MVS Storage Attributes
Use the MVS Storage attributes to view the system storage sizes. This information is provided with DB2 10.
24 Bit High Private (MB) Identifies the amount of private MVS storage below the 16 MB line (DB2 field name: QW0225HI). This storage is obtained from top downward, usually for authorized programs.
24 Bit Low Private (MB) Identifies the amount of private MVS storage below the 16 MB line (DB2 field name: QW0225LO). This storage is obtained from bottom upward, usually for unauthorized programs.
31 Bit Extended High Private (MB) Identifies the amount of private MVS storage above the 16 MB line (DB2 field name: QW0225EH). This storage is obtained from top downward, usually for authorized programs.
31 Bit Extended Low Private (MB) Identifies the amount of private MVS storage above the 16 MB line (DB2 field name: QW0225EL). This storage is obtained from bottom upward, usually for unauthorized programs.
Active and Disconnect DBATs Identifies the number of active and disconnected DBAT threads (DB2 field name: QW0225DB).
Active Threads Identifies the number of active allied threads (DB2 field name: QW0225AT).
Address Space Name Shows the address space name (DBM1 or DIST) (DB2 field name: QW0225AN).
Agent Local Storage (MB) Identifies the amount of storage allocated for agent-related local storage (DB2 field name: QW0225AL). This storage is used for operations such as sort.
Agent Non-System Storage (MB) Identifies the total agent non-system storage. It is the difference between the Total Agent Local Storage (QW0225AL) and the Total Agent System Storage (QW0225AS).
Agent System Storage (MB) Identifies the storage used by system agents (DB2 field name: QW0225AS).
Auxiliary 4K Slot in Use 31 Bit Identifies the number of auxiliary slots (4K) in use by DBM1 (DB2 field name: QW0225AX).
Auxiliary 4K Slot in Use 64 Bit Identifies the number of auxiliary 4K slots in use for 64-bit private pools (DB2 field name: QW0225HVAuxSlots). This value is available from z/OS 1.11.
Auxiliary Slots Used Shared Storage 64 Bit Identifies the number of auxiliary slots used for 64-bit shared storage for this MVS LPAR (DB2 field name: QW0225SHRAUXSLOTS).
Auxiliary Storage in Use (MB) Identifies the number of auxiliary slots (4K) in use by DBM1 (DB2 field name: QW0225AX).
Avg Thread Footprint (MB) The current average memory usage of active allied threads and the maximum number of existing active DBATs. Valid value is an integer.
It is calculated as follows:
- (total agent system storage)
- (amount of storage allocated for the local cache storage pool)]
/ [(active allied threads) + (active DBATs)]
Average Thread Footprint (MB) The current average memory usage of active allied threads and the maximum number of existing active DBATs. It is an alphanumeric text string with a maximum of 10 characters.
It is calculated as follows:
- (total agent system storage)
- (amount of storage allocated for the local cache storage pool)]
/ [(active allied threads) + (active DBATs)]
Buffer Manager Data Manager Trace Table (MB) Identifies the storage used for Buffer Manager and Data Manager internal trace tables (DB2 field name: QW0225TT).
Buffer Manager Storage Control Blocks (MB) Identifies the storage used for page set control blocks (DB2 field name: QW0225BB).
Castout Buffers (MB) Identifies the storage used for castout buffers (DB2 field name: SW0225C2).
Castout Engines Identifies the number of engines available for data-sharing castout processing (DB2 field name: QW0225CE).
Common Fixed Pool Above (MB) Identifies the amount of storage allocated for 64-bit common fixed pool storage (DB2 field name: QW0225FCG).
Common Fixed Pool Below (MB) Identifies the amount of storage allocated for 31-bit common fixed pool storage (DB2 field name: QW0225FC).
Common Getmained Above (MB) Identifies the amount of storage allocated for 64-bit common getmained storage (DB2 field name: QW0225GCG).
Common Getmained Below (MB) Identifies the amount of storage allocated for 31-bit common getmained storage (DB2 field name: QW0225GC).
