Creating activity reports and bpd files

This topic describes how to create activity reports and buffer pool data (bpd) files from collected trace data. It describes an example of a batch job and the use of the BPACTIVITY command.

About this task

Related tasks:
Activity reports and buffer pool data files are created on the host by means of a batch job. In a batch job you specify:
  1. The source of your input data (the data set containing the collected trace data).
  2. The data you want to extract from the input data set and include in the activity reports or buffer pool data files.
  3. For activity reports, the appearance of the reported data.
  4. The output data set where the reports or the bpd files are to be stored.

Step 2 and step 3 use the BPACTIVITY command and its REPORT (for activity reports) and FILE (for bpd files) subcommands. Both subcommands have options to specify the content and the level of detail to be included in the output. The content can be manipulated, for example, by selecting only a specified time frame, or by including or excluding specific identifiers. The level of detail defines that either summary information or detail information is taken from the input and included in the output. The REPORT subcommand has additional options to specify the aggregation and sorting of the reported data. The FILE subcommand has an additional option to exclude information about inactive objects from the bpd file, which results in a smaller file size.

The following topics provide additional information: