Step 4: Deploying the Decision Center WAR files

You copy the Decision Center archives to the applications directory of your Liberty profile server.


  1. Copy the <InstallDir>/teamserver/applicationservers/WLP855/teamserver.war file to <WLP_HOME>/usr/servers/<SERVER_NAME>/apps. The teamserver.war contains the Enterprise console.
  2. Copy the <InstallDir>/teamserver/applicationservers/WLP855/decisioncenter.war file to <WLP_HOME>/usr/servers/<SERVER_NAME>/apps. The decisioncenter.war contains the Business console.
    Important: Deploying the WAR files sets the persistence locale. After you save a rule to the database, you must not change the persistence locale. If you want to install Decision Center in a language other than English, see Setting the persistence locale.
  3. Open <WLP_HOME>/usr/servers/<SERVER_NAME>/server.xml.
  4. In the server configuration file, add the following code:
    1. To enable additional features that are required for Decision Center:
      <!-- Enable features -->
      Note: You may need to enable the version of these features by running a command such as:<WLP_HOME>/bin/installUtility install servlet-3.1 jsp-2.3 jdbc-4.1 appSecurity-2.0 jaxrs-1.1 concurrent-1.0 jndi-1.0 ssl-1.0.
    2. Tell the session management not to throw an exception for unauthorized requests, but to invalidate the session instead:
      <httpSession cookieName="DCSESSIONID" invalidateOnUnauthorizedSessionRequestException="true"/>
    3. To specify the address and port number on which the server listens:
      <httpEndpoint id="defaultHttpEndpoint"
    4. Make sure that your data source is defined as described in Step 2: Creating a data source and connection pool.
    5. Make sure that users, groups, and roles are included in accordance with your chosen approach to managing users (see Step 3: Configuring access to Decision Center).
    6. Define the configuration for the web container for all applications:
      <webContainer deferServletLoad="false" enableDefaultIsElIgnoredInTag="true" enableJspMappingOverride="true"/>

      Set deferServletLoad to false to load the application at deployment time (longer deployment time), or true to load at application first access (longer first access time). Set the other two options to true to ensure that JSP comes from the application.

    7. Set the classloader order to ParentLast for the Business console and Enterprise console applications, as follows:
      <!-- Business console -->
      <application type="war" id="decisioncenter" name="decisioncenter" location="${server.config.dir}/apps/decisioncenter.war">
          <classloader delegation="parentLast" />
      <!-- Enterprise console -->
      <application type="war" id="teamserver" name="teamserver" location="${server.config.dir}/apps/teamserver.war">
          <classloader delegation="parentLast" />
  5. Save the file.

What to do next

To verify the deployment of Decision Center, start your application server and then use your web browser to open the Decision Center consoles:
  • The URL to access the Enterprise console is http://localhost:<PORT_NUMBER>/teamserver. Set <PORT_NUMBER> to the port number for the web application. You can change the connector port in the server.xml file. If your browser is not running on the same host as the application server, replace localhost with the address of the host.
  • The URL to access the Business console is http://localhost:<PORT_NUMBER>/decisioncenter.

The sign-in page opens in your browser if you have correctly deployed Decision Center. You can now complete the Decision Center configuration in the next step.