Automated deployment of decision services

You can use headless deployment to automate deployment of decision services.

The plug-in contains the application, which you can use to deploy your decision services without the Eclipse user interface.

When you use the application, you specify as an argument a list of deployment configurations that follows the <RuleProjectName>?<DeploymentConfigurationPathStartingFromDefaultDeploymentDirectory> pattern.

For example: AutoQuote?Deployment to QA env refers to the AutoQuote/deployment/Deployment to QA env.dep workspace item, which is a deployment configuration.

You can specify all other optional command-line arguments that also apply to the Rule Designer build automation tool.

Only one optional command-line argument is limited to headless deployment: -serverFile <path to server import file>

For example: -serverFile D:\temp\server-list.xml

The argument specifies a file that contains server definitions to be imported in the workspace. The file format is the same as when you export a server file definition to the file system from the Rule Execution Server Connections view.

Deployment resources such as RuleApps and XOM archives are automatically generated in the default output folder of the associated decision service project.

For example:
  • The deployment configuration Deployment to QA env is defined in the AutoQuote decision service project.
  • The default output folder for the AutoQuote decision service project is set to /AutoQuote/output in the Rule Project Folders property.
  • When you deploy by using the Deployment to QA env deployment configuration, the corresponding RuleApp archive and possibly Java XOM resource archives are generated under the /AutoQuote/output directory.

All messages are logged to the Rule Designer console or to the command line.


You cannot deploy a managed Java XOM to a Rule Execution Server instance for which the Rule Execution Server console is not deployed. Likewise, you cannot use configurations where the persistence type is set to file or database for deploying a managed Java XOM. Both restrictions apply for manual and headless deployment.