DB2 Thread Accounting Attributes
Use these attributes to view DB2 Thread accounting information.
ACE Address The agent control element (ACE) (see QWHSACE) of the thread that is reported. The value in QWHSACE is the ACE of the IFI application that requested this trace record (Field name: QW0148AC).
Agent Class 1 It comprises the class 1 CPU time of the allied agent, which may include the accumulated class 1 CPU time for processing stored procedures, user-defined functions, and triggers if present.
Agent Non-Nested Class 1 The class 1 CPU time of the non-nested activity of the allied agent.
Authorization ID The primary authorization ID from connection or signon. For z/OS operator commands and DB2 system internal agents, the value is SYSOPR. Secondary authorization IDs might be the RACF groups associated with this primary authorization ID. The SQL ID is initially set to this primary authorization ID. The connection authorization exit and the signon authorization exit can change the primary authorization ID so that it is not the same as the original primary authorization ID (QWHCOPID). Distributed authorization ID translation can also change the primary authorization ID (Field name: UWHCAID).
CP CPU Outside DB2 Class 2 The CP CPU time outside DB2 (Class 2) (DB2 field name: ADCPUODB).
CP CPU Time Class 1 The class 1 CPU time in an application (Field name: ADCPUT).
Collection Name The collection name (Field name: UW0148CI).
- Batch:
- TSO:
- 'TSO'
- Utility
- DB2 internal
- DB2 subsystem ID
- Distributed database access threads:
- For threads from a DB2 requester, this field contains the connection name of the thread at the requesting location.
- For threads using the DRDA protocol from a non-DB2 requester, this field contains the constant 'SERVER'.
- For batch: JOBNAME
- For RRSAF: CORRELATION-ID value from signon function
- For threads from a DB2 requester: this field contains the correlation-ID name of the thread at the requesting location.
- For threads using the DRDA protocol from a non-DB2 requester, this field contains the first 12 characters in the DDM external name (EXTNAM) parameter of the DDM EXCSAT command received as part of the SQL connect.
DB2 Subsystem The DB2 subsystem ID.
DB2 Version The DB2 version.
DSG Member Name The Data Sharing Group (DSG) member name.
Data Sharing Group The Data Sharing Group name.
Elapsed Outside DB2 Class 2 The elapsed time outside DB2 (Class 2) (DB2 field name: ADTTOTOD).
Elapsed class 1 The class 1 elapsed time of the allied agent (Field name: ADRECETT).
End User ID The user ID of the end user's workstation (Field name: QWHCEUID). This can be different from the authorization ID used to connect to DB2. This field contains blanks if the client did not supply this information. If QWHCEUID_OFF is not 0, this value is truncated.
In-DB2 Agent CPU Time Class 2 It comprises the class 2 CPU time of the allied agent. This time includes the accumulated class 2 CPU time for processing stored procedures, user-defined functions, and triggers, if present. CPU time for processing parallel tasks is not charged to this counter. This CPU time does not include the CPU time that is consumed on an IBM specialty engine (Field name: ADAGENT2).
- The class 2 CPU time for the allied agent. This includes the accumulated class 2 TCB time for processing any stored procedures, user-defined functions, and triggers.
- The accumulated CPU time for processing parallel tasks. This is valid for query CP parallelism, sysplex query parallelism, and parallel tasks generated by utilities. In sysplex query parallelism, only CPU times of parallel tasks, running on the same member of the sysplex group as the originating task, are included. This CPU time does not include time that is consumed on an IBM specialty engine.
In-DB2 Elapsed Class 2 The class 2 elapsed time of the allied agent accumulated in DB2 (Field name: ADDB2ETT).
- CPU time that is consumed on an IBM specialty engine.
- CPU time for processing SQL on behalf of a stored procedure. For stored procedure time, see In-DB2 SP CPU Time Class 2 (QWACSPTT).
In-DB2 Non-Nested Class 2/3 The accumulated elapsed time in DB2 (Field name: QWACASC). This field is calculated if accounting class 2 is on. This field is calculated for threads by taking the store clock (STCK) time on exit from DB2 and subtracting the store clock value on entry to DB2. However, the times for most thread allocation and certain abend conditions are not included.
