Functions Thread Summary
This panel provides information about threads that are executing user-defined functions.
Each row provides information about an individual thread, including information about jobname, ASID, CPU utilization, number of connections and number of threads.
________________ ZRRSAT VTM O2 V540./C SN12 S 07/25/13 10:37:59 2
> Help PF1 Back PF3 Up PF7 Down PF8 Sort PF10 Zoom PF11
> T.K
> Thread Activity: Enter a selection letter on the top line.
> A-All-Idle B-TSO C-CICS D-IMS E-Background F-Dist Allied
> G-Dist DBAC H-Util I-Inact J-Filter *-Functions L-Stored Proc
> M-Triggers N-Sysplex O-Enclaves P-Worksta Q-All+Idle
> Functions Thread Summary
+ Job Name ASID CPU% Connection Threads
+ -------- ---- ----- ---------- -------
+ SN11STP1 0118 00.8 1 2
+ *
+ Elapsed Planname Schema Function CPU ASID CORRID
+ ---------- -------- -------- ------------------ ----- ---- ------------
+ 00:01:58.3 TDKUFUN DMSYSWLD FUN1 00.3% 0118 MIS301
+ 00:01:32.0 TDKUFUN DMSYSWLD FUN1 00.2% 0118 MIS302
The following table shows the fields that might be highlighted in the panel above to indicate that an exception exceeded its threshold value.Field | Exception | Reason |
Elapsed | ETIM | This thread has reached Elapsed Time threshold value. |
CPU | TCPU | The thread address space has excessive CPU utilization. |
For additional
information about
- A different Db2 subsystem, data sharing group, or member of a data sharing group, enter the name of a Db2 subsystem, group, or member in the topmost row and press Enter.
- related topics, select one of the options at the top of the panel.
- other topics, use the PF keys.
- Job Name
- The name of the WLM stored procedure address space.
- The address space identifier of the WLM stored procedure address space.
- CPU%
- The percentage of CPU time utilized.
- Connection
- The number of connections.
- Threads
- The number of threads.
- Elapsed
- The elapsed time since the function thread was created or reused.
- Planname or Package
- The Db2 plan name (or package name) of the active thread. If you selected option T from the Realtime Main Menu, this panel shows the information by plan. If you selected option U, this panel shows the information by package.
- Schema
- The schema name of the user-defined function.
- Function
- The name of the user-defined function.
- This field is displayed if you are monitoring a DB2 subsystem or a data sharing member.
- Db2
- This field is displayed if you are monitoring a data sharing group.
- The ASID of the WLM stored procedure address space in which the user-defined function is executing.
- The correlation ID of the user-defined function.