DB2 SRM Subsystem Attributes
Use the DB2 SRM Subsystem attributes to create situations to monitor workload related information associated with a DB2 subsystem.
Abends EOM Rate The number of abends per second because an End of Memory (EOM) condition was detected over the last sampling period.
Abends EOT Rate The number of abends per second because an End of Task (EOT) condition was detected over the last sampling period.
Abort Rate The number of abort requests per second over the last sampling period.
Background Limit The system limit on background connections.
Background Utilization The percentage of available threads being used for background connections. Valid entry ranges from 0.0 to 100.0.
CONDBAT The maximum number of concurrent remote connections of Database Access Threads (DBATs) defined in DSNZPARM (Field name: QWP1CDB). When this limit is reached, any new connection request is rejected. Valid entry is an integer.
Commit Rate The number of commits per second over the last sampling period.
Create Thread Wait Rate The number of Create Thread requests per second that had to wait over the last sampling period.
Create Threads Rate The number of threads created per second over the last sampling period.
CTHREAD HWM The highest number of batch CICS, IMS, and TSO tasks.
Current Background The current number of background connections.
Current DBAT The current number of active DBATs.
Current Foreground The current number of foreground connections.
Current Threads The current number of active threads; Database Access threads are not included.
DBAT Conn HWM The number of high water mark remote connections (Field name: QDSTHWDT).
DBAT Conn Utilization The
percentage of remote connections (CONDBAT) (derived field: SDBATCUT). The
value is calculated as follows: DBAT connection * 100 / QWP1CDB
DBAT Connection The current number of remote connections for both, active and inactive connections (derived field: SDBATCON).
The value of active
connections is calculated as follows: QDSTCNAT - QDSTNADS
(active DBATs - disconnected DBATs)
value of inactive connections is calculated as follows: QDSTQCIT
+ QDSTCIN2 (type1 inactive DBATs + type2 inactive DBATs)
DBAT Utilization The number of Database Access Threads (DBATs) in use is approaching the maximum number of DBATs defined by the MAXDBAT parameter in DSNZPARM.
Delta Abends EOM The number of abends detected because an End of Memory during the last sampling period.
Delta Abends EOT The number of abends detected because End of Task during the last sampling period.
Delta Aborts The number of abort requests during the last sampling period.
Delta Commits The number of commits during the last sampling period.
Delta Create Thread Wait The number of times a Create Thread operation had to wait during the last sampling period.
Delta Create Threads The number of threads created during the last sampling period.
Delta Identify The number of Identify requests during the last sampling period.
Delta In Doubt The number of Unit of Recovery threads that went in doubt during the last sampling period.
Delta In Doubt Resolve The number of Unit of Recovery threads that were in doubt and resolved during the last sampling period.
Delta Phase1 Commits The number of phase 1 commits during the last sampling period.
Delta Phase2 Commits The number of phase 2 commits during the last sampling period.
Delta Read Only Commits The number of Read Only commits during the last sampling period.
Delta Sign-on The number of sign-on requests during the last sampling period.
Delta Single Phase Commits The number of single phase commits during the last sampling period.
Delta Terminate Thread The number of threads terminated during the last sampling period.
Foreground Limit The system limit on foreground connections.
Foreground Utilization The percentage of available threads being used for foreground connections. Valid entry ranges from 0.0 to 100.0.
IDBACK HWM The maximum number of connections from batch or TSO background tasks.
Identify Rate The number of identify requests per second over the last sampling period.
IDFORE HWM The maximum number of connections from TSO foreground tasks.
In Doubt Rate The number of Unit of Recovery threads per second that went in doubt over the last sampling period.
In Doubt Resolve Rate The number of Unit of Recovery threads that were in doubt and resolved per second over the last sampling period.
Interval Time The number of seconds since last sample.
Location The DB2 location name.
MAXDBAT The number of maximum DBATs defined in DSNZPARM.
MAXDBAT HWM The maximum number of active and disconnected (pooled) DBATs that existed (field name: QDSTHWAT). This value is a high-water mark for QDSTCNAT.
Max Threads Allowed The total number of concurrent threads allowed.
OPM IP ADDR The host name or IP address of the IBM Optim Performance manager Web console.
OPM Port The port number of the IBM Optim Performance Web console.
OPM HTTP The HTTP or HTTPS for internal use only.
Originating System ID The managed system name of the agent. It is an alphanumeric text string, with a maximum of 32 characters; for example, DB91:SYS1:DB2.
Phase1 Commit Rate The number of phase 1 commits per second over the last sampling period.
Phase2 Commit Rate The number of phase 2 commits per second over the last sampling period.
Read Only Commit Rate The number of read only commits per second over the last sampling period.
Sign-on Rate The number of sign-on requests per second over the last sampling period.
Single Phase Commit Rate The number of single phase commits per second over the last sampling period.
Terminate Thread Rate The number of Terminate Thread requests per second over the last sampling period.
Thread Utilization The percentage of available threads being used; this percentage is calculated as Current Threads/CTHREAD parameter in DSNZPARM *100; Database Access threads are not included. Valid entry ranges from 0.0 to 100.0.
Time The date and time, as set on the monitored system, indicating the instance when the agent collects information.
Total Abends EOM The total number of abends detected because End of Memory.
Total Abends EOT The total number of abends detected because End of Task.
Total Aborts The total number of abort requests.
Total Commits The total number of commit requests.
Total Create Thread Wait The total number of times a Create Thread operation has to wait.
Total Create Threads The total number of threads created.
Total Identify The total number of Identify requests.
Total In Doubt The total number of Unit of Recovery threads that went in doubt.
Total In Doubt Resolve The total number of Unit of Recovery threads that were in doubt that were resolved.
Total Phase1 Commits The total number of phase 1 commits.
Total Phase2 Commits The total number of phase 2 commits.
Total Read Only Commits The total number of read only commits.
Total Sign-on The total number of sign-on requests.
Total Single Phase Commits The total number of single phase commits.
Total Terminate Thread The total number of thread terminations.