In-DB2 Not Accounted Class 2 The time not accounted in DB2 (Field name: ADNOTACC). This time determines whether there is a large percentage of time that has not been captured within the DB2 accounting record and whether system monitoring tools (such as RMF) should be examined to determine the cause of a performance problem.
In-DB2 Parallel CPU Time Class 2 The sum of the CPU times of the parallel tasks running in DB2 (Field name: ADDBCPC2). These tasks can be query CP, sysplex query parallel tasks, parallel tasks produced by utilities, or rollup autonomous tasks. In sysplex query parallelism, the accumulated time reflects only parallel tasks running on the same DB2 subsystem as the originating task. This time does not include the CPU time consumed on an IBM specialty engine.
In-DB2 SP CPU Time Class 2 The Accumulated CPU time that was spent in DB2 for processing SQL statements that were issued by stored procedures in WLM-established stored procedure address spaces (Field name: QWACSPTT). This time also includes DB2 time that was used for connecting and disconnecting the stored procedure task for external stored procedures. SQL procedure times are included in this time if the SQL procedures were called on a nested task, and were not invoked by the main application execution unit. This time is a subset of the QWACSPCP time. It does not include time that is consumed on an IBM specialty engine.
In-DB2 SP Class 2/3 The total elapsed time that was spent for processing SQL statements that were issued by stored procedures in WLM-established stored procedure address spaces. This time also includes time that was used for connecting and disconnecting the stored procedure task, for external stored procedures. SQL procedure times are included in this time if the SQL procedures were called on a nested task, and were not invoked by the main application execution unit. (Field name: QWACSPEB).
In-DB2 Suspend Time Agent Class 2 The waiting time of the allied agent for all types of class 3 suspension (Field name: ADTCBCL3). This counts class 3 suspension time within nested activity. Suspension time of parallel tasks in query or utility parallelism is not included.
In-DB2 Suspend Time Class 2 The waiting time for all types of class 3 suspensions by the originating task and parallel tasks, if parallelism is employed (Field name: ADTSUST).
In-DB2 Suspend Time Parallel Class 2 The sum of the suspension times spent for parallel tasks (Field name: ADCPCL3T). These tasks can be query CP or sysplex query parallel tasks, parallel tasks produced by utilities, or roll-up autonomous tasks.
In-DB2 UDF CPU Time Class 2 The accumulated CPU time that was spent in DB2 for processing SQL statements that were issued by user-defined functions in WLM-established stored procedure address spaces (Field name: QWACUDTT). This time also includes DB2 time that was used for connecting and disconnecting the user-defined function task. This time includes time for a non-inline user-defined function if the user-defined function was called on a nested task and was not invoked by the main application execution unit. This time is a subset of the QWACUDCP time. It does not include time that is consumed on an IBM specialty engine.
In-DB2 UDF Class 2/3 The total elapsed time that was spent in DB2 for processing SQL statements that were issued by user-defined functions in WLM-established stored procedure address spaces (Field name: QWACUDEB). This time also includes DB2 time that was used for connecting and disconnecting the user-defined function task. This time includes time for a non-inline user-defined function if the user-defined function was called on a nested task and was not invoked by the main application execution unit.
In-DB2 Waiting Time Class 2 The waiting time in DB2 (Class 2/3) (Field name: ADTWTDB).
Interval Start The start time of this interval.
- A fully qualified network name (QW0148LM)
- An LUW instance number (QW0148UV) and an LUW sequence number (see fields below).
MVS System ID The MVS identifier.
Non Nested Class 1 The non-nested class 1 elapsed time of the allied agent (Field name: ADNNNET1).
Non-Nested Outside DB2 Class 2 The class 2 CP CPU time of the non-nested activity of the allied agent outside DB2 (Field name: ADTTCBOD).
Originating System The managed system name of the agent. It is an alphanumeric text string, with a maximum of 32 characters; for example, DB91:SYS1:DB2.
Package ID The package ID (Field name: UW0148PN).