Common Storage Manager Control Block Above (MB) Identifies the amount of storage allocated for 64-bit common storage for storage manager control structures (DB2 field name: QW0225SMC).
Common Variable Pool Above (MB) Identifies the amount of storage allocated for 64-bit common variable pool storage (DB2 field name: QW0225VCG).
Common Variable Pool Below (MB) Identifies the amount of storage allocated for 31-bit common variable pool storage (DB2 field name: QW0225VC).
Compression Dictionary Identifies the storage space allocated for the compression dictionary (DB2 field name: QW0225CD).
Current Private High Addr 24 Bit Identifies the current high address of the 24-bit private region (DB2 field name: QW0225TP). It indicates the highest value (upper limit) of the private area of the DB2 database address space and the private area of the distributed data address space.
Current Private High Addr 31 Bit Identifies the current high address of the 31-bit private region (DB2 field name: QW0225EP).
DB2 ID Identifies the DB2 ID.
DB2 Version The version of the DB2 system.
Deferred Write Engines Identifies the number of engines used for deferred write operations (DB2 field name: QW0225DW).
Dynamic Statement Cache Control Block (MB) Identifies the amount of storage used for dynamic statement cache control blocks above the 2 GB bar (DB2 field name: QW0225S2).
Extended CSA Size (MB) Identifies the size of the common storage area (CSA) above the 16 MB line (DB2 field name: QW0225EC).
Fixed Storage Identifies the total amount of fixed storage (DB2 field name: QW0225FX).
Fixed Storage above (MB) Identifies the total amount of fixed storage above the 2 GB bar (DB2 field name: QW0225FA).
GBP Write Engines Identifies the number of engines for group buffer pool writes (DB2 field name: QW0225GW).
Getmained Storage (MB) Identifies the total storage acquired by GETMAIN (DB2 field name: QW0225GM). This includes space for virtual pools, EDM pool, compression dictionary, castout buffers, and the data space lookaside buffer, hiperpool control blocks, and data space buffer pool control blocks. This figure can be different from the sum of GETMAIN storage items shown in the statistics DBM1 storage, because DB2 does not produce grouping statistics for all GETMAIN storage.
Getmained Storage above (MB) Identifies the total storage acquired by GETMAIN (DB2 field name: QW0225GA). This includes space for the compression dictionary, and statement and DBD cache that can be used by the Environmental Descriptor Manager (EDM). This figure can be different from the sum of GETMAIN storage items shown in the statistics DBM1 storage, because DB2 does not produce grouping statistics for all GETMAIN storage.
Getmained Stack Storage (MB) Identifies the total GETMAINED storage allocated for program stack use (DB2 field name: QW0225GS).
HWM Auxiliary 4K Slot in Use 64 Bit Identifies the high water mark for the number of auxiliary 4K slots in use for 64-bit private pools (DB2 field name: QW0225HVGAuxSlots). This value is available from z/OS 1.11.
HWM Real 4K Frame in Use 64 Bit Identifies the high water mark for the number of real 4K frames in use for 64-bit private pools (DB2 field name: QW0225HVGPagesInReal). This value is available from z/OS 1.11.
HWM Shared Bytes 64 Bit (MB) Identifies the high water mark for number of 64-bit shared bytes for this MVS LPAR (DB2 field name: QW0225SHRGBYTES).
HWM Thread Copies Cached SQL (MB) Identifies the statistics interval high-water mark of allocated storage for thread copies in the local cache storage pool (DB2 field name: QW0225HS).
Interval Start The time at the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server location when the data was sampled. The format is MM/DD/YY HH:MM:SS.
Local Dynamic Statement Cache Control Block (MB) Identifies the storage for local dynamic statement cache control blocks (DB2 field name: QW0225SB).
Max Extended Region Size (MB) Identifies the maximum amount of MVS private storage available above the 16 MB line (DB2 field name: QW0225RG).
Max Number of Threads The maximum number of possible threads. This depends on the storage size, the average memory usage of active user threads, and the maximum number of existing active DBATs. Valid value is an integer.
