Db2 DDF STAT Attributes
Use the Db2 DDF STAT attributes to create situations to monitor Distributed Database Facility statistics.
Aborts Received The number of aborts received from remote location.
Aborts Sent The number of aborts sent to remote location.
Agent Elapsed Time The elapsed time at the local site spent processing for the remote site (in units that represent tenths of seconds).
Block Mode Switches The count of block mode switches performed.
Blocks Received The blocks received from remote location.
Blocks Sent The blocks sent to remote location.
Commits Received The number of commits received from remote location.
Commits Sent The number of commits sent to remote location.
Conversations Initiated Local The number of conversations initiated by local side of connection.
Conversations Initiated Remote The number of conversations initiated by remote side of connection.
Conversations Allocated The conversations allocated.
Conversations Deallocated The conversations deallocated.
Conversations Queued The number of conversations queued.
Coordinator Backouts Received The number of backout requests received from coordinator (2-phase commit only).
Coordinator Backouts Sent The number of backout requests sent to the coordinator (2-phase commit only).
Coordinator Commits Received The number of commit requests received from coordinator (2-phase commit only).
Coordinator Commits Sent The number of commit requests sent to the coordinator (2-phase commit only).
Coordinator Forgets Sent The number of forget response requests sent to the coordinator (2-phase commit only).
Data Bytes Received The number of data bytes received from the remote location.
Data Bytes Sent The number of data bytes sent to the remote location.
Data Rows Received The number of data rows received from the remote location.
Data Rows Sent The number of data rows sent to the remote location.
DB Access CPU Time The database access agent CPU time at the remote site (in units that represent milliseconds).
Directed Access The type of directed access.
Elapsed DB Access The elapsed database access agent time at the remote site (in units that represent tenths of seconds).
Interval Time The number of seconds since last sample (in units that represent seconds).
Last Agent Request Received The number of last agent requests received from initiator (2-phase commit only).
Last Agent Request Sent The number of last agent requests sent to coordinator (2-phase commit only).
Local Elapsed Time The elapsed time, in tenths of a second, for local thread (in units that represent tenths of seconds).
Maximum Conversations The maximum conversations allowed.
Message Buffer Rows The message buffer rows.
Messages Received The number of messages received from remote location.
Messages Sent The number of messages sent to remote location.
Originating System ID The managed system name of the agent. It is an alphanumeric text string, with a maximum of 32 characters; for example, DB91:SYS1:DB2.
Participant Backouts Received The number of backout requests received from participant (2-phase commit only).
Participant Backouts Sent The number of backout requests sent to the participant (2-phase commit only).
Participant Commits Received The number of commit requests received from participant (2-phase commit only).
Participant Commits Sent The number of commit requests sent to the participant (2-phase commit only).
Participant Forgets Received The number of forget requests received from participant (2-phase commit only).
Prepare Requests Received The number of prepare requests received from participant (2-phase commit only).
Prepare Requests Sent The number of prepare requests sent to participant (2-phase commit only).
Protocol Used The protocol used for this conversation. It is an alphanumeric text string, with a maximum length of 12 characters.
Remote Binds The binds from remote access.
Remote Commit Operations The number of commit operations performed with the remote location as COORD.
Remote CPU Time The CPU time for remote system in milliseconds (in units that represent milliseconds).
Remote Elapsed Time The elapsed time for remote thread in tenths of a second (in units that represent tenths of seconds).
Remote In Doubt Threads The number of threads that went in doubt with the remote location as COORD.
Remote Location Name The name of the remote system to which this thread is connected. It is an alphanumeric text string, with a maximum length of 12 characters.
Remote Logical Unit Name The LUNAME of the connection to the remote Db2 system. It is an alphanumeric text string, with a maximum length of eight characters.
Remote Product ID The remote product ID. It is an alphanumeric text string, with a maximum length of eight characters.
Remote Rollback Operations The number of rollback operations performed with the remote location as COORD.
SQL Calls Received The number of SQL calls received from the remote location.
SQL Calls Sent The number of SQL calls made to the remote location.
Thread Token The attribute that ties this entry to the owning thread by using the thread token as a foreign key.
Time The date and time, as set on the monitored system, indicating the instance when the agent collects information.
Transactions Received The number of Transactions received from remote location.
Transactions Sent The number of transactions sent to remote location.