Example queries
View example queries that use search patterns and regular expressions to search for entries.
Search patterns/regular expressions
The search patterns and regular expressions that you can use on a field depend on the Data Type of the fieldName. Check the IndexConfiguration to determine the Data Type of the fieldName that you want to query. The following table explains the search patterns that can be used for each Data Type.
IndexConfiguration Data Type |
IndexConfiguration settings |
Internal representation | Remarks | Search Pattern / Solr RegEx supported |
Searchable and (sortable and/or filterable)
string | String stores a word/sentence as an exact string without performing tokenization
etc. Commonly used for storing exact matches, for example, for faceting. |
<fieldName>:/<Apache solr regEx>/ OR <fieldName>:<search string> See Example 1 below. |
TEXT | Searchable | text_general | Text typically performs tokenization, and secondary processing (such as lower-casing
etc.). Used for all scenarios to match part of a sentence. |
<fieldName>:<search string> See Example 2 below. |
DOUBLE | Searchable | tdouble |
Square brackets indicate an inclusive range query where matching values include the upper and lower bound. Curly brackets indicate an exclusive range query where matching values are between the upper and lower bounds. This excludes the upper and lower bounds themselves. Using square brackets and curly brackets both types where one end of the range is exclusive and the other is exclusive |
<fieldName>:[ * TO *] <fieldName>:{ * TO * } <fieldName>:{ * TO * ] See Example 3 below. |
LONG | Searchable | tlong | As described in DOUBLE Data type in the row above. |
<fieldName>:[ * TO *] <fieldName>:{ * TO * } <fieldName>:{ * TO * ] |
DATE | Searchable | tdate | As described in DOUBLE Data type in the row above. |
<fieldName>:[ * TO *] <fieldName>:[ * TO * } Example: OrderDate: [2015-11-23T00:00:00Z TO 2016-11-24T00:00:00Z} |
Specifying a fieldName
+"Transaction id 1234" +"error code 456"
is equivalent to the
query+logRecord:"Transaction id 1234" +logRecord:"error code 456"
It is therefore important that you specify a fieldName in your query.
Example 1 (TEXT DataType, sortable and/or filterable)
Case1: Using the
Solr RegEx {fieldName}:/{Apache Solr RegEx Expr}/
in the
field that have a response time of more than 5 seconds, as in this
fieldContents: "Transaction 12345 has failed with response time of 10 seconds and error code of 6789."
syntax for querying using regular expressions is: {fieldName}:/{Apache Solr RegEx
SUMMARY:/.* ([6-9]|[1-9][0-9]) seconds.*6789\./
This query specifies that the fieldName SUMMARY is to be searched, and the Solr RegEx that must be matched in this field. The Solr RegEx specifies that it must be able to find a single digit integer in the range 6-9 OR two digits that range from 10-99, immediately followed by the character sequence ' seconds', and then a series of characters (.*) that ends with the character sequence '6789' (with escape \ for dot)
SUMMARY:/.* <6-99> seconds.*6789\./
Case2: Using a
regular Solr search pattern {fieldName}:{search string}
- the
field containserror code 6789
. - the
field containsmyhost.ibm.com
. - the
field does not containsysadmin
fieldContents: "Transaction 12345 has failed with response time of 10 seconds and error code 6789."
filedContents: myhost.ibm.com
filedContents: myhost.ibm.com
filedContents: remotehost.ibm.com
query for this example
is:+SUMMARY: "*error code 6789*" +HOSTNAME:myhost.ibm.com -USER:sysadmin
or+SUMMARY: "*error code 6789*" AND HOSTNAME:myhost.ibm.com NOT USER:sysadmin
Example 2 (TEXT DataType, without sortable and/or filterable)
- the
field contains6789
. - the
field containsTransaction 12345
. - the
field does not containsysadmin
fieldContents: "Transaction 12345 has failed with response time of 10 seconds and error code of 6789."
+SUMMARY:"error code 6789" +SUMMARY="Transaction 12345" -User:sysadmin
the text gets tokenized, multiple AND class should be used for the SUMMARY field.Note: Similar queries can be performed on fields with a TEXT DataType that are sortable and/or filterable.
Example 3 (Numeric DataTypes)
This is an example of range searches for a numeric (double or long) data type on the following entry.
The query + SerialNum:[3 TO 10]
returns records with a value from 3-10.
The query + SerialNum:{3 TO 10]
returns records with a value from 4-10.
The query + SerialNum:{3 TO 10}
returns records with a value from 4-9.
About Apache Solr regular expressions
Allowed characters
Any unicode characters can be used in Solr RegEx, but certain characters are reserved. The
reserved characters are: . ? + * | { } [ ] ( ) " \
If you enable optional features, (see below), then these characters may also be reserved:
# @ & < > ~
Any reserved characters must be escaped with a backslash (\),
backslash (\\)
Characters are interpreted 'literally' when they are surrounded by double quotes, (except double
quotes itself). For example, loganalysis"@developer.com"
The following regular expression are not supported by Solr RegEx:
start of string$
end of string\t
carriage return
The following table provides information on the operators that can be used in Solr RegEx.
Operators for Solr RegEx
Examples |
Match any character. |
For the string "loganalysis":
Match one or more. Use plus sign (+) to match preceding shortest pattern one or more times. |
For the string "sssooolllrrr":
Match zero or more. Use asterisk (*) to match preceding shortest pattern zero or more times. |
For the string "mmmnnn":
Match zero-or-one. Use question mark "?" to match preceding pattern zero or one time. |
For the string "yyyzzz":
Specify min to max. Use curly brackets ({}) to specify a minimum and (optionally) a maximum number of times that the preceding shortest pattern can repeat. The allowed forms are:
For the string "aaabbb":
Grouping. The quantity operators ({}) listed above operate on the shortest previous pattern, which can be a group. |
For the string "ababab":
Alternation. The match will succeed if the pattern on either the left-hand side OR the right-hand side matches. The alternation applies to the longest pattern, not the shortest. |
For the string "aabb":
Character classes. A leading ^ negates the character class. The allowed forms are:
For the string "abcd":
Optional Feature for Solr RegEx | Example |
For complement: Use tilde(~) to negate the shortest pattern next to it. For instance, "ab~cd" means: Starts with a Followed by b Followed by a string of any length that it anything but c Ends with d |
For the string "abcdef":
For interval: Use angle brackets (<>) to specify the numeric range |
For the string: "solr90":
For any string: Use @ to match any string in its entirety. This could be combined with the intersection and complement above to express "everything except". For example: @&~(solr.+) # anything except string beginning with "solr" |
- the Apache Solr documentation: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/7_5/index.html
- the Apache Solr forum: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/community.html