EDM Pool Attributes
Use the EDM Pool, DB2 SRM EDM, and DB2 SRM EDM Statistics attributes to create situations to monitor the Environmental Descriptor Manager (EDM) pool activity that is connected with DB2. The attributes depend on the DB2 version installed.
Available Pages The total number of EDM pages that are currently available. It is zero for DB2 10 or later.
Available Percentage The percentage of EDM Pool that is currently available. Valid entry ranges from 0.0 to 100.0. It is zero for DB2 9 or later.
Cursor Table Load Rate (CT Loads) The number of Cursor Table loads from DASD per second.
Cursor Table Pages The total number of EDM pages that are currently in use for Cursor Tables. It is zero for DB2 9 or later.
Cursor Table Percentage The percentage of EDM Pool that is currently in use for Cursor Tables. Valid entry ranges from 0.0 to 100.0. It is zero for DB2 10 or later.
Cursor Table Request Rate (Cursor Table Reqs) The number of Cursor Table requests per second.
Dataspace Free Pages The number of free pages in EDM Pool Dataspace.
Dataspace Total Pages The total number of pages in EDM Pool Dataspace.
DB2 ID The name of a DB2 subsystem.
DB2 Version The version of the DB2 system.
DBD Free Pages The total number of DBD pages that are currently on free queue.
DBD Free Percentage The percentage of DBD that is currently on the free queue. Valid entry ranges from 0.0 to 100.0.
DBD Held Pct The percentage of DBD pages that are held.
DBD Load Rate (DBD Loads) The number of database descriptor loads from DASD per second.
DBD Pages The number of DBD pages that are in use.
DBD Pages Held The number of DBD pages that are held.
DBD Percentage The percentage of DBD pages that are in use; for DB2 10, this percentage is calculated as 100 - (((stealable+free)/total)*100).
DBD Request Rate (Database Descriptor Reqs) The number of database descriptor requests per second.
DBD Stealable Pages The current number of stealable pages used for database descriptors (DBDs).
DBD Total Pages The total number of pages that are assigned to DBD pool.
Dynamic SQL Cache The total number of EDM pages that are currently used for dynamic SQL cache.
Dynamic SQL Cache Loads (DSC Loads) The total number of dynamic SQL cache loads from DASD.
Dynamic SQL Cache Percentage The percentage of EDM Pool that is currently used for Dynamic SQL caching. Valid entry ranges from 0.0 to 100.0.
Dynamic SQL Cache Requests (Dynamic SQL Reqs) The total number of dynamic SQL requests.
EDM Free Pages The total number of free pages in the EDM pool (DB2 9 or below) or the DBD pool (DB2 10 or later). It is zero for DB2 10 or later.
EDM Free Percentage The percentage of free pages in the EDM pool (DB2 9 or below) or the DBD pool (DB2 10 or later). A valid entry ranges from 0.0 to 100.0. It is zero for DB2 10 or later.
EDM In Use Pages The total number of pages that are currently in use in the EDM pool (DB2 9 or below) or the DBD pool (DB2 10 or later). It is zero for DB2 10 or later.
EDM In Use Percentage The percentage of EDM pages (DB2 9 or below) or the percentage of DBD pages (DB2 10 or later) that is currently in use. A valid entry ranges from 0.0 to 100.0. It is zero for DB2 10 or later.
EDM Total Pages The total number of pages that are assigned to the EDM pool (DB2 9 or below) or the DBD pool (DB2 10 or later). It is zero for DB2 10 or later.
Fails because of Dataspace Full The total number of fails because the EDM Pool Dataspace is full.
Fails because of DBD Pool Full The total number of fails because the DBD Pool is full.
Fails because of EDM Pool Full The total number of fails because the EDM Pool is full.
Fails because of RDS Pool Full The total number of fails because the RDS Pool (above) is full.
Fails because of SKEL Pool Full The total number of fails because the Skeleton (SKEL) Pool is full.
Fails because of STMT Pool Full The total number of fails because the Statement (STMT) Pool is full.
Fails because of RDS Pool (below) Full The total number of fails because the RDS Pool (below) is full.
Interval Start The date and time, as set on the monitored system, indicating the instance when the agent collects information.
Originating System ID The managed system name of the agent. It is an alphanumeric text string, with a maximum of 32 characters; for example, DB91:SYS1:DB2.
Package Search Not Found Delete The number of not found record deleted from CACHE.
Package Search Not Found Insert The number of not found record added to CACHE.
