Step 1: Selecting and opening buffer pool data files

About this task

When you have started the long-term analysis function, as described in Starting the long-term analysis function, the first page of the long-term analysis wizard is displayed:
Figure 1. Long-Term Analysis – The Files Selection window
This figure is a graphical representation of the Files Selection window from a long-term analysis.

You use this page to select one or more bpd files that contain the performance data you want to analyze. Initially, this dialog box is empty. The example lists three bpd files that were already selected.


  1. Select one or more bpd files to be opened, using the following steps in reasonable order:
    • To add one or more bpd files to the (initially empty) list of selected bpd files, click Add Files.

      The Open dialog box is displayed. You use this dialog box to select one or more bpd files that you want to add to the list of selected bpd files.

      Several sample buffer pool data files (*.bpd) are delivered with Buffer Pool Analyzer in the …\samples\reporting folder. The sample files are named bpa-zos-lta-samplenn.bpd. You can use them to become familiar with this function.

      1. Select a folder from the Look in list where the bpd files you want to use are located.

        The File of type field shows the file name extension of buffer pool data files (*.bpd). If your bpd files do not have the recommended file name extension bpd, select All files (*.*) from the File of type list to see the appropriate files.

      2. Click the bpd file to be added to the list of selected bpd files.

        You can add multiple files by selecting multiple files in the Open dialog box. To select a range of files, click the first file, hold down the Shift key, then click the last file in the sequence. To select several separate files, click the first file, hold down the Ctrl key, then click the other files as required. To select all files, press Ctrl+A.

        The File name field shows the names of the selected bpd files.

      3. Click Open.

        The Open dialog box closes and the bpd files are added to the list of selected bpd files.

        Restriction: bpd files are usually named at your own discretion, except for the recommended file name extension bpd. Thus, it is possible that bpd files exist with different names, but identical or partially identical performance data. If you accidentally select such files for the long-term analysis, the duplicated performance records falsify the result. Buffer Pool Analyzer does not filter out duplicates from the selected bpd files.

    • To remove one or more bpd files from the list of selected bpd files, select one or more files in the list, then click Remove Selected Files.
    • To remove all bpd files from the list of selected bpd files, click Remove All Files.
  2. When you have completed your selection of bpd files, and the list of selected bpd files contains at least one file, click Next.

    The selected bpd files are opened, and the data is preprocessed. This step can take some time, depending on the sizes and contents of the bpd files. A progress indicator is displayed that shows the percentage of preprocessing that has been completed. You can click Cancel to cancel preprocessing and restore the file selection page.

    Preprocessing performs several activities on each bpd file, which eases your selections and specifications in the following steps:
    • The subsystems are determined from which performance data was collected.
    • The counters and active objects are determined.
    • The earliest and the latest timestamp in each bpd file is determined.
  3. Continue with Step 2: Choosing a subsystem and specifying an analysis type.