Completing post-deployment tasks

After you install an ODM release, you want to verify its deployment.


  1. Check the status of the pods that are created by running the following command.
    $ kubectl get pods
    Table 1. Status of pods
    my-odm-prod-release-dbserver-*** (only present when you use an internal database) 1/1 Running 0 44m
    my-odm-prod-release-odm-decisioncenter-*** 1/1 Running 0 44m
    my-odm-prod-release-odm-decisionrunner-*** 1/1 Running 0 44m
    my-odm-prod-release-odm-decisionserverconsole-*** 1/1 Running 0 44m
    my-odm-prod-release-odm-decisionserverruntime-*** 1/1 Running 0 44m
  2. When all of the pods are Running and Ready, run the following command to display useful information to connect to the ODM applications.
    $ helm status release_name
    The command returns the following information:
    • The last deployment time.
    • The Kubernetes namespace where the release lives.
    • The state of the release: unknown, deployed, uninstalled, superseded, failed, uninstalling, pending-install, pending-upgrade, or pending-rollback.
    • Details about the last test suite run, if applicable.
    • Extra notes provided by the Helm chart.


To further debug and diagnose deployment problems in the Kubernetes cluster, run the kubectl cluster-info dump command.

For more information about how to check the state and recent events of your pods, see Troubleshooting.