It is calculated as follows:
- minimum (extended region size / 8, 200 * 1024 * 1024)
- [(total getmained storage) + (total getmained stack storage) + (total fixed storage)]}
/ (average thread footprint)
Maximum Number of Threads The maximum number of possible threads. This depends on the storage size, the average memory usage of active user threads, and the maximum number of existing active DBATs. It is an alphanumeric text string with a maximum of 10 characters.
It is calculated as follows:
- minimum (extended region size / 8, 200 * 1024 * 1024)
- [(total getmained storage) + (total getmained stack storage) + (total fixed storage)]}
/ (average thread footprint)
MVS System ID The MVS system identifier.
Originating System ID The managed system name of the agent. It is an alphanumeric text string, with a maximum of 32 characters; for example, DB91:SYS1:DB2.
Prefetch Engines Identifies the number of engines used for sequential, list, and dynamic prefetch (DB2 field name: QW0225PF).
Pipe Manager Subpool Storage (MB) Identifies the storage allocated to Pipe Manager for parallel query operations (DB2 field name: QW0225PM).
P-Lock Notify Exit Engines Identifies the number of data sharing P-Lock engines and Notify Exit engines (DB2 field name: QW0225PL).
RDS OP Pool Storage (MB) Identifies the storage for RDS operations pool used for sort, prepare, and so on (DB2 field name: QW0225RO).
Real 4K Frame in Use 31 Bit Identifies the amount of real-storage frames in use for 31-bit and 64-bit private pools (DB2 field name: QW0225RL).
Real 4K Frame in Use 64 Bit Identifies the number of real 4K frames in use for 64-bit private pools (DB2 field name: QW0225HVPagesInReal). This value is available from z/OS 1.11.
Real Storage in Use (MB) Identifies the amount of real storage in use for 31-bit and 64-bit private pools.
RID Pool Storage (MB) Identifies the storage for RID list processing such as list prefetch, index ANDing and ORing (DB2 field name: QW0225RP).
Shared Agent Local Storage (MB) Identifies the amount of storage allocated for agent-related 64-bit local storage (DB2 field name: QW0225ALG).
Shared Agent Non-System Storage (MB) Identifies the amount of 64-bit storage used by non-system agents. It is the difference between the Total Agent Local Storage (QW0225ALG) and the Total Agent System Storage.
Shared Agent System Storage (MB) Identifies the amount of 64-bit storage used by system agents (DB2 field name: QW0225ASG).
Shared Fixed Storage (MB) Identifies the amount of total fixed virtual shared storage above the 2 GB bar (DB2 field name: QW0225SF).
Shared Getmained Storage (MB) Identifies the amount of virtual shared storage acquired by GETMAIN above the 2 GB bar (DB2 field name: QW0225SG).
Shared Memory Objects Identifies the number of shared memory objects allocated for this MVS LPAR (DB2 field: QW0225SHRNMOMB).
Shared Memory Storage (MB) Identifies the total 64-bit storage allocated for storage manager control structures (DB2 field name: QW0225SM).
Shared Memory Pages 64 Bit Identifies the number of 64-bit shared memory pages allocated for this MVS LPAR (this count includes hidden pages) (DB2 field name: QW0225SHRPAGES).
Shared Non-System Agent Stack Storage (MB) Identifies the amount of 64-bit shared storage allocated for non-system agent stack use (DB2 field name: QW0225GSG).
Shared Non-System Stack Storage in Use (MB) Identifies the amount of 64-bit shared non-system agent stack that is in use (DB2 field name: QW0225SUG).
Shared Pages Backed in Real Storage 64 Bit Identifies the number of 64-bit shared pages backed in real storage (4K pages) for this MVS LPAR (DB2 field name: QW0225SHRINREAL).
Shared Pages Paged In from Auxiliary Storage 64 Bit Identifies the number of 64-bit shared pages paged in from auxiliary storage for this MVS LPAR (DB2 field name: QW0225SHRPAGEINS).
