group. One common use of intersystem message sending is when database descriptions are changed due to CREATE, ALTER, or DROP statements.

Message Sent Wait Time Current The current elapsed wait time caused by suspension for sending messages to other members in a data sharing group. One common use of intersystem message sending is when database descriptions are changed due to CREATE, ALTER, or DROP statements.

MVS ID The MVS system identifer.

MVS Status The thread MVS status.

Number IO Waits The number of wait trace events processed for waits for a database I/O under this thread.

Open Close Waits The number of wait trace events processed for waits for synchronous execution unit switching to the open/close service.

Open Close Wait Time The accumulated wait time for a synchronous execution unit switch to the DB2 open/close data set service or the HSM recall service.

Open Close Wait Time Current The current wait time for a synchronous execution unit switch to the DB2 open/close data service or the HSM recall service.

Originating System ID The managed system name of the agent. It is an alphanumeric text string, with a maximum of 32 characters; for example, DB91:SYS1:DB2.

Other Service Waits The number of wait trace events processed for synchronous execution unit switching to other service tasks.

Other Service Wait Time The accumulated wait time for a synchronous execution unit.

Other Service Wait Time Current The current wait time for a synchronous execution unit.

Package DBRM The package DBRM name.

Package DBRM (Unicode) The package DBRM name.

Page Latches The number of wait trace events processed for page latch contention.

Page Latch Time The accumulated wait time because of page latch contention.

Page Latch Time Current The current wait time because of page latch contention.

Parallel Tasks The number of parallel tasks or utility sub-tasks created for the originating task or main utility task. The value is zero for parallel tasks or utility sub-tasks. This value is calculated only if accounting class one is active.

Plan The plan name.

Release Save Points The number of SQL release savepoint statements executed.

Rollback Save Points The number of SQL rollback to savepoint statements executed.

Save Points The number of SQL savepoint statements executed.

SP CPU The accumulated TCB time spent processing SQL call statements in DB2 stored procedures address space or a WLM address space. This time is calculated only if accounting class 1 is active.

SP Elapsed Time The total elapsed time in stored procedures, including time executing SQL.

SP Schedule Waits The number of times an SQL call statement had to wait for an available TCB before the stored procedure could be scheduled. This value is calculated only if accounting class 3 is active.

SP Schedule Wait Time The total elapsed time spent waiting for an available TCB before the stored procedure could be scheduled. This time is calculated only if accounting class 3 is active.

SP Schedule Wait Time Current The current elapsed time spent waiting for an available TCB before the stored procedure could be scheduled. This time is calculated only if accounting class 3 is active.

SP SQL Elapsed Time The total time spent executing SQL in stored procedures.

Status Status is the current DB2 status of the thread. Valid values are:

The thread is not available.
The thread is in abort processing.
The thread is executing on IBM Db2 Analytics Accelerator for z/OS.
The thread is processing an autonomous procedure.
The thread is in dynamic bind processing.
The thread is in static bind processing.
Command threads display this status when they are active in Db2 and executing within the Db2 command processor. (This type of thread always has a blank plan name.)
The thread is in Commit processing (applies only to threads that originate from an attachment that does not use two-phase-commit protocol).
The thread is in Commit phase 1 processing.
The thread is in Commit phase 2 processing.
The thread is in Create Thread processing.
The thread is executing in Db2. A more descriptive status could not be determined.
The thread is in doubt.
The thread is in signon processing. This status applies only to threads originating from CICS or IMS attachments.
The thread is processing an SQL call.
The thread is executing an SQL call and is doing the sort processing required to satisfy the call's request.
The thread is currently running in a stored procedure.
The thread is in termination as a result of allied task termination. This status corresponds to DB2 DISPLAY THREAD=D status.
The thread is currently running in a trigger.
The thread is currently running a user-defined function.
The thread is not currently executing in Db2.
The thread is trying but not able to run in a stored procedure or user-defined function.
The thread is not currently executing in Db2. The thread originating address space is swapped out.
The thread is waiting for an archive log tape mount necessary during thread abort processing.
The thread is currently waiting for read of archive log from tape.
The thread is currently waiting for completion of a read I/O that is being done under a thread other than this one (for example, sequential or List Prefetch).
The thread is currently waiting for completion of Write I/O that is being done under a thread other than this one (for example, Deferred Writes).
The distributed thread is in a synchronous wait because the conversation limit has been reached for its designated logmode.
The thread is queued in Create Thread processing because Db2 reached the CTHREAD value. This status corresponds to DB2 DISPLAY THREAD=QD status.
The thread is currently waiting for either:
  • Inter-system communication within the data sharing group to determine if there is lock contention.
  • A lock held by another subsystem in the data sharing group.
The thread is waiting for a lock.
The thread is waiting because of inter-system message sending contention.
The database access thread is in a synchronous wait (waiting for a response or a request from the originating Db2 subsystem).
The distributed allied thread is in a synchronous wait (waiting for a response from the remote Db2 subsystem being accessed).
The thread is not currently in use and is waiting to be reused. This status applies only to CICS and IMS threads.
The thread is currently waiting for completion of a Db2 service. Types of Db2 services include: open/close of a dataset, DFHSM recall of a dataset, SYSLGRNG update or define/extend/delete of a dataset, rollback, and Commit phase 2 for read only threads.
The thread is queued waiting for a stopped stored procedure.
The thread is queued and waiting for thread termination as a result of allied task termination. This status corresponds to DB2 DISPLAY THREAD=QD status.
The Db2 utility was started but not completed because of abnormal termination.
The following status are only available when class 2/3 traces are on:
The thread is currently waiting for claimers to be released after acquiring drain lock.
The thread is currently waiting for claimers to be released after acquiring drain lock.
The thread is currently waiting for the completion of an identify call to the IRLM.
The thread is waiting for the FORCE-AT-COMMIT event to complete.
The thread is currently waiting to acquire drain lock.
The thread is currently waiting for TCP/IP to materialize a LOB.
The thread is waiting for a LOCK-I/O-LATCH.
The thread is currently waiting for a PIPE suspend.
The thread is currently suspended for parallel task synchronization.
The thread is currently suspended because of an ARCHIVE LOG MODE(QUIESCE) command.
The thread is currently waiting for page latch.
The thread is waiting for a TCB to become available in the stored procedures address space to schedule a stored procedure.
The thread is currently waiting for the completion of a synchronous execution switch.
The thread is currently waiting for completion of a synchronous Read I/O or Write I/O.
Note: This status can indicate that a Db2 resource is not large enough. You can use the OMEGAMON XE for Db2 PE resource manager or object analysis displays to further isolate the problem.

