Group Buffer Pool Connection Attributes

Use the Group Buffer Pool (GBP) Connection attributes to create situations that monitor connections to DB2 coupling facilities.

Connection Status The status of the connection between a DB2 coupling facility member (IRLM subsystem) and group.

Valid values are:
Value Description
ACTIVE Active member connection
CONNECT Member connected but not active
DISCONN Member disconnected
FAILED Member failed to connect
FAIL_PER Member persistently fails to connect

Coupling Facility Name The name of a DB2 coupling facility. It is an alphanumeric text string with a maximum of 16 characters; for example, DB2_D411.

Data Sharing Group The name of a data sharing group. It is an alphanumeric text string, with a maximum of 8 characters; for example, TDDB241G.

Data Sharing Group Element The name of an element of within the data sharing group.

DB2 ID The name of a DB2 subsystem.

IDNAME An internal attribute used for navigation, it contains either the Data Sharing Group Name or the DB2ID.

Job Name The job name connected to a coupling facility structure. It is an alphanumeric text string with a maximum of 8 characters; for example, IRLM.

MVS System The MVS System Management Facility (SMF) ID. It is an alphanumeric text string with a maximum of 4 characters; for example SP11.

Originating System ID The managed system name of the agent. It is an alphanumeric text string, with a maximum of 32 characters; for example, DB91:SYS1:DB2.

Structure Name The name of a DB2 coupling facility structure. It is an alphanumeric text string, with a maximum of 16 characters; for example, TDDB241G.SCA.

Time Stamp Represents the end of data collection or the end of an interval, and is the local time where the system is running.