Hard disk drive space management
Buffer Pool Analyzer needs to keep its input files (the buffer pool data files and trace data files) on the client's local hard disk drive to perform its functions. Further, Buffer Pool Analyzer keeps its results (from object placements, simulations, and long-term analyses) also on its local hard disk drive. Over time, you might have collected a multitude of input files and results that unnecessarily use up hard disk space.
Buffer Pool Analyzer does not perform any cleanup. All
files and results remain on the hard disk until you delete
them. Use the following guidelines to delete no longer required files
and results:
- Input files
- Buffer pool data files (*.bpd) and trace
data files (*.trace) are stored in optional folders,
which are determined by you when these files are downloaded.
Delete these files by using the client's functions (Windows Explorer).
- Output files
- Results from different Buffer Pool Analyzer functions are stored
in folder C:\Documents and Settings \<userid> \db2pev<version> \…
\… and various subfolders. Do not delete individual files
from these folders; they are also used by other DB2® Performance
Expert functions and as temporary work area. If required, use them
only to determine how much hard disk space they use (Windows' Properties
function).To delete results, use the Buffer Pool Analyzer main window. Refer to one or more of the following sections for a description: This process ensures that all files belonging to a report or result are properly deleted.