Package Search Not Found Match The number of CACHED not found record located.
Package Table Load Rate (PT Loads) The number of Package Table loads from DASD per second.
Package Table Pages The total number of pages that are currently in use for Package Table. It is zero for DB2 10 or later.
Package Table Percentage The percentage of EDM Pool that is currently in use for Package Table. Valid entry ranges from 0.0 to 100.0. It is zero for DB2 10 or later.
Package Table Request Rate (Package Table Reqs) The number of Package Table requests per second.
RDS Above CT Pages The number of pages in the RDS pool above the bar used for the cursor tables (CTs). This is a snapshot value. It is zero for DB2 10 or later.
RDS Above CT Percent The percentage of pages that are currently held for cursor table (CT) in the RDS Pool above the bar. It is zero for DB2 10 or later.
RDS Above Free Pages The number of free pages in RDS Pool above the bar. It is zero for DB2 10 or later.
RDS Above Free Percent The percentage of free pages in RDS Pool above the bar. It is zero for DB2 10 or later.
RDS Above In Use Pages The number of pages that are currently in use in RDS Pool above the bar. It is zero for DB2 10 or later.
RDS Above In Use Percent The percentage of pages that are currently in use in RDS Pool above the bar. It is zero for DB2 10 or later.
RDS Above PT Pages Held The number of pages that are currently held for package tables (PT) in RDS Pool above the bar. It is zero for DB2 10 or later.
RDS Above PT Percentage The percentage of pages that are currently held for package tables (PT) in RDS Pool above the bar. It is zero for DB2 10 or later.
RDS Above Total Pages The total number of pages that are assigned to RDS Pool above the bar. It is zero for DB2 10 or later.
RDS Below Cursor Table Pages The number of pages that are currently held for cursor tables in RDS Pool below the bar. It is zero for DB2 10 or later.
RDS Below Cursor Table Percent The percentage of pages that are currently held for cursor tables in RDS Pool below the bar. It is zero for DB2 10 or later.
RDS Below Free Pages The number of free pages in RDS Pool below the bar. It is zero for DB2 10 or later.
RDS Below Free Percent The percentage of free pages in RDS Pool below the bar. It is zero for DB2 10 or later.
RDS Below In Use Pages The number of pages that are currently in use in RDS Pool below the bar. It is zero for DB2 10 or later.
RDS Below In Use Percent The percentage of pages that are currently in use in RDS Pool below the bar. It is zero for DB2 10 or later.
RDS Below Package Table Pages The number of pages that are currently held for package tables in RDS Pool below the bar. It is zero for DB2 10 or later.
RDS Below Package Table Percent The percentage of pages that are currently held for package tables in RDS Pool below the bar. It is zero for DB2 10 or later.
RDS Below Total Pages The total number of pages that are assigned to RDS Pool below the bar. It is zero for DB2 10 or later.
Skeleton Cursor Table Pages (SKCT Pages) The total number of EDM pages that are currently held for skeleton cursor tables (SKCT).
Skeleton Cursor Table Percentage (SKCT Percentage) The percentage of EDM that is currently held for skeleton cursor tables (SKCT). Valid entry ranges from 0.0 to 100.0.
SKEL Free Pages The number of free pages that are currently in the skeleton (SKEL) Pool.
SKEL Free Percent The percentage of free pages that are currently in the skeleton (SKEL) Pool.
SKEL In Use Pages The number of pages that are currently in use in the skeleton (SKEL) Pool.
SKEL In Use Percentage The percentage of pages that are currently in use in the skeleton (SKEL) Pool; for DB2 10, this percentage is calculated as 100 - (((stealable+free)/total)*100).
SKEL Pool Pages The current number of pages in the skeleton (SKEL) Pool above the bar.
SKPT Pages The total number of pages that are currently held for skeleton package tables (SKPT).
SKPT Percentage The percentage of pages that are currently held for skeleton package tables (SKPT). Valid entry ranges from 0.0 to 100.0.
SKPT Stealable Pages The total number of stealable pages used for skeleton package tables (SKPT) pages that can be reused.
Statement Free Pages The number of free pages that are currently in the Statement Pool.
Statement Free Percent The percentage of free pages that are currently in the Statement Pool.
Statement in Global Cache The number of statements in Global Cache.
Statement Held Percentage The percentage of pages that are currently held in the Statement Pool.
Statements Pages Held The number of pages that are currently held in the Statement Pool.
Statement Total Pages The current number of pages in the EDM Statement pool above the bar. This is a snapshot value.