Switches to DMS The number of wait trace events processed for waits for a synchronous execution unit switching to the data space manager service tasks.

Switch To DMS Wait Time The accumulated wait time for a synchronous execution unit switch to the DB2 data space manager services. The DB2 data manager services include the define data set, the extend data set, the delete reset data set and the vsam catalog access.

Switch To DMS Wait Time Current The current wait time for a synchronous execution unit switch to the DB2 data space manager services. The DB2 data manager services include the define data set, the extend data set, the delete reset data set and the vsam catalog access.

Sync EU Wait Time The accumulated wait time for a synchronous execution unit switch to the DB2 open/close data set service or the HSM recall service.

Syslgrng Waits The number of wait trace events processed for waits for synchronous execution unit switching to the syslgrng recording service.

Syslgrng Wait Time The accumulated wait time for a synchronous execution unit switch to the DB2 syslgrng recording service. This service is also sometimes used to level ID checking for down-level detection.

Syslgrng Wait Time Current The current wait time for a synchronous execution unit switch to the DB2 syslgrng recording service. This service is also sometimes used to level ID checking for down-level detection.

Transaction The transaction ID at the workstation.

Trigger CPU In Enclave The accumulated TCB time used for executing triggers under and enclave. This value is calculated only if accounting class one is active.

Trigger CPU Not Enclave The accumulated TCB time consumed executing triggers while not under an enclave.

Trigger Elapsed In Enclave The accumulated time used for executing triggers under an enclave. This value is calculated only if accounting trace class 1 is active.

Trigger Elapsed Not Enclave The accumulated elapsed time consumed executing triggers while not under an enclave.

UDF CP CPU Time The accumulated CPU time consumed executing user-defined functions (UDFs) on the main application execution unit (DB2 field name: QWACUDFNF_CP). This time does not include CPU time consumed on an IBM specialty engine. Since these UDFs run entirely within DB2, this time represents class 1 and class 2 time.

UDF Elapsed Time WLM The total elapsed time spent by the allied agent in UDF functions processed in a DB2 stored procedure or WLM address space (DB2 field name: QWACUDEA). A user-defined function may initiate a trigger or invoke a stored procedure. Non-inline UDF times are included in this time if the native UDF was called on a nested task and was not invoked by the main application execution unit. This time includes time executing SQL.

UDF Elapsed Time Main The accumulated elapsed time consumed executing user-defined functions (UDFs) on the main application execution unit (DB2 field name: QWACUDFNF_ELAP). Since these UDFs run entirely within DB2, this time represents class 1 and class 2 time.

UDF IIP CPU Time The accumulated CPU time consumed executing user-defined functions (UDFs) on the main application execution unit on an IBM specialty engine (DB2 field name: QWACUDFNF_zIIP). Since these UDFs run entirely within DB2, this time represents class 1 and class 2 time.

UDF SQL Elapsed Time The total elapsed time that user-defined functions spent to execute SQL (DB2 field name: QWACUDEB).

UDF SQL Events The number of SQL entry/exit events performed by user-defined functions (DB2 field name: QWACUDNE). This value is calculated only if accounting trace class 2 is active.

UDF TCB Wait Time The total elapsed time spent waiting for an available TCB before the user-defined function could be scheduled (DB2 field name: QWACUDST).

UDF Wait Time The accumulated TCB time used to satisfy user-defined function requests (DB2 field name: QWACUDCP).

Uniqueness Value The instance number: When concatenated with the fully qualified network name, it uniquely identifies a distributed thread (DB2 field name: QWHSLUUV).

Uniqueness Value 2 The DB2 thread uniqueness value. For internal use.

Waits IO Other Thread The number of wait trace events processed for write I/O under another thread.

Waits Sync Execution Units The number of wait trace events processed for waits for synchronous execution unit switching for commit or abort.

Wait Time Total class3 wait time for a thread.

Wait Time IO Other Thread The accumulated wait time for write I/O that is done under a thread other than this.

Wait Time IO Other Thread Current The current wait time for write I/O that is done under a thread other than this.

Wait Time Sync Execution Units The total wait time because the synchronous execution unit switched to DB2 services from this thread while executing this package on DBRM.

Wait Time Sync Execution Units Current The current wait time because the synchronous execution unit switched to DB2 services from this thread while executing this package on DBRM.

Workstation ID The workstation ID.