Db2 Connect Server Package Attributes

Use Db2 Connect Server Package attributes to create situations that to will alert you when the package network time is too high.

Average Network Time The result of the value for the Network time counter divided by the number of SQL chains being transferred.

Average Request Size Outbound The number of bytes sent by the Db2 Connect gateway to the host database, excluding communication protocol overhead, divided by the number of SQL chains being transferred.

Average Response Size Outbound The number of bytes received by the Db2 Connect gateway from the host database, excluding communication protocol overhead, divided by the number of SQL chains being transferred.

Db2 Subsystem Identifier The Db2 subsystem ID.

Gateway Snapshot Time The date and time at which the database system monitor information was collected.

IP Address The current IP address.

MVSID The MVS system identifier.

Name The name in the database manager configuration file at the client node. It identifies the client node that is running the application.

Node Name The name of the node being monitored by the database system monitor. It identifies the database server node you are monitoring.

This information can be useful if you are saving your monitor output in a file or database for later analysis and you need to differentiate the data from different database server nodes. This node name is determined based on the NNAME configuration parameter.

Node Number The number assigned to the node in the file with filename db2nodes and file type cfg. (db2nodes.cfg).

Network Time The difference between the value for the Times for sample SQL statement - Total statement time counter and the value of the Times for sample SQL statement - Time on Db2 host counter. Both counters are on the Performance page.

Originating System ID The managed system name of the agent. It is alphanumeric text string, with a maximum of 32 characters; for example, DB91:SYS1:DB2.

Parent Database Name The name of the remote database to which the remote application is connected.

Server Instance Name The name of the database manager instance for which the snapshot was taken.

If a system contains more than one instance of the database manager, this name is used to uniquely identify the instance for which the snapshot call was issued. Along with configuration NNAME at monitoring (server) node, this information can be useful if you are saving your monitor output in a file or database for later analysis, and you need to differentiate the data from different instances of the database manager.

Server Product Version ID The product and version that is running on the server in the form pppvvrrm.

In this case, pppvvrrm represents
  • ppp stands for SQL
  • vv identifies a 2-digit version number (with high-order 0 in the case of a 1-digit version)
  • rr identifies a 2-digit release number (with high-order 0 in the case of a 1-digit release)
  • m identifies a 1-digit modification level

Server Status Shows whether the server is active or inactive.

Server Version The version of the server returning the information.

Statement Group The number of statements with outbound bytes.

Time Stamp The start time of this interval.

Time Zone Displacement The umber of hours that the local time zone is displaced from Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).