Shared Pages Paged Out from Auxiliary Storage 64 Bit Identifies the number of 64-bit shared pages paged out to auxiliary storage for this MVS LPAR (DB2 field name: QW0225SHRPAGEOUTS).
Shared Storage Manager Control Block (MB) Identifies the amount of 64-bit shared storage allocated for storage manager control structures (DB2 field name: QW0225SMS).
Shared System Agent Stack Storage (MB) Identifies the amount of 64-bit shared storage allocated for system agent stack use (DB2 field name: QW0225GSG_SYS).
Shared System Agent Stack Storage in Use (MB) Identifies the amount of 64-bit shared system agent stack that is in use (DB2 field name: QW0225SUG_SYS).
Shared Variable Storage (MB) Identifies the amount of virtual shared variable storage above the 2 GB bar (DB2 field name: QW0225SV).
Stack Storage In Use (MB) Identifies the amount of stack storage that is in use (DB2 field name: QW0225SU).
Storage Cushion (MB) Identifies the storage reserved to allow DB2 to complete critical functions while short on storage (DB2 field name: STORCUSH). This includes the contract warning cushion, storage reserved for must-complete operations, and storage for MVS use.
Storage Manager Control Block (MB) Identifies the total 64-bit storage allocated for storage manager control structures (DB2 field name: QW0225SM).
Thread Copies of Cached SQL (MB) Identifies the amount of storage allocated for the local cache storage pool (DB2 field name: QW0225SC). For DB2 10, the storage is allocated for executable code sequences of dynamic SQL statements
Thread Copies of Cached SQL above HWM Allocated Statement (MB) Identifies the statistics interval high-water mark (HWM) of allocated storage for thread copies in the cache storage pool above the 2 GB bar (DB2 field name: QW0225H2).
Thread Copies of Cached SQL above In Use (MB) Identifies the amount of storage used for thread copies in the cache storage pool above the 2 GB bar (DB2 field name: QW0225L2).
Thread Copies of Cached SQL Date at HWM Identifies the timestamp at high-water storage (DB2 field name: QW0225HT).
Thread Copies of Cached SQL in Use (MB) Identifies the amount of storage used for thread copies in the local cache storage pool (DB2 field name: QW0225LS). This is a subset of the total allocated storage for thread copies QW0225SC.
Thread Copies of Cached SQL Statement Count Identifies the number of statements in the local cache storage pool (DB2 field name: QW0225LC).
Thread Copies of Cached SQL Statement Count at HWM Identifies the number of statements in the local cache storage pool at high storage time (DB2 field name: QW0225HC).
Thread Copies of Static SQL (MB) Identifies the amount of storage allocated below the bar for executable code sequences of static SQL statements (DB2 field name: QW0225SX).
Total Storage Below (MB) Identifies total DBM1 storage (DB2 field name: SW0225DB). This includes:
- Fixed length storage use
- Getmained storage
- Save areas
- Variables
Variable Storage (MB) Identifies the total storage used by all variable pools (DB2 field name: QW0225VR). This includes storage used by:
- System agents
- Local agents
- RID pool
- Pipe manager subpool
- Local dynamic statement cache control blocks
- Local dynamic statement cache statement pool
- Buffer and data manager trace tables
Variable Storage above (MB) Identifies the amount of variable storage available above the 2 GB bar (DB2 field name: QW0225VA).
QW0225AV Identifies the total amount of storage available for storage manager pools (DB2 field name: QW0225AV).
QW0225CR Identifies the storage reserved for operation that must complete before DB2 is allowed to stop (DB2 field name: QW0225CR).
QW0225F1 This field is for IBM service (DB2 field name: QW0225F1).
QW0225F2 This field is for IBM service (DB2 field name: QW0225F2).
QW0225MV Identifies the amount of storage available for operating system activity (DB2 field name: QW0225MV).
QW0225SO Identifies the amount of free storage, in megabytes, available in the DBM1 data space (DB2 field name: QW0225SO).