Functions Thread Summary

This panel provides information about threads that are executing user-defined functions.

Each row provides information about an individual thread, including information about jobname, ASID, CPU utilization, number of connections and number of threads.

________________ ZRRSAT   VTM     O2       V540./C SN12 S 07/25/13 10:37:59 2 
> Help PF1      Back PF3       Up PF7      Down PF8     Sort PF10    Zoom PF11 
> T.K                                                                          
>         Thread Activity:  Enter a selection letter on the top line.          
> A-All-Idle    B-TSO      C-CICS      D-IMS     E-Background   F-Dist Allied  
> G-Dist DBAC   H-Util     I-Inact     J-Filter  *-Functions    L-Stored Proc  
> M-Triggers    N-Sysplex  O-Enclaves  P-Worksta Q-All+Idle                    
>                     Functions Thread Summary                                 
+       Job Name  ASID     CPU%            Connection           Threads        
+       --------  ----     -----           ----------           -------        
+       SN11STP1  0118      00.8                    1                 2        
+ *                                                                            
+ Elapsed     Planname  Schema    Function            CPU    ASID  CORRID      
+ ----------  --------  --------  ------------------  -----  ----  ------------
+ 00:01:58.3  TDKUFUN   DMSYSWLD  FUN1                00.3%  0118  MIS301      
+ 00:01:32.0  TDKUFUN   DMSYSWLD  FUN1                00.2%  0118  MIS302      


The following table shows the fields that might be highlighted in the panel above to indicate that an exception exceeded its threshold value.
Table 1. Highlighted fields in the Functions Thread Summary panel
Field Exception Reason
Elapsed ETIM This thread has reached Elapsed Time threshold value.
CPU TCPU The thread address space has excessive CPU utilization.


For additional information about
  • A different Db2 subsystem, data sharing group, or member of a data sharing group, enter the name of a Db2 subsystem, group, or member in the topmost row and press Enter.
  • related topics, select one of the options at the top of the panel.
  • other topics, use the PF keys.


Job Name
The name of the WLM stored procedure address space.
The address space identifier of the WLM stored procedure address space.
The percentage of CPU time utilized.
The number of connections.
The number of threads.
The elapsed time since the function thread was created or reused.
Planname or Package
The Db2 plan name (or package name) of the active thread. If you selected option T from the Realtime Main Menu, this panel shows the information by plan. If you selected option U, this panel shows the information by package.
The schema name of the user-defined function.
The name of the user-defined function.
This field is displayed if you are monitoring a DB2 subsystem or a data sharing member.
The CPU rate in percent that is attributable to the user-defined function thread.
This field is displayed if you are monitoring a data sharing group.
The name of the Db2 subsystem that is currently monitored.
The ASID of the WLM stored procedure address space in which the user-defined function is executing.
The correlation ID of the user-defined function.