OMEGAMON XE for DB2 Performance Expert on z/OS, Version 5.2.0

About this publication

This information describes the realtime online monitor of the following products: It contains illustrations and descriptions of the realtime panels of the product's classic interface. This includes the Application Trace Facility panels and the panels that display near-term history data information.
Note: This information describes the online monitoring functions that are accessible through the OMEGAMON classic user interface (also called the VTAM® interface). Until equivalent functions become accessible through the OMEGAMON classic user interface, you might still have to refer to Monitoring Performance from ISPF.
For the most current version of this publication, always check the following websites:

For the technical changes in this edition, see What's new. Specific changes since the previous edition of this publication are indicated by a vertical bar (|) to the left of a change. Editorial changes that have no technical significance are not noted.

The product often provides context-related online help information that can be invoked from menus, panels, and windows by using the F1 key or the Help button. Online help information is not necessarily repeated in this information, especially if it is very detailed information that is of interest only when you actively work with a function. You are encouraged to use F1 or Help to see the entire available information.

Who should read this publication

This publication is intended for IBM data server professionals who want to analyze and tune the performance of a DB2 database management system.