Parallel Tasks CPU Class 1 The sum of the CPU times of the parallel tasks running in an application. It can also include the accumulated class 1 CPU time for processing stored procedures, user-defined functions, and triggers if present. These parallel tasks can be query CP, sysplex query parallel tasks, or parallel tasks produced by utilities. In sysplex query parallelism, the accumulated time reflects only parallel tasks running on the same DB2 subsystem as the originating task (Field name: ADCPUPLL).
- For SPUFI with cursor stability: 'DSNESPCS'
- For SPUFI with repeatable read: 'DSNESPRR'
- For TSO: the application plan name
- For IMS: the application plan name
- For CICS: application plan name, IMS and CICS commands have a blank plan name.
- For RRSAF create thread with the collection parameter: '?RRSAF '
- For Distributed Database Access threads:
- For threads using the DRDA protocol from a requester, this field contains the plan name that is executed at the requesting location.
- For threads using the DRDA protocol from a non-DB2 requester or from a DB2 2.3 requester, this field contains the constant 'DISTSERV'.
- For binding: 'DSNBIND' (system plan)
- For utility: 'DSNUTIL ' (system plan)
- For authorization: 'ACT' + X'0000000000' (system plan)
- For unallocated threads and miscellaneous DB2 system service tasks: 'BCT' + X'0000000000' (system plan)
- For startup: 'STARTCT' + X'00' (system plan)
QWACFLGS Flags (Field name: QWACFLGS).
- Running stored procedure requests and triggers on the main application execution unit.
- Satisfying stored procedure requests processed in a DB2 stored procedure or WLM address space.
- SQL procedure times are included in this time if the SQL procedure was called on a nested task and was not invoked by the main application execution unit.
- Satisfying UDF requests processed in a DB2 stored procedure or WLM address space.
- Running triggers on a nested task.
- Running parallel tasks in an application which contains the accumulated CPU time used to satisfy UDF requests.
SE CPU Eligible The accumulated CPU time that ran on a standard CP for work eligible on an IBM specialty engine (Field name: AWACZEL).
SE Trigger CPU The accumulated CPU time consumed on an IBM specialty engine while running triggers on a nested task or on the main application execution unit (Field name: AWACTRZ).
SP CPU Class 1 The accumulated CPU time used to satisfy external stored procedure requests that were processed in WLM-established stored procedure address spaces. SQL procedure time is included only if the SQL procedures were called on a nested task, and were not invoked by the main application execution unit. This time does not include CPU time that was consumed on an IBM specialty engine (Field name: QWACSPCP).
Stored Proc Class 1 The total elapsed time used to satisfy external stored procedure requests that were processed in WLM-established stored procedure address spaces. SQL procedure time is included only if the SQL procedures were called on a nested task, and were not invoked by the main application execution unit. This value includes time that was used for executing SQL statements (Field name: QWACSPEA).
Thread Type The connecting system type code (in hexadecimal). This field can have a null value. For example, this field contains a null value for some utilities (Field name: QWHCATYP).
Transaction Name The transaction or application name that the end user is running (Field name: QWHCEUTX). This identifies the application that is currently running, not the product that is used to run the application. This field contains blanks if the client did not supply this information.
Trigger CPU Class 1 The accumulated CPU time consumed while executing under the control of triggers. For triggers there is no distinction between class 1 and class 2 CPU time. All processing controlled by a trigger is within DB2 (Field name: ADTRCP).
Triggers Class 1 The total elapsed time spent by the allied agent in triggers (Field name: ADTRET).
UDF CPU Class 1 The accumulated CPU time that was used to satisfy user-defined function requests that were processed in a WLM-established stored procedure address space. This time includes time for a non-inline user-defined function if the user-defined function was called on a nested task and was not invoked by the main application execution unit. This time does not include CPU time that is consumed on an IBM specialty engine (DB2 field name: QWACUDCP).
UDF Class 1 The total elapsed time that was spent in user-defined functions in WLM-established stored procedure address spaces. This time includes time for a non-inline user-defined function if the user-defined function was called on a nested task and was not invoked by the main application execution unit. This time includes time that was spent executing SQL statements (Field name: QWACUDEA).
Workstation Name The end user's workstation name. This field contains blanks if the client did not supply this information (Field name: QWHCEUWN).